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July Wrasslin’ |OT| The Ring’s a Field, the Field of War, That’s Where We Lay the Law

No snarky rebellious gimmick shit on this one: Say Bryan really only can return until October, you think the audience will forget about him and move on? Will he be the selling point for the next round of Network subscriptions? MITB reactions are kinda making me feel that his star is fading. Much to the joy of everyone here.

How dare you make a bicycle joke. You piece of shit.

Bryan cant come back and be Mr happy go lucky Cena jr. he really needs to be mr intensty. comeback completly different.
No snarky rebellious gimmick shit on this one: Say Bryan really only can return until October, you think the audience will forget about him and move on? Will he be the selling point for the next round of Network subscriptions? MITB reactions are kinda making me feel that his star is fading. Much to the joy of everyone here.

Bryan has the advantage of being the best wrestler on the roster but his character is terrible and that's what counts in the WWE. He looks especially terrible next to Ambrose who is a babyface now but gets to be a badass and have an actual individual identity. If Bryan comes back as Cena Jr., which seems to be the plan judging by his MITB promo, then he's fucked.

BHZ Mayor

No snarky rebellious gimmick shit on this one: Say Bryan really only can return until October, you think the audience will forget about him and move on? Will he be the selling point for the next round of Network subscriptions? MITB reactions are kinda making me feel that his star is fading. Much to the joy of everyone here.

How dare you make a bicycle joke. You piece of shit.

They're not gonna forget about him. In fact if they keep him off TV, he's gonna get a huge pop when he returns, but I doubt that matters. He's not getting another run. I personally think it would have been over by Summerslam either way. I'm sure he's probably shouldering some blame for the stock drop as well, despite ratings saying otherwise. But that could just be me being cynical.
Bryan cant come back and be Mr happy go lucky Cena jr. he really needs to be mr intensty. comeback completly different.

He was never gonna be THE guy, I simply cannot understand why the fuck they wanted that out of him. With his look and that attitude, it's obvious he has his share of haters. Ignorance plays it's part but the way he's treated and what he was given warranted it. Un fucking acceptable.

breh Reigns gonna sit atop the goddamn mountain and if it takes sacrificing Brock so be it. Reigns is the return of 5.0 ratings and ring rats in every hotel room.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Bryan has the advantage of being the best wrestler on the roster but his character is terrible and that's what counts in the WWE. He looks especially terrible next to Ambrose who is a babyface now but gets to be a badass and have an actual individual identity. If Bryan comes back as Cena Jr., which seems to be the plan judging by his MITB promo, then he's fucked.

John Cena is the best Wrestler on the roster, friend.

He's a 15 time champion.
From what I've been hearing, it depends on how the crowd reacts to Bryan when he's back. If it's less than it has been, upper midcard. If it's where it was, main event still. Ambrose is viewed basically where Bryan was a year ago. A good hand, but not a main event star.


love on your sleeve
Outside of Scumbag Dean Ambrose, no one else at MITB was even close to Bryan's reaction. Where is the talk of fans forgetting him even coming from?


Man a lot happened today in this thread... trying to catch up on it all and saw Emma got fired and then she's back?! Did they send people to help Brad Maddox yet? He's dying in that cave. I hope someone finds him. Maybe he's being molded by the darkness to be a better Bane
NOAH 24.04.2005 - Minoru Suzuki & Naomichi Marufuji vs Mitsuharu Misawa & Kotaro Suzuki



Yes this is a 619

Young bucks in the wrong faction


Man, I missed out on a lot of shit going on today.

Emma getting arrested, fired, and rehired...among other things.

Add to the fact that I also shaved most of the beard I'd been growing the last three months and had a crazy day, and shit's been bonkers.
He was never gonna be THE guy, I simply cannot understand why the fuck they wanted that out of him. With his look and that attitude, it's obvious he has his share of haters. Ignorance plays it's part but the way he's treated and what he was given warranted it. Un fucking acceptable.

yea he should not have been the underdog anymore. biggest problem right now is that Bryan has comeptitoon between. Bray, ambrose, Regins and Cena.


love on your sleeve
And you know Brock, being so athletic and unselfish, will make Roman look amazing.

