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July Wrasslin |OT| The Game, The Kane, The Pain, and The Insane (AJ)


more money than God
You guys are still talking about that dumb ass show, Arrested whatever?

This is worse than when you guys get mad at me for bringing up. . . . . for bringing up. . . . . oh damn, I can't remember right now!


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Adding you to my ignore list and letting you know about it with this post so that you might feel bad as a result.

bean breath just because SoulPlaya isn't allowed to post about him doesn't mean you have to pick up the slack!
Yeah, I mean you've been doing a pretty solid job filling the void yourself.

Seriously though. This is the only thread on GAF that has caused me to utilize the ignore list. Maybe I just shouldn't be here. :(
Make sure to shoot on your way out.

Boy i'll look silly if i'm part of that list


You guys are mean to KK.

Where the hell is the AD bashing coming from? This is a god forsaken wrestling thread. I'm trying to find a thread to hang out in until I become full-fledged member and can make some kind of indie rock thread ,but you guys never talk about wrestling.
<---tags bean to jump in the kane cycle

Damn that man has a good chokeslam, it's a tough choice between Kane's Chokeslam and Show's old Showstopper, but since Show chokeslams like ass these days i'm giving it to big red justice.

I gotta get all my shots in while SoulPlaya can't directly address them.
My addressing not up to scratch? have I become the Kane to SoulPlaya's Undertaker?
You guys are mean to KK.

Where the hell is the AD bashing coming from? This is a god forsaken wrestling thread. I'm trying to find a thread to hang out in until I become full-fledged member and can make some kind of indie rock thread ,but you guys never talk about wrestling.

Wanna know which wrestler I enjoy talking about the most in this thread?



You guys are mean to KK.

Where the hell is the AD bashing coming from? This is a god forsaken wrestling thread. I'm trying to find a thread to hang out in until I become full-fledged member and can make some kind of indie rock thread ,but you guys never talk about wrestling.
just post something about wrestling and someone wil respond to it.


Wait until a PPV or RAW, then it's non-stop hating on wrestling for 3-4 hours straight!
I know, that is what sucks too. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of things to complain about in WWE right now ,but this thread is ridiculous. People hate short, insignificant title reigns ,so Punk (a consistently good performer) gets a meaningful reign filled with great matches and all I see are people complaining about how the reign has been too long and Punk is boring. TNA gives us a great home made star in Aries as a world champ and I see post about how it's dumb that Roode lost in such a short feud.

It's like you guys bitch for the sake of bitching. Now I know all these post come from different people ,but no one says anything positive or even critiques the show, they just say "this is shit".
Normally I stick up for everything the WWE does, but Hornswoggle as the anonymous GM killed me. I wish they never mentioned it again, but it was all over Smackdown. =_=


I know, that is what sucks too. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of things to complain about in WWE right now ,but this thread is ridiculous. People hate short, insignificant title reigns ,so Punk (a consistently good performer) gets a meaningful reign filled with great matches and all I see are people complaining about how the reign has been too long and Punk is boring. TNA gives us a great home made star in Aries as a world champ and I see post about how it's dumb that Roode lost in such a short feud.

It's like you guys bitch for the sake of bitching. Now I know all these post come from different people ,but no one says anything positive or even critiques the show, they just say "this is shit".
i never say anything bad about the show. except for the last Raw. that one sucked.
I know, that is what sucks too. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of things to complain about in WWE right now ,but this thread is ridiculous. People hate short, insignificant title reigns ,so Punk (a consistently good performer) gets a meaningful reign filled with great matches and all I see are people complaining about how the reign has been too long and Punk is boring. TNA gives us a great home made star in Aries as a world champ and I see post about how it's dumb that Roode lost in such a short feud.

It's like you guys bitch for the sake of bitching. Now I know all these post come from different people ,but no one says anything positive or even critiques the show, they just say "this is shit".

Saying that no one critiques the show is a load of hogwash, among all that weekly complaining there are many posts analysing just what made people so enraged and how it could have been made better.
I'll give you the Punk point.


I know, that is what sucks too. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of things to complain about in WWE right now ,but this thread is ridiculous. People hate short, insignificant title reigns ,so Punk (a consistently good performer) gets a meaningful reign filled with great matches and all I see are people complaining about how the reign has been too long and Punk is boring. TNA gives us a great home made star in Aries as a world champ and I see post about how it's dumb that Roode lost in such a short feud.

It's like you guys bitch for the sake of bitching. Now I know all these post come from different people ,but no one says anything positive or even critiques the show, they just say "this is shit".

