I still can't determine if Owens is being happy go lucky in a mocking manner or is legit a type of fanboy who only wants Chris-Senpai to notice him.Alright fuck it. I can get over Owen's look, make him the champ. This shit is too fucking good.
I'm really happy that when those pics of Matt Hardy's new gimmick came out, some of us were intrigued - and that it paid off in full.
It's just bananas to me that he could have such a huge effect on TNA's ratings. That's just so fucking wild.
Impact Wrestling is weird.
- Who is this commentator? Jesus Christ, he's terrible.
- The crowd. Oh, the crowd.
- Jeff Hardy looks healthy. Too bad his schtick makes me long for Roman Reigns.
- I'm kind of enjoying weirdo Matt Hardy, along with his entourage that includes his small child (I think you guys would consider this extremely carny).
Anyway, kinda fun to watch once. Like, in a Battle Dome sort of way.
I still can't determine if Owens is being happy go lucky in a mocking manner or is legit a type of fanboy who only wants Chris-Senpai to notice him.
My wife, who will have nothing to do with Wrestling, gave Final Deletion a shot. Afterwards, we had sex. I want to believe the latter is a direct result of the former.
Every single potential future WWE Network show idea here sounds fucking amazing.
Every single potential future WWE Network show idea here sounds fucking amazing.
I do not want Attitude Legends House. Think of the cast you'll end up with
Headbanger Mosh
Val Venis
Road Doggy Dog
Blue Meanie
Al Snow
I'd rather shit blood
Extreme Eats could finally bring Wrasslegaf's favourite celebrity Guy Fieri to the WWE universe.
I do not want Attitude Legends House. Think of the cast you'll end up with
Headbanger Mosh
Val Venis
Road Doggy Dog
Blue Meanie
Al Snow
I'd rather shit blood
Maybe they can take an oath to answer all questions...The Ask Me Anything live sure would be hilarious with every second question being skipped over.
"Hey Roman, why do you suck-"
"Triple H, whatever happened to the Katie Vick-"
"Seth, how did you feel about finding out you had sex with a Na-"
The Wives of Flair
Maybe they can take an oath to answer all questions...
"Because I've already made it to the top, why exert myself?"
"Well I literally fucked her brains out, nowhere else to go from there"
"Totally worth it"
Need this and the Roast of John Cena
Speaking of, props to Cena for that wonderful ad he did talking about pride. Beautiful to see
Every single potential future WWE Network show idea here sounds fucking amazing.
My Kayfabe has Ric Flair as swimming in babes and money, I can't accept the truth dammit.I don't want current old Flair reminiscing about how fucked up his family life is and how much money he owes to his ex-wives.
These sound amazing.http://imgur.com/EQ2zWC1
Every single potential future WWE Network show idea here sounds fucking amazing.
What if we got weekly 20 minute episodes of basically wrestlers going to town on kids a la Sting?Anything involving kids on TV is abysmal
Anything involving kids on TV is abysmal
What if we got weekly 20 minute episodes of basically wrestlers going to town on kids a la Sting?
What if we got weekly 20 minute episodes of basically wrestlers going to town on kids a la Sting?
so in addition to botching an eye wink, Brock can't even do an eyeroll correctly
We get everyone attacking them. The keyword is wrestlers. Pure, honest, loyal WWE workers. Showing these kids what to deal with if they're gonna make it in the business.but this is a WWE show, and Sting is dirty WCW scum, so every kid would go over Sting easily
We'd all be too busy experiencing painful 2009 DX flashbacks to pay attention to the show.What if they used little people instead of children for your idea?