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July Wrasslin' |OT| All this G1 talk is making me Climax.

But he kept calling Bushi Evil, and again totally fucking up move names. Who should it be ok? Vince would have literally walked out and dragged him off the mic himself but the worst for me was no emotion for some fantastic spots.
When I watched night 2 in native Japanese it was like coming home, with commentary losing their shit
Maybe NJPW should have provided him with better information.


Oh and Kaho Kobayashi is easily the most endearing and likable underdog babyface in the joshi graps today

But he kept calling Bushi Evil, and again totally fucking up move names. Who should it be ok? Vince would have literally walked out and dragged him off the mic himself

You get the big name over accurate commentary. For "Baby's First NJPW Show" I have no problem with that decision. That worked back when he called WK9 too.

Edit: As someone mentioned above, the shitty camera and audio work made the show look way more unprofessional than JR calling Bushi Evil


The camera work on that show worse than the commentary.

Also, I'd rather ignore shitty English commentary than have to hear to something in another language that I can't understand. I doesn't matter if it's self-explanatory or not. I would just lose interest in the show.

The darndest thing happens the more you immerse yourself in other countries' wrestling. Once you dig deep enough and you watch enough, you don't even mind when there's no commentary. At least that's been my experience.

Maybe NJPW should have provided him with better information.

? It's his job to know this stuff. His actual job that he was hired to do. People cut him a lot of slack and deservedly so when he did Wrestle Kingdom a couple years ago but he's been calling NJPW rebroadcasts for well over a year. Either he just doesn't give a fuck or he can't keep up. I'm sure it's the latter so I put that more on whoever gave the greenlight to have him call the show.


Is this enough to get some of the people who stopped watching back? Or is the damage done?

Personally, the damage is done and The Maharatings killer ended my faith in SD.

Damage is kinda done. I'm still following this thread, less than I used to, but I cannot think of anything they would ever do - would, not could - that would get me interested like I was for a little while there. I feel like I've seen their entire bag of tricks now. KO as WWE champ would just be the same as it was when he was Universal champ, shite.
Damage is kinda done. I'm still following this thread, less than I used to, but I cannot think of anything they would ever do - would, not could - that would get me interested like I was for a little while there. I feel like I've seen their entire bag of tricks now. KO as WWE champ would just be the same as it was when he was Universal champ, shite.

I loved his Universal Title Run except how it ended


I loved his Universal Title Run except how it ended

I just wasn't interested in another long heel title run. They're all the same, and it was really just an inferior version of Rollins run, which was long. By the time it got to KO having the belt it was just...this, again. HHH was even involved for periods, KO wore a suit, cheated in every match. At least Rollins had some really good matches during his run, like vs Cena at Summerslam or the triple threat with Cena and Brock. KO wasn't allowed to have any good matches. I cannot think of anything that stood out about KO's universal run at all except Jericho, and that had pretty much nothing to do with him being the champ.


I just wasn't interested in another long heel title run. They're all the same, and it was really just an inferior version of Rollins run, which was long. By the time it got to KO having the belt it was just...this, again. HHH was even involved for periods, KO wore a suit, cheated in every match. At least Rollins had some really good matches during his run, like vs Cena at Summerslam or the triple threat with Cena and Brock. KO wasn't allowed to have any good matches. I cannot think of anything that stood out about KO's universal run at all except Jericho, and that had pretty much nothing to do with him being the champ.
You're not wrong. I look back more favorably on Owens' NXT title reign because he was brought up to the main roster as champ, had some amazing matches with Sami and beat Cena clean at Elimination Chamber.
He was booked like a bad ass... at least for a little while.


I am going to not get too happy about the Styles win until after the inevitable rematch is in the books.
I just wasn't interested in another long heel title run. They're all the same, and it was really just an inferior version of Rollins run, which was long. By the time it got to KO having the belt it was just...this, again. HHH was even involved for periods, KO wore a suit, cheated in every match. At least Rollins had some really good matches during his run, like vs Cena at Summerslam or the triple threat with Cena and Brock. KO wasn't allowed to have any good matches. I cannot think of anything that stood out about KO's universal run at all except Jericho, and that had pretty much nothing to do with him being the champ.

HHH was barely a blip in Owens' reign, once at the start and once towards the end, 80% of it was golden work with Jericho and really good matches against Reigns and Rollins.

His match against Reigns at the Rumble was excellent, his match with Rollins on Raw where Sin Cara wore a Chris Jericho mask and attacked Rollins was great.

Owens as Universal and AJ as WWE champions was the golden


You're not wrong. I look back more favorably on Owens' NXT title reign because he was brought up to the main roster as champ, had some amazing matches with Sami and beat Cena clean at Elimination Chamber.
He was booked like a bad ass... at least for a little while.