To be fair, some people still like CM Punk, though a lot of turned on him. A ton of people were also really happy for Aries. I just think it was probably because Roode was been awesome where he was so knowing TNA they're just wondering how they're going to screw all this up. I hope they don't just give it back to Roode so he can fight Storm.

I still think CM Punk is amazing, even if he isn't the same as he was on the mic before. I'm more of a Daniel Bryan fan though.

Really though I think people here that complain about certain wrestlers aren't really complaining about the wrestlers but more the feuds and booking. I actually don't even mind watching a vast majority of the roster. The only matches I don't really watch are when Khali, Show, or Ryback are involved. At least until he gets an actual opponent.
I know, that is what sucks too. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of things to complain about in WWE right now ,but this thread is ridiculous. People hate short, insignificant title reigns ,so Punk (a consistently good performer) gets a meaningful reign filled with great matches and all I see are people complaining about how the reign has been too long and Punk is boring. TNA gives us a great home made star in Aries as a world champ and I see post about how it's dumb that Roode lost in such a short feud.

It's like you guys bitch for the sake of bitching. Now I know all these post come from different people ,but no one says anything positive or even critiques the show, they just say "this is shit".

1. Punk's reign has been long, but it has also been boring and Punk's not put over well as champ, especially not in the ridiculous angle he's in currently. "Solid but boring" is a legit criticism.

2. Aries' build was great, and anyone objecting to his win is crazy.

3. Maybe "no one says anything positive" because there's nothing positive to say. A negative opinion is still an opinion.
I know, that is what sucks too. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of things to complain about in WWE right now ,but this thread is ridiculous. People hate short, insignificant title reigns ,so Punk (a consistently good performer) gets a meaningful reign filled with great matches and all I see are people complaining about how the reign has been too long and Punk is boring. TNA gives us a great home made star in Aries as a world champ and I see post about how it's dumb that Roode lost in such a short feud.

It's like you guys bitch for the sake of bitching. Now I know all these post come from different people ,but no one says anything positive or even critiques the show, they just say "this is shit".

Welcome to Wrasslegaf.
1,000 episodes later, Mr. McMahon spills all



As we approach Raw's 1,000th episode we've got to ask — who came up with the name "Raw"?

I did. The name “Raw” came out of my head. I was trying to come up with a word that would embody everything we wanted the program to be. It had to be gritty. It had to be cutting edge. It had to be confrontational. Raw fit perfectly.

What were some of the names that didn’t make the cut?

I’m sure there were other names, but I can’t really recall any of them. I just remember that, when “Raw” came into my head, there wasn’t a doubt that it was the one.

Don’t suppose you happened to consider “Nitro” in the process?


Speaking of Nitro, what was the best part of having prime time competition?

Generally speaking, good competition is great for a product. It keeps you on your toes, and forces you to adapt.

And Raw actually ran the competition out of business. Is that the show’s biggest accomplishment?

I don’t think we drove WCW out of business. That was certainly never our intent. That was the mindset of Ted Turner and WCW, but not WWE. See, if you spend all of your energy trying to kill the other guy, your product suffers. If you don’t kill the other guy, then he’s going to come back at you, and when he comes back, you won’t have done anything to make your house better. It’s no different than being in a fight and knowing that, if the other guy keeps on hitting you, that son of a bitch is going to wear himself out pretty fast.

So, rather than worry about WCW, you focused on how to make Monday Night Raw the best it could be?

Absolutely. I didn’t watch their stuff. Of course, I heard about it from other people, but I didn’t have time to pay much attention. I didn’t want to know what WCW was doing. I wanted to know what WWE was doing. They did everything they could to hurt us. They had the resources to attack us. We didn’t have the means to do the same thing, so we had to make ours the better product. After they had run out of ways to hurt us, they realized that they didn’t have much of a product. They blew out everything as quickly as possible, and only concerned themselves with the short-term. That worked out fine for WWE.

What’s the most vivid memory you have of January 11, 1993, and the very first Raw?

I wanted to go back to our roots. I wanted the first broadcast to have a small, intimate, raucous crowd, and I was certainly not disappointed in the feel of the Manhattan Center. As soon as we went on the air, even before we went on the air, we knew we were on to something special.

When was the moment you knew Raw was going to be a legit, long-term success?

From the very beginning. We were flying without a net on live TV. There was, and still is, an energy with Raw unlike anything else on the air. Everything we do, and everything we say, will be felt immediately. There’s no chance for retakes.

But, with the excitement of live television also comes the chance for mishaps, right?

