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July Wrasslin’ |OT| The Ring’s a Field, the Field of War, That’s Where We Lay the Law


I understand shilling your shit on TV, but shilling the WWE Network on the WWE Network MAKES NO SENSE!

I don't think everyone watching has the network although I do agree it's annoying.


So not worth it
Trial ended last monday, it was only a week.

I think PPV business is pretty much dead, especially for B-PPV's and the international viewers can't buy the Network to begin with so shilling it to Colombians isn't doing anything either.
I was at Battleground last night.

The crowd wasn't that great. They were hot for Adam Rose (or his intro), Ambrose, Swagger (or they just wanted to chant "USA"), Ziggler and Cena (because he's Cena LOL)

The ladies LOVED Roman Reigns, at least from where I was sitting.

I saw Cena shirts EVERYWHERE, not just the women and children but GROWN MEN were wearing them too.

I saw a lot of Macho Man shirts (more so than Hogan) and even a few Bullet Club shirts.

A guy two rows in front of me was wearing a Lance Storm ECW shirt. LOL.

Some chick complimented me on my nWo t-shirt. That was the highlight for me.
I was at Battleground last night.

The crowd wasn't that great. They were hot for Adam Rose (or his intro), Ambrose, Swagger (or they just wanted to chant "USA"), Ziggler and Cena (because he's Cena LOL)

The ladies LOVED Roman Reigns, at least from where I was sitting.

I saw Cena shirts EVERYWHERE, not just the women and children but GROWN MEN were wearing them too.

I saw a lot of Macho Man shirts (more so than Hogan) and even a few Bullet Club shirts.

A guy two rows in front of me was wearing a Lance Storm ECW shirt. LOL.

Some chick complimented me on my nWo t-shirt. That was the highlight for me.
Yeah the crowd didn't sound like they gave a shit most of the night. It was like everyone was sleep during the Bray/Jericho match. It wasn't some amazing match or anything, but c'mon.


Catching up on Battleground now and just finished up with the great Usos vs Wyatts (sans Bray) match, and lost my shit when I saw this:


Which GAFer was this?
Yep alot of older men do wear Seena shirts. My buddy bought one for himself and his kid took a Bryan shirt. I wanted to ghettoblast him every time he wore his Cena shirt.

E: Dipz, It was Mr Nelson with that sign


Legit Shook sign at PPV's now?

We on the come up yall, all we need now is for Trips, Vince, Steph or someone on creative to mention us and it's a wrap.


So not worth it
Not sure if it's been discussed already, but if at all possible, can you guys spoiler tag G1 results. I'm gonna try and watch it all, but I won't be able to watch it live, so I'd appreciate the fuck out of that.

Feel free to tell me how awesome matches were though. :D
Not sure if it's been discussed already, but if at all possible, can you guys spoiler tag G1 results. I'm gonna try and watch it all, but I won't be able to watch it live, so I'd appreciate the fuck out of that.

Feel free to tell me how awesome matches were though. :D

Yeah, I'd steer clear of the G1 thread - lots of un-tagged results in there. I'll remind people to keep spoilers hidden for the next show.


Yeah, I'd steer clear of the G1 thread - lots of un-tagged results in there. I'll remind people to keep spoilers hidden for the next show.

Can't see why it wouldn't be fine in the G1 thread itself, easier to follow along as you watch even live and you really shouldn't be going in there if you're not watching at the time.

In here, I could see why it should be tagged for sure.
Why? Really enjoyed the Swagger match and Ambrose just kicking the shit out of Seth. Been the most fun I've had with a PPV in a while so far.
I will be skipping to the finish of the main event

Welp, different strokes for different folks...

IMO the entire Ambrose/Rollins stuff was a cop out to get out of a match they put on the card (and was the final segment on Smackdown), but didn't actually want to do. Do an injury angle or something, not a ridiculous "you attacked my guy backstage jeopardizing my "plan", so I'm kicking you out of the building, even though that plan NEVER materialized because my guy was leaving before the show even ended". SLOPPY

Swagger and Rusev was OK, but another cop out ending to push things along until Summerslam


This PPV was Dungeon of Doom-era WCW bad. The opener was good, but that's just like the old Cruiser matches WCW put on, and those were often better. Give me Rey/Juvi over Usos/Wyatts.

If Summerslam does not deliver, not paying for WWEN for at least a few months if not longer

I think we tend to overrate NJPW a little git to justify the exorbitant prices we pay. Much like a pair of Jordan's or Marvel Comics.

Not a chance. The last four matches on today's show were all four star and above matches and I defy anyone to name a show from the past few months with as much quality on a single card. Well worth the price of admission and I'd be saying the same had I paid the full $25.

In comparison, the Dragon Gate show yesterday was pretty lacklustre and I kinda wish I hadn't bothered.


So not worth it
Wait, there was a Adam Rose segment in this PPV?

I skipped past most of it and with the horrible slider on the website (seriously, how can you not make a slider that's precise and just skips forward or backwards 3-5 minutes from the actual point you put it on? HOW?) I must've skipped past it? It's especially noticable since my Chrome started having Flash-crashes every 15 minutes and I keep having to reload and find where I left off.

