I'd say the (lame) I Dig Crazy Chicks shirt counts.why hasnt there been an AJ t shirt?
I'd say the (lame) I Dig Crazy Chicks shirt counts.why hasnt there been an AJ t shirt?
the ultimate warrior was my favorite wrestler ever when I was younger, it wasn't until I started reading these threads that I realized how crazy he was
I'd say the (lame) I Dig Crazy Chicks shirt counts.
Cringe? You mean he counts paper because the royalties from that shirt go to him.You gotta loveeee crazy chicks
I can feel Punk cringe on the inside everytime he says it.
Cringe? You mean he counts paper because the royalties from that shirt go to him.
The same idiots who buy all their other crap.Who's going to buy that shirt?
Yes, I am.I bet a lot of people bought it, sadly.
SoulPlaya are you going to change your avatar back Monday?
arent the Patriots in a different divison? why would you hate them?That's good, I hate the Lakers almost as much as I hate the Chiefs, Patriots, and Broncos.
The CZW stream is practically un-watchable right now and that is unfortunate. It was fine through the first half, but when they came back from intermission it started skipping and stalling every minute or so. I just watched Masada vs AR Fox through it all and it never showed signs of clearing up. I'm not ruining my experience of the hour long main event with this crap, so I'll just watch it on demand.
You mean the tuck rule? Let it go, man.2001. They made up a new rule just so the Patriots could beat us! That was a fumble, I don't care what anyone says.
I don't even remember what your old one was, mind posting it?Yes, I am.
So, right now...
TNA is greater than WWE in terms of overall product quality?
So, right now...
TNA is greater than WWE in terms of overall product quality?
Dragonborn: The Daniel Bryan Story
Epic tribute, whoever did this good job.
Dragonborn: The Daniel Bryan Story
Epic tribute, whoever did this good job.
Dragonborn: The Daniel Bryan Story
Epic tribute, whoever did this good job.
Dragonborn: The Daniel Bryan Story
Epic tribute, whoever did this good job.
Dragonborn: The Daniel Bryan Story
Epic tribute, whoever did this good job.
That was beautiful.
Btw, I haven't been following Daniel Bryan since I stopped watching WWE just after his NXT stint and his return to the indies. I caught up with him winning the title, but didn't follow anything since. Has he only held the belt once? How long was he champion for?
So you've missed his huge rise in popularity? All the promos and Yes! stuff and all that? Oh man...
Dragonborn: The Daniel Bryan Story
Epic tribute, whoever did this good job.
Dragonborn: The Daniel Bryan Story
Epic tribute, whoever did this good job.
My old Beatles avatar, or my old Boozer avatar? You want me to post that?I don't even remember what your old one was, mind posting it?
Hey, wait a minute. That's not how you spell "can".Sane People: Easily
WWE Apologists: Impact is okay, but everyone says it's 100x better just to go against the WWE. They don't even gots Touts or musical performances, and Impact Zonelol, and Meth Hardylulz, and Hoganhurrdurr
WWE Diehards: *random gif that translates to "TNA will always suck"*
WrassleGAF: It's good right NOW, but TNA gonna TNA (as if WWE doesn't WWE every week)
SoulPlaya: KaneCainKainCaineKaneKaneCainKaineCaineKaneKane
Dragonborn: The Daniel Bryan Story
Epic tribute, whoever did this good job.
I fell asleep in the first 10 seconds, so I have to give that guy credit for capturing the feel of your average Daniel Bryan match or promo.
Same PPV John no sold concrete. :|][/QUOTE]
the last time this pic was posted wrasslegaf got in a brawl. tread lightly.
Hating on Daniel Bryan is no longer cool, Ninja Scooter. You are now the NeoGAF equivalent of this guy
Man, I would mark out if Wade Barrett comes out tomorrow shuts the place down but I know there is a -50% chance that happeneing. The Barrett era would be pretty damn good on Smackdown.
Jericho can get a title shot at any time. he doesnt need the briefcase for it. you could say the same for Cena but it would make the jimmies happy and it would give something for Cena to do since all his fueds are currently over. Del Rio and Bryan are taking the titles so being a face with the briefcase makes more sense. that leaves the smackdown briefcase which im rooting Cody Rhodes. if thats the case he will hold on to it until a face becomes champion.Man, I would mark out if Jericho wins tomorrow but I know there is a -50% chance that he wins. The Sheamus/Jericho match was pretty damn good on Smackdown.
Jericho can get a title shot at any time. he doesnt need the briefcase for it. you could say the same for Cena but it would make the jimmies happy and it would give something for Cena to do since all his fueds are currently over. Del Rio and Bryan are taking the titles so being a face with the briefcase makes more sense. that leaves the smackdown briefcase which im rooting Cody Rhodes. if thats the case he will hold on to it until a face becomes champion.
Del Rio has to win. It would be a great way to turn Ziggler face.