It brings out the absolute best in people, which is good. But it also brings out the absolute worst in people, which is good too. People don’t mind seeing train wrecks.

Any recent train wrecks come to mind?

To be honest, I’ve never been completely satisfied with a show. And I don’t think I ever will be. I’m always of the mindset that “well, maybe I could’ve done this differently,” or, “maybe we could have added more of this, and taken away more of this.” And that’s purely based on the reaction of the live audience. But, the success of a show is an overall thing. It’s not just based on ratings. There are so many different ways to judge whether or not a series of shows is successful.

Any thoughts about once again bringing Raw to the Manhattan Center? For old time’s sake?

Actually, we’ve thought about it. But, the thing about nostalgia is that people, and WWE fans, tend to be more nostalgic about Superstars, rather than places. The audience is interested in the personalities, rather than how the business has evolved.

Who was the most important Superstar in the evolution of Raw?

There’s no question that guys like Triple H, The Rock, Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker have all made enormous contributions to this company, but if there was one single personality that exemplified Raw in the truest sense of what I wanted it to be, it would be "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.

Was "Stone Cold" Steve Austin the greatest contributor to WWE's Attitude Era?

Make no mistake, the Attitude Era started long before "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. Bret Hart was the first one to push Mr. McMahon on his ass. When the audience responded to that incident so positively, I knew we had something. The great thing about what we do is that we have a focus group every night – our fans. You think you’re giving them what they want, but then they shift on you. Raw has changed. Raw has continued to be flexible in order to keep true to what WWE fans want to see. That’s why Raw has produced more hours than any other television show in history.

How do you toe the line between appeasing fans that grew up watching the “Attitude Era” WWE, and trying to wrangle in new ones?

It’s a delicate balance. Prior to Raw, back in the territorial system, my father was on to something. He believed the future of the business was in “entertainment” more than the rest of the promoters. Raw stays true to that concept, because Raw is a variety show. You name it, and Raw has it. Action, drama, athleticism…Raw really does have it all.

Has the goal of Raw maintained the same since its inception – that being to entertain the fans?

Absolutely. Sometimes it gets overstated, but the one thing we do is put smiles on people’s faces. And we do it on a global basis, despite the color of skin, or the different cultures, or whatever. That’s a cool thing to be able to do. For example, I remember the 2007 Tribute to the Troops in Iraq. We were told to be very careful because some of the locals weren’t too thrilled with Americans. So, when we landed, a lot of people were looking at us very disdainfully. But then, when they did a double take, they realized that they were looking at WWE Superstars and they went bonkers.

So, 1,000 episodes down. What's the goal looking toward episode 2,000 of WWE Monday Night Raw?

The goal will be to remain flexible, and to adapt, so that WWE can give the audience what they want. Twenty years from now, who knows what that will end up being?

After all the years, and all the episodes, Raw is still the official dominating force on Monday nights. Go ahead, Vince, pat yourself on the back.

The 1,000th episode of Raw is an extraordinary milestone. Our company should be proud. Our Superstars should be proud. And, most importantly, our fans should be proud. And it’s Mr. McMahon.


last week someone responded to me saying Raw sucked because the writers rushed it.
i just dont understand how they are so incapable of putting it together. Tuesday morning, they put together a rough draft. Wed morning they bring in some of the talent (Jericho comes to mind) to get their input. next day Final draft and done. and if they actually seperate Raw an Smackdown for real, then it should work.
but often time it really does seem like the writers spend all week drinking and trying to flirt with the divas and Sunday comes along and omg its due tomarrow!


formerly cjelly
"It’s a delicate balance. Prior to Raw, back in the territorial system, my father was on to something. He believed the future of the business was in “entertainment” more than the rest of the promoters. Raw stays true to that concept, because Raw is a variety show. You name it, and Raw has it. Action, drama, athleticism…Raw really does have it all."


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last week someone responded to me saying Raw sucked because the writers rushed it.
i just dont understand how they are so incapable of putting it together. Tuesday morning, they put together a rough draft. Wed morning they bring in some of the talent (Jericho comes to mind) to get their input. next day Final draft and done. and if they actually seperate Raw an Smackdown for real, then it should work.
but often time it really does seem like the writers spend all week drinking and trying to flirt with the divas and Sunday comes along and omg its due tomarrow!

What's the point of writing a good show when Vince is just going to trash it at the last minute?


No One Remembers

Speaking of Nitro, what was the best part of having prime time competition?

Generally speaking, good competition is great for a product. It keeps you on your toes, and forces you to adapt.

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