The frustrating thing about it is, when he turned on Jericho, they had it all set up perfectly for him to return/reveal himself to be that evil bastard who always takes things too far and hurts people after matches. He had that long spotlight promo the week after and acted cold, no hint of the comedy, and they could have run with that and made him the kind of sick, screaming rageball in his matches that would actually probably have gotten him over as a heel if they had a good face - and they, in Jericho. Instead he lost the title a few weeks later in a squash match against Goldberg and went on to have a boring match with Jericho with the heat, somehow, taken out of it. Just never went anywhere.

I dunno what he's doing now except he's been US champ doing some anti-US gimmick. Doesn't sound like it's been too great either.
I can totally see WWE brass putting Ciampa and Gargano into 205, rather than main roster

Which on one hand would be ok, but 205 as a brand needs to be buried and they should just have cruiserweights mix into the flow of RAW/Smackdown and just have them wrestle at their full skill....

but they can't because RAW is 85% soap opera and 15% wrestling, so they need as much time as possible for promos
I can totally see WWE brass putting Ciampa and Gargano into 205, rather than main roster

Which on one hand would be ok, but 205 as a brand needs to be buried and they should just have cruiserweights mix into the flow of RAW/Smackdown and just have them wrestle at their full skill....

but they can't because RAW is 85% soap opera and 15% wrestling, so they need as much time as possible for promos

I mean that's assuming 205 exists y the time they get called up

Not the BSS vs LDRS I was after, but it'll more than do. Means Pete Dunne is free for Marafuji 👀👀👀

In PWG news:
Chuckie T is the new PWG Champion

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
I want the CW division to die as soon as possible so we can get some Neville feuds with bigger stars. I really want current Neville to get a big push outside of the CW division.


Good Art™
I mean surprise huose show title change are fun ok but what would you do that when a ppv is just around the corner for christ sake..

Isn't it better to have AJ win the title at battleground ? What's the point..
I wonder what's the reason for that panick button here..

Also AJ is mentioning Gable an awful lot.

And about Owens, he's certainly booked less and less like a threat to anyone. He can barely win a match against any face nowadays. People were telling me i was crazy about my worries, but just look at where we are now. Owens, as a character, is not meant to be a competitive heel who can be strong. He's the jobber heel who cheats, and that's it.

And people think that's doesn't count, but it does.
See, when Joe is booked midly strong, but he's still fresh, people have a small hope he can be booked as a threat to Lesnar. Owens right now, would not be booked as a threat to any big face. Hell if he has a program against Cena, now, it'll be realllly different than when he debuted.

And that means the crowd is not really believing him as a threat neither anymore. So you just can't book him in big competitive battles anymore. That also means, he won't have incredible matches against nakamura or Styles soon, cause those matches are only really good when there is a face/face dynamic,at least in the ring, with both wrestlers being generous with their moves. Owens had matches like that with Styles when they were both fresh, but now, Owens being installed in his fatty arrogant undeserving cheater, you won't see that anymore.

So they basically just killed his ring cred for the audience, and the hype of seeing him in big matches.That's what WWE does. They crush talents
I mean he just had a really great match against Styles two months ago.

And at the height of JeriKO he was having great matches with Rollins and Reigns.

He's also funny as fuck and a great talker. He doesn't need to be a badass to be entertaining.

Side note that Friend Zone thread is really starting to deliver


Good Art™
I mean he just had a really great match against Styles two months ago.

And at the height of JeriKO he was having great matches with Rollins and Reigns.

He's also funny as fuck and a great talker. He doesn't need to be a badass to be entertaining.

Yes sure, i love people who are like "hey he's so funny, he could be a commentator i would be happy". Fuck that, he's a wrestler, and one of the best. This is an insane wasted potential if he has to be the cheap heel.

And the Styles match 2 months ago was super tepid compared to what they can do i'm sorry. Just look for their iron man match in some house show a while ago. The reason of that is the booking. When you have Cena/Styles, Nakamura/Styles, it's dat "BIG LEGENDARY MATCH OMG OMG" where everything is possible and it's super tight etc.. But Owens against those guys is just there to make them look good now.
The first step to saving the Cruiserweight division is to stop rename it to the BRUISERWEIGHT division

I want the CW division to die as soon as possible so we can get some Neville feuds with bigger stars. I really want current Neville to get a big push outside of the CW division.

There's perfectly capable people in 205 who can put on some matches the level Neville has, they're just being held back. I'm not saying that to be a smark, we've seen them in CWC and other promotions put on great matches (Gallagher & Metalik for example).

Renaming it Bruiserweight would be dumb too. Leave that to Dunne and his persona in the ring.
Yes sure, i love people who are like "hey he's so funny, he could be a commentator i would be happy". Fuck that, he's a wrestler, and one of the best. This is an insane wasted potential if he has to be the cheap heel.

And the Styles match 2 months ago was super tepid compared to what they can do i'm sorry. Just look for their iron man match in some house show a while ago. The reason of that is the booking. When you have Cena/Styles, Nakamura/Styles, it's dat "BIG LEGENDARY MATCH OMG OMG" where everything is possible and it's super tight etc.. But Owens against those guys is just there to make them look good now.