They really want to give Lesnar a 7 month title reign when he's only going to appear sporadically? The only correct title match for Wrestlemania is Seth Rollins (c) vs. Roman Reigns vs. Scumbag Dean Ambrose. Who's with me, friends?!
Here are some short news bits from this week's Observer:

They are planning on crowning Reigns at Mania 31 by beating Lesnar and becoming the new top star of the company above Cena.

Cesaro's recent losses are not to demote him, but he's probably winning the IC title.

Jericho's deal to work with Wyatt was made last Friday. He had requested to work with Bryan before Wrestlemania season but plans had to change and he backed out because he couldn't have Wyatt either.

Bryan's status with the company going forward as far as being a main eventer depends on how the crowd reacts to him upon returning. If he's back for Summerslam, by god he's burying Kane.

The Shield is expected to have short reunion runs once every couple of years.

Tough Enough begins shooting this week.

More budget cuts are coming, both in talent, production and other areas of the company.

Monday Night War & WCW Nitro are set to debut in early fall, tentatively the first week of October taking over Total Divas' current timeslot on the Network.
i already mentioned this here, but see how our sports entertainment of choice are so deeply connected:

Vale Tudo Japan, the parent company of Shooto, is the first of what would be called modern MMA. The rules were different, but it dates back to 1985, when Satoru Sayama, the original Tiger Mask, formed the promotion as a shoot, running small events at Korakuen Hall, after the first Japanese UWF went down.


They are planning on crowning Reigns at Mania 31 by beating Lesnar and becoming the new top star of the company above Cena.

I'm looking forward to Roman Reigns, John Cena, and Randy Orton at the top of the food chain.

If only Cody Rhodes got to be there too.


Bryan cant come back and be Mr happy go lucky Cena jr. he really needs to be mr intensty. comeback completly different.
If Bryan is coming back near the end of the year, WWE should be smart and just make his storyline go to Wrestlemania. No point not doing that because they have a natural build for it then. They can wait on Reigns for another time. He's young and there's nothing wrong with him taking the title at some point earlier than Wrestlemania 32, like Summerslam next year. Bryan is the big star right now so they should go with the flow. This is where they messed up with Cena by putting him on Raw in 2005 when they probably should've waited another year or so. Crowd backlash happened quickly then. They can run into the same problem with Reigns especially since Bryan is the one fans want right now.

Lesnar beats Cena for the title at Summerslam.

Night of Champions, it's Cena vs. Lesnar vs. Batista. Have Batista pin Cena and take the title. That's a huge match to book, Wrestlemania main event worthy, and it's around when their subcriptions lapse. Lesnar will be gone until next year but still look strong.

Hell in a Cell, Batista vs. Cena one final time with Batista walking out the winner again.

Survivor Series and TLC are basically filler anyway so you can just use it to build more heat for Brotista.

If Rock returns, Royal Rumble can be him vs. Batista with Lesnar interfering and allowing Batista to win. This helps set up Rock/Brock which they were originally going to do at Wrestlemania 30.

Elimination Chamber, it's Batista vs. Cena vs. Orton vs. The Rock vs. Lesnar vs. Reigns. Rock eliminates Lesnar, Lesnar screws Rock.

Then from there, you have multiple options.

Either Batista wins and you have Batista/Bryan which has a built in storyline.

Rock/Brock, Cena/Reigns and you could even set up Rollins/Triple H which would be a good way to build up Rollins further to cash his title shot in the following months.

Essentially, if Bryan is returning at the end of the year or before Royal Rumble 2015, he should be one half of the title picture at Wrestlemania because fans will want that above everything else. He has a built in storyline against Batista, or a new one can be created against either Cena or Lesnar. He has multiple options but it needs to be one of those three he's facing.

I think Cena should be putting over Reigns next year, title match or not. It's clear WWE is putting everything behind Reigns, so Wrestlemania against Cena would be a good final test. A one-off match with Cena losing, and then you can build up to a re-match at a future Wrestlemania or Summerslam but they should do it like they did with the original Batista/Cena and Triple H/Cena rivalries. Only reserved for the big shows.

WWE needs to have the mentality they had back a decade ago which is that you need more than one guy. I'm confident Reigns will have a huge backlash if he's walking out with the title at Wrestlemania and Bryan is still around for that period. Bryan is still the most over star and even though he had his 'moment', it was cut short. I really don't think they need to wait to see the fan reaction because it doesn't take a genius to see what will happen come Wrestlemania season. Fans will be wanting him to do what he should've done this year, win the Royal Rumble.

