A Pretty Panda
fuckin' called it, man
Caught a glimpse of the news. Some guy named "Lenny Dykstra" was arrested for something.
I thought it was funny.
I thought it was funny.
i hope John Morrison comes back. change his theme to something trippy. he can say he went on a spiritual journey and found something.
Still waiting for this guy to get a chance in the WWE
check out his version of the RKO
Im gonna eat your lunch? what?
Still waiting for this guy to get a chance in the WWE
check out his version of the RKO
If he went to WWE about 80% of those moves would be erased.
Did CrankyVince get his account deleted?
Awful. That's just awful.OH PUNK YOU REBEL YOU
He was at his best in the SES days, although the one with Hardy was good too. Outside those two and in his commentary days (while sidelined), there's not much else in great, quotable material.
The 7/12 edition of Impact did a 0.85 rating with 1,108,000 viewers. Obviously, they were hurt by the loss of DirecTV's over 20 million subscribers.
The 7/12 edition of Impact did a 0.85 rating with 1,108,000 viewers. Obviously, they were hurt by the loss of DirecTV's over 20 million subscribers.
The 7/12 edition of Impact did a 0.85 rating with 1,108,000 viewers. Obviously, they were hurt by the loss of DirecTV's over 20 million subscribers.
"If you are watching us on DirectTV and can no longer get Spike, please call DirectTV now and tell them you want Spike back!" -- Mike Tenay.
did Tenay actually say that on tv?
Who is in charge of creative decisions at the WWE now? Vince stepped down, didn't he?
Hmm, how long has it been like this? Can't imagine that Stephanie thinks this past week's Raw was actually good.
Pretty sure the brand is content to keep collecting money from die hard fans who will watch anything instead of actually trying something new and exciting.
P.S. I started caring again about WWE when I found out about Punk running off with the title...my interest quickly went down again the day after.
Keyser, you should totally start a new Cranky Vince. You're very good at that.
I see your game here, You're trying to make him feel unhappy, by your own words earlier today that's what a Kane fan would do, welcome to the team Sokantish, I knew you'd come around.Keyser, you should watch this week's RAW again, that'll make you feel better.
Keyser, you should totally start a new Cranky Vince. You're very good at that.
I see your game here, You're trying to make him feel unhappy, by your own words earlier today that's what a Kane fan would do, welcome to the team Sokantish, I knew you'd come around.
Hope that Daniel Bryan has Chris Jericho levels of success within the next 2-3 years. Guy deserves it.
What can I say? I love Hogan and the Stinger too. There's something so enticing about washed up wrestlers.