I mean who said that?

I said he was entertaining and still puts on good matches.

You basically want NJPW out of WWE but you aren't going to get that. Owens is consistently entertaining and consistently given lots of time to be so.

His performance on Talking Smack a few weeks ago was some of the best WWE TV all year.

There are a lot of people who are actually getting fucked over that to spend time trying to argue that Owens is is frankly kind of absurd.


The real travesty is having the UK belt relegated to NXT but that might be a blessing in disguise. Keep it away from the main TV clusterfuck.


Good Art™
I mean who said that?

I said he was entertaining and still puts on good matches.

You basically want NJPW out of WWE but you aren't going to get that. Owens is consistently entertaining and consistently given lots of time to be so.

His performance on Talking Smack a few weeks ago was some of the best WWE TV all year.

There are a lot of people who are actually getting fucked over that to spend time trying to argue that Owens is is frankly kind of absurd.

I didn't get your last sentence i'm sorry!
But yeah, anyway, being small, fat and funny, is not a good thing in wwe on the long run.
KO is a fucking wrestler.

Now i'm still wondering if he isn't working with an injury and for long now. Cause he's used really weirdly in the ring. I mean he had almost no offense in mitb. In the promo for the ppv, he had almost no offense. In every multi man match he's the guy who enters the ring, take a bump then rest for 5 minutes, rinse and repeat. His match against Nakamura was super short. His match against gable was super short and he did almost nothing in it before the finisher.

Or it's just those fuckers thinking he basically has to do nothing in the ring to avoid any reaction. His SD run has been some sort of experiment on how to kill any smarks reaction for an indy wrestler. Talk reallllll slow, do nothing in the ring, escape matches, look weak... I mean he just lost to Styles in an house show. Last Tuesday .. Styles won a match, THEN a battle royal, yet KO couldn't get the advantage over him after attacking him from behind, really ? wow. In case you didn't noticed. KO's heel interaction went from "mean mofo who attacks and injure the face from the commentary position" to "piece of shit who TRIES to attack the face from behind but is countered and bailed out of the ring to avoid eating a finisher"


Yeah JR is old and bored and not invested in New Japan like he was in WWF in 98. Thems just the facts. I'm sure he's passable for casual fans though.

Mauro would be perfect, just losing his shit at every spot like Japanese commentary.
I didn't get your last sentence i'm sorry!
But yeah, anyway, being small, fat and funny, is not a good thing in wwe on the long run.
KO is a fucking wrestler.

Now i'm still wondering if he isn't working with an injury and for long now. Cause he's used really weirdly in the ring. I mean he had almost no offense in mitb. In the promo for the ppv, he had almost no offense. In every multi man match he's the guy who enters the ring, take a bump then rest for 5 minutes, rinse and repeat. His match against Nakamura was super short. His match against gable was super short and he did almost nothing in it before the finisher.

Or it's just those fuckers thinking he basically has to do nothing in the ring to avoid any reaction. His SD run has been some sort of experiment on how to kill any smarks reaction for an indy wrestler. Talk reallllll slow, do nothing in the ring, escape matches, look weak... I mean he just lost to Styles in an house show. Last Tuesday .. Styles won a match, THEN a battle royal, yet KO couldn't get the advantage over him after attacking him from behind, really ? wow. In case you didn't noticed. KO's heel interaction went from "mean mofo who attacks and injure the face from the commentary position" to "piece of shit who TRIES to attack the face from behind but is countered and bailed out of the ring to avoid eating a finisher"

He's had a ton of good to great matches all year...

He gets a ton of air time, a ton of merch, he's frequently the focal point of whatever segment he's in, he's a star every time he's on Talking Smack.

Like I said there are a ton of guys on the roster who are actually being fucked over. To pretend that Owens is one of them is absurd. Maybe he's not the character you like, but you're acting like he's being screwed or something is ridiculous,


No commentary needed but if you MUST give people who are terrified of listening to Japanese something to listen to, then get Kevin Kelly and some young hungry talented nobody, who wants to impress and actually put NJPW first.


Good Art™
He's had a ton of good to great matches all year...

He gets a ton of air time, a ton of merch, he's frequently the focal point of whatever segment he's in, he's a star every time he's on Talking Smack.

Like I said there are a ton of guys on the roster who are actually being fucked over. To pretend that Owens is one of them is absurd. Maybe he's not the character you like, but you're acting like he's being screwed or something is ridiculous,

I'm not saying he's not. He's used a lot, except progressively less as a good wrestler and more as an "entertainer". And you seem ok with that. You think he's fine, he has a job, he has tv time. Santino had also at some point. But i'm personally concerned with how his in ring skills are used.
I'm not saying he's not. He's used a lot, except progressively less as a good wrestler and more as an "entertainer". And you seem ok with that. You think he's fine, he has a job, he has tv time. Santino had also at some point. But i'm personally concerned with how his in ring skills are used.

LOl as if you just compared him to Santino...

Come on.
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