I'm assuming it was only a 3 minute segment here.
Yeah that AJ/Paige match was... Not so good, sloppy, many botches, hesitation and some clear miscommunication. I know AJ is short but for some reason this is the first time it really registered how small she is and made me say "ga-damn", Paige looked like a giant. Pretty sure she's the smallest woman on the main roster at least until Alexis Bliss gets called up.

Quick question: does anyone here actually like the USA chants?

Cheapest heat a face in the US can get, Jim Duggan made a career out of it.


Trying to remember the last time there was a good "uncontrollable face going apeshit through the crowd and backstage to attack slimy heel repeatedly" and all that's coming to mind is Savage eliminating himself at Royal Rumble to get to Jake. I haven't been following, but what's the motivator for Rollins and Ambrose fighting, just that they're not homeboys any more?


Trying to remember the last time there was a good "uncontrollable face going apeshit through the crowd and backstage to attack slimy heel repeatedly" and all that's coming to mind is Savage eliminating himself at Royal Rumble to get to Jake. I haven't been following, but what's the motivator for Rollins and Ambrose fighting, just that they're not homeboys any more?

...Rollins stabbed him in the back and destroyed the group that dominated for 2 years just to side with The Authority?


So not worth it
...Rollins stabbed him in the back and destroyed the group that dominated for 2 years just to side with The Authority?

Plus Ambrose had MITB in the pocket and got cheated out of that win by Kane in favor of Rollins.

It's a pretty cut-and-dry story really, no complaints there.


Listening to Review-a-Wai from LAW. They're talking about a 2000-era Nitro. Pollock is losing his shit over how terrible it was. LOL. Even said that TNA's worst is so much better than WCW's worst and that 2000s Nitros were awful.


I skipped the main event to the end and I saw the finish... Then where I was watching still had 10 minutes to go, so waited while Cena was celebrating for something...

... Then it showed that they just appended the post-show to it.


Saw up the PPV up until the ending of Jericho-Bray Wyatt's match. Such an uneventful show. The tag match was really good, although it really didn't need to be 2/3 falls. Two pinfalls were a running boot (?) and a roll up. The third was a lineup of big spots followed up kickouts and finally a double splash. Too many big moments and false finishes but good overall. AJ-Paige was terrible - both getting out/kicking out of each other's finishers with sloppy flow throughout, commentary was joking about things the entire time and the crowd could give no shits. Swagger-Rusev was okay at best. Ending was fine, since it'll go into SummerSlam. But Swagger is a bore. Without Zeb I wouldn't know where that feud would be. Rusev had a better contest against Big E, but Jack "I give concussions/injuries to other guys but still get pushes" Swagger gets another chance on a big show. Jericho winning made sense because it's not a proper feud if he outright loses all the time.


I'm a bit surprised at how many people got crazy mad at dream for that. I thought i was the only one who hadn't seen it so i didn't really care

He didn't just spoil an episode. He spoiled a huge moment which was basically the series finale. Technically it was the episode before the finale. But anyone who is familiar with the show knows that the most important events of each season always happen on the second to last episode of each season.

The reason he did it still kills me...
The main event finish felt so filleriffic (as did the PPV but that's expected), I mean it basically ended the same way the MitB ladder match ended only with a pinfall instead of climbing a ladder If I'm remembering correctly though all things Cena sort of blend together so who knows.
Fans didn't seem to be really behind anyone strongly in that main event including Reigns, hmm.
Alas that was likely the end of Kane events in 2014, he went out the way he entered them, eating the pinfall, I'm also wondering now if he's had to knock the flying clothesline out of his moveset which really tells me its time to wrap it up otherwise he'll have a moveset as minimal as Reigns.

Opening tag match was the highlight even if too reliant on near falls, granted it took a while to get into seeing as I'm sure I've seen the same guys fight every week for the past two months, reminds me that the sudden abandonment once more of an expanded tag team division is a damn shame.

If things don't pick up for Summerslam then this will be the first time in a while that the Summer period for WWE has lacked something genuinely compelling, is this the price we pay for actually having a decent Wrestlemania for once?! apparently so.


Yeah that AJ/Paige match was... Not so good, sloppy, many botches, hesitation and some clear miscommunication. I know AJ is short but for some reason this is the first time it really registered how small she is and made me say "ga-damn", Paige looked like a giant. Pretty sure she's the smallest woman on the main roster at least until Alexis Bliss gets called up.

Cheapest heat a face in the US can get, Jim Duggan made a career out of it.

I wish WWE had bigger women wrestling. AJ and Paige look they should be cosplaying Oreimo chars at an anime con or something. (you know AJ and/or paige would make a good Kuroneko)

I miss the days of Medusa- who had talent and size. Even Beth Phoenix wasn't that big. I think WWE is just afraid of having their girl wrestlers be taller than Bryan.


So not worth it
Even if I like them both?

Some botched spot, crowd didn't care much (until the end when there was a mild dueling chant). Wasn't great, but wasn't as bad as some people make it out to be.

Nothing special, but if you're into them it's definitely watchable.
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