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July Wrasslin |OT| The Game, The Kane, The Pain, and The Insane (AJ)


So not worth it
yeah but after the CM Punk street fight, Jericho was magically placed in the WHC title hunt with Orton..then they broke off into their own thing.

Daniel Bryan and AJ are Smackdown.

Don't tell me you didn't notice this until now?


The entrances should never be longer than the match. If they are longer in your plan for the match, just scrap the match. It's worthless.


Ultratech, haven't you heard of the RAW SUPERSHOW? It's super because of all the superstars from smackdown show up!

Yeah, that what I meant when they don't give a shit about it.

RAW: RAW + SD rosters
SD: SD + some RAW

Hell, remember when Brodus was bitching about getting demoted to SD?


The thing I remember about Hugh Jackman was that he had a ridiculous hitbox.
Do you know the anime,
you know the anime
Ya gotta know you the anime, wah hey...
Do you know the anime,
you know the anime
Ya gotta know you the anime, wah heyohohohoooo...


The booking for Sheamus is so bad, and it's unfortunate, because his matches have been high quality throughout his reign. The problem is, all of his matches, no matter how good they might be, all end the same and it saps any tension or real interest out of them.



Sheamus matches seem to always deliver. also Jericho putting over younger talent again!

just this main event is better than the entire last Raw.


If Del Rio and Sheamus' MITB match ends with a Brogue Kick clean finish, I think we know Sheamus is in for a long, long reign (like first time Batista/Cena length at minimum).


It would be different if he got creative with it every now and then.

It's like Sheamus matches are great and varied with top notch wrestling and storytelling all over the place...until the last minute, when everything just stops and goes into autopilot, featuring Brogue Kicks "out of no where" and heels losing.


It's like Sheamus matches are great and varied with top notch wrestling and storytelling all over the place...until the last minute, when everything just stops and goes into autopilot, featuring Brogue Kicks "out of no where" and heels losing.
almost like Hogan matches. and Bret Hart matches. and well thats the point i might be trying to make. but i know what you guys are saying and this match had Jericho do a second Code Breaker that was not expected at least.


almost like Hogan matches. and Bret Hart matches. and well thats the point i might be trying to make. but i know what you guys are saying and this match had Jericho do a second Code Breaker that was not expected at least.

Well I think Sheamus puts out better matches than Hogan at least. But cool thing like that Codebreaker counter are rendered pointless by the fact that you know the match won't end there, it'll with with a Brogue Kick Outta Nowhere(tm).


Which is weird, because just a few pages ago people were discussing how cool Test's boot out of no where was.

It's not like Test got a Sheamus type main event push at any point. I'm not railing against the idea of out of nowhere finishers, its just Sheamus matches have ended the same way since his reign started, which is negating the good will of how good the match is beforehand.

I ought to be enjoying Sheamus as champion because he brings good, exciting matches on PPV and on TV on a regular basis, but the endless Brogue Kick clean finishes every time without variation (as well as his lack of storylines or meaningful feuds)) make his reign tiresome instead. I'm not one to live and die by match results, here, for me it's about the overall match, but when you know without fail how each match will end, it puts a real dampener on the whole affair.


I think that's just wrestling. How many matches did Stone Cold end with the stunner? I really don't know, but I'm sure it was a vast majority. Same with the Rock Bottom/People's Elbow.

You are right about the meaningful feuds though. Maybe when he's done with Del Rio he'll feud with someone that people actually care about.


I don't know, it's not even about the finisher, I expect finishers to end matches, it's just Sheamus seems to have used the exact same finish for matches since April. I don't blame him, it's the booking, but it's not endearing me to him as a face champion, it's just boring me.

I mean, even in his big time prime, The Rock lost plenty of matches, he didn't win every single time he wrestled.


more money than God
Bryan at Comic-Con, that's just odd.

EDIT: Though I forgot, he's A NERD!
Someone else has been to Comic-Cons a few times. Once I believe this person even talked about his love for Thor and Voltron.

I forget who this person was, though.
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