Fave Five non-wrestling 'wrestlers' (not counting guys like The Rock with extensive wrestling history)
5. K-Fed
4. Shaq
3. Regis Philbin
2. Lawrence Taylor
1. Dennis Rodman
This list is missing ICP and Pete Rose.
Fave Five non-wrestling 'wrestlers' (not counting guys like The Rock with extensive wrestling history)
5. K-Fed
4. Shaq
3. Regis Philbin
2. Lawrence Taylor
1. Dennis Rodman
Just thought it was a bit odd to use the same reasoning 6 months down the line.Not surprised Jimmy's turning heel elsewhere, his run in PROGRESS has shown he's got a knack for playing the bastard, so it only makes sense to bring the act to other promotions and it works well for ICW, where he has quite a history.
I've been meaning to check out ICW - I like that they don't use a ton of imports, but wouldn't mind a few more 'names' from the British wrestling scene on their shows.
So explain to me how Brock comes back and Cena isn't even there? I read he's in New York for a movie...isn't that a waste of Brock?
Flo Rida was performing on a TV taping, it might have been Tribute to the Troops. I can't remember the exact show. Anyway, he was rehearsing his performance during the day and started practicing his song "Whistle." Kevin (Dunn) was a HUGE fan of this song. So much so that after the rehearsal was done, Kevin was singing it the entire rest of the day. We heard that all day. He even did the whistle part of the song. What is even funnier to me is that I don't really think Kevin knows the song is about getting your dick sucked.
It's going to be Ziggler.No Cena, no Bryan, Reigns being protected. Sounds like Dean Ambrose is catching a beating from Brock tonight, friends.
This list is missing ICP and Pete Rose.
Her name is Paige Turner. She's a wrestling librarian who is a shoot librarian. She works primarily the Texas indies.
Who's this scrawny goof? He'll never amount to anything in this biz, brother;
Thank's for coming, Rick;
Did Regal get some work done?CM Punk is in Downtown Cleveland hosting the Red Carpet for the Alternative Press Music Awards.
I had to work last night so I watching Battlegrounds right now. One question did Sandow piss someone off? Why does he keep coming out in crazy/stupid out fits?
ICP should be on there. Mostly for their out of the ring contributions. I'm not as fond of the Pete Rose stuff as other people are.
What is Mr. Perfect's ref attire at Wrestlemania X?
If he pissed someone off, he'd be off TV completely. They feel a need to have comedy on the card, and just for whatever reason think this is working for him.
Fave Five non-wrestling 'wrestlers' (not counting guys like The Rock with extensive wrestling history)
5. K-Fed
4. Shaq
3. Regis Philbin
2. Lawrence Taylor
1. Dennis Rodman
It's because Damien Sandow isn't funny. He's not good.I guess you're right. Just seems crazy. Don't get me wrong comedy wrestling is some of the best wrestling but I don't find this that funny. Oh well, to continue with this lacking pay per view! I will say I really like the Tag match. Best match so far for me.
Muhammad Ali? Mr. T? Andy Kaufman?
How much?
Free, as long as you have a cable/satellite subscription that has a deal with FX. They currently have deals with over 60 percent of cable companies.
Basically if you currently have access to the FX Now app, you'll have access to this.
Damn that's awesome, and now I'm wishing for an international deal. I'd pay for Simpsons Backlog on 24/7 available stream.
Nah, nah, yes. Regis is in there more as his out-of-the-ring stuff for me. I know a lot of wrestlers consider him the first mainstream tv personality who took them seriously.
ICP have crossed the border and I classify them as actual part time wrestlers. They're basically Mongo/Kevin GreenThis list is missing ICP and Pete Rose.
I'm just saying my favorites, not necessarily the best. The people I enjoyed the most. Like K-Fed throwing money on the ring after he won the match. and all those interviews LT did talking smack about Bam Bam.You may be to young to remember, but Mr. T was a pretty big deal at the time. I'd thrown in Cyndi Lauper in to the Top 10 of all time as well.
I'm just saying my favorites, not necessarily the best. The people I enjoyed the most. Like K-Fed throwing money on the ring after he won the match. and all those interviews LT did talking smack about Bam Bam.
Free, as long as you have a cable/satellite subscription that has a deal with FX. They currently have deals with over 60 percent of cable companies.
Basically if you currently have access to the FX Now app, you'll have access to this.
I do expect it to have commercials. Which might be the WWE Network's next step: Following the (ugh) Hulu model, paid subscription + commercials.
ICP have crossed the border and I classify them as actual part time wrestlers. They're basically Mongo/Kevin Green
kolten Trent1 week ago
I hope umaga reads this. My name is kilten trent. Add me on face book but umaga is a low life fat ass that has no friends and is a dick. If u read this umaga i want u to add me on facebook and i will give u my adress
I laughed so hard at this.The man was a one of the horsemen.
So ICP is basically Arn and Flair.
During last night's WWE Battleground pay-per-view event, The Miz won the Battle Royal to become the new Intercontinental Champion. He eliminated Dolph Ziggler, who thought he had won and didn't realize The Miz had been hiding out on the floor.
The original plan was for Ziggler to win the Battle Royal, but it was decided on Tuesday at a production meeting to give it to The Miz instead. The change was made because Miz will be doing a lot of media appearances over the next few weeks and has The Marine 4 coming out as well.
JR's interviewing Stan Hansen for his podcast on Tuesday night and is looking for people to send him questions;
I still think it'll be the last big score for Netflix. Ever since Star Trek, I've been waiting for Seinfeld and Simpsons full series to show up. Or on Amazon prime. I'd also like to see all of MST3K, but I know that can be a licensing nightmare.
CM Punk is in Downtown Cleveland hosting the Red Carpet for the Alternative Press Music Awards.
Phil been buying his suits from Cena's tailor.
Guy looks weird without the beard.