Give Bryan his time, use the next year to bring Roman up there also along with Rollins and Ambrose. Rollins I think would benefit greatly from a slow burn turn against The Authority for Wrestlemania 31. His moveset and risk taking also works best as a face. It's an easy storyline to get him really over.


I like when they plan out exactly how things are going to go, star wise, in this business that's reliant on unpredictable crowd reactions. How'd their WM plan this year go again?
Remember fellas: This time last year, CM Punk was expected to win the Royal Rumble and face Orton for the title at Wrestlemania.

Then they got Batista back, and the plan was then Batista vs Orton at Wrestlemania.

Plans change.
I have zero worries about Daniel Bryan other than the hope he gets over his injury as soon as possible one.

The crowd love the guy, it wont be forgotten. This is a guy who was shat on forever by his own employers, people who actively went out of their way to try and make you not like him - like this guy instead... please? And that just made the support for mah boy D-Bry louder, the fans forcibly hijacked shows (so awesome) and made them change their biggest PPV of the year plans, I can't imagine that happens very often.

He's off screen for awhile then randomly comes back in a nothing segment and gets the biggest reaction of the night while telling a trolling child molester to f**k off.

Fans like what they like, CM Punk chants will never go away. Guys like Jericho will keep getting a pop reaction despite last few runs being lame anyway.

Daniel Bryan's actual return is gonna be huge. They already have the built in "you never beat me for the title" story that an already cheering for the under-dog/oppressed guy loving crowd will fully embrace.
why would the crowd turn against Reigns? dude gets like 10 minutes of airtime in a 3 hour show. it's been building up perfectly. just add a pumphandle slam, butterfly suplex and a couple of subs and he's set.
I'd say Vince is insane if he thinks at any point from any amount of pressure that Bryan can get a bigger moment than this past Mania, but Vince has always been insane, so this wouldn't change things

Man God

Non-Canon Member
He would most certainly get an even bigger reaction if he beats Brock at the end of a brutal match at WM XXXI

Big One

no way Reigns is going to become the new top star. He doesn't even have a gimmick yet to get over. Reigns will end up being a Randy Orton/Batista kind of guy at best, but we already have both available for that role anyway.


I don't expect Reigns to live up to WWE's "next Cena" expectations, but they will book according to said expectations so you're in for a lot of Reigns for the next six months.


I wonder if Jack Swagger will be allowed to say anything beyond "We the people" during this Rusev feud. I think hearing his voice for the first time just a week before the PPV could have a pretty powerful impact. In the meantime, I think Zeb will do a wonderful job holding it down on the mic. I just wonder how much mileage they can get out of the Real American gimmick, and how many different promos Zeb can cut before repeating himself. Although I suppose that never stopped Duggan or Hogan.


Verendus putting Bryan over.

What just happened? Hug me man.

Nothing happened. He still fucking sucks outside of the ring.

I just want the best card possible. It's not like I wanted Orton/Batista this year. I refused to believe that was even being considered until the Elimination Chamber PPV finished. I didn't think WWE could be that stupid and was sure Batista would end up facing either Lesnar or Bryan. I, ideally, wanted Cena/Undertaker, Batista/Lesnar, Bryan/Triple H/Orton/CM Punk.

This year, it's best to just give fans part of what they want. And that will be Bryan winning the Royal Rumble. From there, you either have a natural rivalry with Batista. Or a big time match with Lesnar or Cena.

But for the sake of maximising the PPV, I'd want Cena/Reigns, Batista/Bryan, Rock/Brock, and Rollins/Triple H. Undertaker will obviously be back so he can face Wyatt or Orton. If Rock doesn't return, then I'd want Cena/Reigns, Lesnar/Bryan, Batista/Triple H, Rollins/Orton.

I don't think Rollins has a long-term shelf life as a heel so it's best to use this alliance with The Authority to slowly turn him face. If done well, they could have a legit star next year in him.

All of this partly depends on how well they book Reigns, Rollins and Ambrose over the next 6 months too. Ain't gonna be any use if they look shit by January. It's easy to kill momentum as evident from Cesaro. He shouldn't be anywhere near a World title right now for example.
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