🔚🔜You walked into the July Wrasslin Thread
Like you were walking on a yacht
Your WCW themed fedora strategically dipped below one eye
Your scarf, it was apricot
You had one eye on the mirror
And watched yourself gavotte
And all the girls dreamed that they'd be your partner
They'd be your partner, and
You're so vain
You probably think this post is about you
You're so vain,
I'll bet you think this post is about you
Don't you?
Don't you?
Oh, you had me several years ago
When I was still naive
Well, you said that we made such a pretty pair
And that you would never leave
But you gave away the things you loved
And one of them was me
I had some dreams, they were clouds in my coffee
Clouds in my coffee, and
You're so vain
You probably think this post is about you
You're so vain, you're so vain
I'll bet you think this post is about you
Don't you?
Don't you?
Well I hear you went to WCW Snickers Halloween Havoc
And your bois, naturally, won
Then you drove your trailer up to FATlanta
To see the Nitro
Well, you're where you should be all the time
And when you're not, you're with the nWo original
Or the nWo Wolfpac, and
You're so vain
You probably think this post is about you
You're so vain, you're so vain
I'll bet you think this post is about you
Don't you?
Don't you?
Is this the one with the dog scene? 5 stars.
Nintendo is sponsoring this episode of Saturday Night
I'm 30 today. Only ten more years until I'm the prime age to be NXT Champion.
I'm 30 today. Only ten more years until I'm the prime age to be NXT Champion.
RIPI'm 30 today. Only ten more years until I'm the prime age to be NXT Champion.
WCW showing clips of Hansen vs Vader on Saturday Night from their Tokyo Dome match to promote their Wrestle War 91 match
The best company
I'm 30 today. Only ten more years until I'm the prime age to be NXT Champion.
I wish I had rum.
My problem is that I was doing rum and fruit punch Rockstar and now I am wired as hell, but not wired enough to jump on Tekken or Injustice or or do anything productive
Cheers everyone. I've started today off with the shower not working and a flat-viewing occurring at an indeterminate time, meaning I don't know if I have the time to run a bath or not.
But this was in the 2014 game + games before it and removed after by 2K.Moreover, there will be many different options to play around with, including mixed-gender wrestling and other options such as interactive items and win conditions, which can be added in the new create-a-match feature.
Cheers everyone. I've started today off with the shower not working and a flat-viewing occurring at an indeterminate time, meaning I don't know if I have the time to run a bath or not.
But this was in the 2014 game + games before it and removed after by 2K.
The 360 and PS3 jump yes but I don't recall sports games doing that for the current ones. Madden especially, and it actually added more since these games have so much resources to use. Removing the ability to turn off submissions or DQ's because we're going to a new console? We see here it turns into a bullet point in later games.Next Gen games usually lose tons of features before getting them back. Happens in most sports games
The 360 and PS3 jump yes but I don't recall sports games doing that for the current ones. Madden especially, and it actually added more since these games have so much resources to use. Removing the ability to turn off submissions or DQ's because we're going to a new console? We see here it turns into a bullet point in later games.
Do any of you follow Pro Wrestling BASARA?
I do for obvious reasons. I skim through video when writing the show reports on the Dramatic DDT blog if they are available but have only properly watched a few of the shows start to finish. It's alright even though the small roster is limiting the variety of match ups they can do. It's predecessor Union Pro was the same but they made up for it by being more creative with match gimmicks and stipulations back then.
Terry Taylor is working as the face in his proto-Sami Zayn role
he shakes the jobbers hand at the start
he gets frustrated and clotheslines the opponent who nearly pinned him three times. then gives him a straight fist to the face and almost looks like he regrets it. When its shown the opponents nose is bleeding, Terry asks the ref to ask him if he wants to give up instead of continuing to beat him while hes down.
When Terry pins the opponent, he pats him on the chest to basically say 'hey man better luck next time'
This is my only real issue with WWE in terms of it being a show and story. They do so much storytelling and prep outside of the ring, yet very little inside anymore. It seems it has been replaced by spots, signature and finisher moves.
I feel the same way. If someone is new to wrestling and they hear about psychology etc and all they watch is WWE it will be confusing as fuck to them.
The only "story" they tell in ring is how many times someone kicks out of a finisher.
I almost bought the PC version of WWE 2K17.![]()
Fire Pro next week bro
Yeah, it's frustrating that they spend all this time trying to build up a character and then as soon as the go in the ring there's no character anymore. You can only really tell wrestlers apart when in-ring due to their 5 spots, set-up, signiature and finisher move (and I guess whatever crowd taunt they have). Writing that out felt like I was describing a computer game. No has their own style, or ad-libs while wrestling. No interactions with their opponent or engaging the crowd (outside of smiling and cheering).
I was fucking around looking at wrassler pages on Wikipedia when I noticed something. Looking in terms of purely kayfabe accomplishments, the greatest WWE wrestler ever is..........Edge. Look at this shit:
11-time world champion
5-time Intercontinental Champion
14-time tag team champion
WCW US Champion
2001 King of the Ring winner
2005 Money in the Bank winner
2010 Royal Rumble winner
Hall of Famer at 38
Again, purely in terms of fake accomplishments for a fake sport. But still, damn.
CK1 vs Punch and Potato Man
kill me
Seriously, this fucking match has been dragging.
Thank god that's over in a result that will shock absolutely no-one.
This CK1 reign needs to end at Kobe World!
I completely agree and it is a large part of the reason why I've stopped watching WWE for the most part. It makes it harder for me to care or get emotionally invested in matches. Furthermore, if we go and look at the Dominion thread we can see people's emotional responses to the main event especially. When has WWE made people feel that intensely about the goings on in ring? 17-18 years ago? It is disappointing.
On the subject of Fire Pro, is it launching with online MP? Is anyone going to start a Friends of WrassleGAF steam group?
Yup, and if it doesn't end they'll almost certainly beat YAMADoi's record Twin Gate title reign x_x
To the level of Omega/Okada never but that's because it's the greatest match of all time.
But WWE Mains have been pretty goo this year. The EC was great, MitB once it picked up was great. Owens/Reigns and AJ/Cena at the Rumble were great. The first half of Mania was fucking excellent.
And Jinder winning the title was a person moment because it was so batshit that I marked the fuck out/
It isn't really just the Omega/Okada matches. Tanahashi/Okada had a similar emotional response for me at WK 10. And on in ring story telling, their WK matches and how it culminated at WK 10 is probably the best modern wrestling story.
I'm pretty sure I didn't watch MitB. AJ/Cena was a spectacle but again the story was basically "kick out of each other's finisher" and that can really only be done once and has implications on other stories. But whatever. I'm sure if I take a break from WWE like I have been it might be fresher when I come back to it, which I inevitably will. Probably.
Jinder being the face of a show featuring AJ, Nakamura, Owens, Zayn etc was one of the reasons I stopped watching![]()
Fire Pro next week bro