Yeah, no doubt. Cody's definitely been muddling along since his Big Show program ended. He's stuck between being 'too good' for the IC title and not being elevated to the next level. You'd think that winning MITB is the obvious thing to give his character new life, but we'll see. Right now it's just a matter of waiting for him and Ziggler to get that next push.I hope Rhodes gets "disfigured" again so he can go back to Undashing, Im not a fan of his current gimmick.
Certainly not. I've praised some of his promos and some of the things he does but I'm not a fan of him like I am of D-Bry, Mark Henry, Ziggler, etc. Because I don't rip on the guy for everything he does, which seems to be the cool thing to do in this thread, and occasionally dish out some praise doesn't mean I'm some big fan of the guy.
you guys were all cheering Miz last year.
Do belts actually mean anything anymore? How many of them are there now? And do they get passed around really quickly?
You make a good point about the cocky heel overflow. I'll ask you this tho, when listening to Sandow's promos and mic work don't you feel like it's too forced? Like he's just reciting lines he meticulously memorized beforehand? It doesn't come off natural, it feels forced and manufactured. That's the problem I have with him.
So I've just started watching WWE after like a year or so ( I think a week before the CM Punk match from last summer)
The real prestigious role is to face Cena in a Main Event and job to him. Cena can overcome any odds.
That's what I thought.
There have been quite a few "genius" gimmicks, the thing that sets Sandow apart is that he actually understands what his character is saying and knows how to deliver the lines he's given. All too often they give that gimmick to a generic meathead who doesn't have the intellectual chops to pull it off.
If you were going to hold anything against Sandow is that he doesn't quite have the wrestling abilities of many of his peers. But they even seem to be handling that fairly well. His mannerisms in-ring are phenomenal and they seem to be hiding his weaknesses.
You quit a week before the CM Punk match last year...?
you cant see him and his time is now*
now = 10 years of Cenation.
Still held by all faces, and Santino's last defense in a feud was so long ago. I can't recall his last feud he's had. He needs a serious character makeover, or at the least drop the title. He isn't going to be less over if he drops it. Better yet cancel the US title and add in the Cruiserweight once the new guys com in this Fall.Do belts actually mean anything anymore? How many of them are there now? And do they get passed around really quickly?
You make a good point about the cocky heel overflow. I'll ask you this tho, when listening to Sandow's promos and mic work don't you feel like it's too forced? Like he's just reciting lines he meticulously memorized beforehand? It doesn't come off natural, it feels forced and manufactured. That's the problem I have with him.
Not marking out to Damien fucking Sandow means you're a contrarian gimmick, jesus christ at this thread. I can't get a word in without this type of comment.
Certainly not. I've praised some of his promos and some of the things he does but I'm not a fan of him like I am of D-Bry, Mark Henry, Ziggler, etc. Because I don't rip on the guy for everything he does, which seems to be the cool thing to do in this thread, and occasionally dish out some praise doesn't mean I'm some big fan of the guy.
Still held by all faces, and Santino's last defense in a feud was so long ago. I can't recall his last feud he's had. He needs a serious character makeover, or at the least drop the title. He isn't going to be less over if he drops it. Better yet cancel the US title and add in the Cruiserweight once the new guys com in this Fall.
Sheamus is great at what he does, and his matches are solid. Can't hate on the guy.
That isn't happenng? The fuck?Count me in on the Sandow love, as well.
On a different note, ya know what would be great? If the Prime Time Players were facing R-Truth and Kofi for the tag titles on Sunday. Ya know, being the number one contenders and all...
divas spend more time in the jim than the ring.
Yes my lord and savior what do U need?
Star ratings for all WWE Raw & Smackdown people,
No, it would be like you not watching the matches I post because I keep incessantly telling you how much better they are than whatever matches you watch.
There's no logic to it, I admit it's an entirely irrational reaction - but I watch a lot of shows and a lot of wrestling, I'm not so bereft of current entertainment that I particularly feel the need to go back and watch a decade-old sitcom simply because it's acclaimed, and even less so when some fans act like it's gods gift to comedy. It just puts a bad taste in my mouth. But it's not only Arrested Development, there are other examples; Community and Louie, in recent years, two shows I very much enjoy, but can't stand the hyperbolic way in which some fans try and sell the show to non-viewers. You over-hype anything and, in my experience, it's going to be a disappointment to the person you hyped it to.
Brilliant. Submit to - it would blend well with their articles.Star ratings for all WWE Raw & Smackdown people, by me:
Brilliant. Submit to - it would blend well with their articles.
$10 on [url][/url]
FREE (I think) Pre-Show @ 7:30 on UStream at [url][/url][/QUOTE]
CZW is just too scary
CZW is just too scary
Will there be a weed wacker at this show?
Kane embraced the hate, Cody Rhodes healed 100%, and AJ is crazy. CM Punk digs crazy chicks, Daniel Bryan digs championship belts even though he hardly gets anytime with them
Kelly Kelly looks great in her new twitpic. Must be hitting the gym pretty hard in her time off.
Hope she comes back soon.
Kelly Kelly looks great in her new twitpic. Must be hitting the gym pretty hard in her time off. Hope she comes back soon.
is Cameron the funkadactile that got third place at NXT? she seemed very athletic. now all she does is shake her booty.
Letting the internet have a role in what you watch because of hyperbolic reactions in either direction is a bad, bad idea. AD is a fantastic show, and that praise goes much deeper than the comedy. The writing, wordplay, callbacks, foreshadowing, and background gags are so well done that people still find new stuff on their 3rd rewatch. It's a ridiculously planned show, and every scene, line, and object on screen is there for a reason. As someone who's also a fan of Community, you owe it to yourself to see where the "smart comedy" crown resides.
Uhhhh, wrestling. Cause y'know, wrestling.
Hey, do you like Happy Days? Well guess what? Fonzie is in Arrested Development! Wait, let me finish. Motherfucking Chachi is on the show, too. LET. ME. FUCKING. FINISH. The show? It's narrated by Richie Cunningham. Watch it!
Oh man, can't I just act like it's 2004, and come back wearing a long trench coat with a fat guy?but I said you were dead! Either come back riding a motorcycle loving yourself some Kid Rock and Limp Bizkit or else!
is Cameron the funkadactile that got third place at NXT? she seemed very athletic. now all she does is shake her booty.
The discussion was tabled. We've moved on to a new page and now your smark ass is going to make me read about Arrested Development again? You need to accept the fact that you and your kind are comparable to wrestling fans and bronies in the eyes of this forum. Nothing you say will change that.
Bootaaay, let me translate that garbled mess of a post by N_W for you: