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July Wrasslin |OT| The Game, The Kane, The Pain, and The Insane (AJ)


Ziggler definetely doesnt need the briefcase. he can just pull his "i want my shot!" spiel and win a number one contendor match. Cody on the other hand needs the brief case to get heat.
I don't understand how a wrestling fan could not be in love with Sin Cara. He reminds me of Ultimo Dragon.

It's a lack of talent to work with him that's the problem - look who Ultimo had to work with; Rey Mysterio, Psychosis, Yuji Nagata, Eddie Guerrero, Jushin Liger, Kaz Hayashi, La Parka, Dean Malenko, Chris Jericho, Juventud Guerrera, Tokyo Magnum, etc, some of the greatest proponents of lucha libre and Japanese super jr. style, or, just incredibly versatile wrestlers like Malenko. Who does Sin Cara have to work with in the mid-card that's anywhere near the level of some of those WCW guys? And even if he did get to work someone who would naturally compliment his abilities, like Rey, they'd still be wrestling a neutered WWE style, instead of going out there and demonstrating what lucha libre is all about, like they would have in WCW.


I don't understand how a wrestling fan could not be in love with Sin Cara. He reminds me of Ultimo Dragon.

I guarantee Sin Cara vs Jericho would be awesome. And hell, I'd prefer to see Jericho in a proper feud with a guy like Sin Cara, rather than stuck as the 3rd or 4th wheel in John Cena's odds overcoming attempt to win Money in the Bank.


So not worth it
PREDICTION TIME! Only 4 announced matches, so they'll be adding some squash shit on-the-fly I guess. I'm expecting a Kharma return, so Beth vs Layla will also be added to the card.

Pre-show: WWE Tag Team Champions R-Truth & Kofi Kingston vs. Hunico & Camacho (Non-Title)
Yeah, this is happening. Truth & Kofi

Money in the Bank Ladder Match for a World Championship Contract: Dolph Ziggler vs. Christian vs. Tensai vs. Santino vs. Damien Sandow vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes
So this one is a bit tough to call, I had expected Ziggler and Rhodes to each win one of the MITB matches, but then Cena happened so there goes that. Someone here remarked that the contract on a pole "they have to control it to win" angle was done for the sole reason of the MITB match. So fuck it, I'm gonna say both Ziggler and Rhodes have one hand on the handle at the end of the night. For the next few weeks all we see is Rhodes and Ziggler as siamese twins holding the briefcase together. They posted the MITB contract on wwe.com last week, where everyone was like "hey, the contract can transfer from one wrestler to another". Yeah, this is happening. At Summerslam they'll fight for control of the briefcase. Another prediction, Kidd and Sandow will be made in this match.

World Heavyweight Championship: Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio
Sheamus is as unappealing a character as anyone in the company right now. Yes, they screwed him over at WrestleMania, when Vince's "lets get Sheamus over by squashing Bryan when he kisses AJ"-scheme backfired. They tried to build him back up but Sheamus is, for all intents and purposes still a heel. He bully's people, kicks random Swaggers' head
of because "he be mad, yo!" and cuts the worst generic promo's he possible could, fella. Long story short, Del Rio should win this match and Sheamus can go to the midcard where a generic character like his should be. Though, I guess the WHC is technically midcard after Cena and the WWE Title. However, this won't happen. So, Sheamus retains and this feud continues to SS.

Money in the Bank Ladder Match for a WWE Championship Contract: Big Show vs. Kane vs. John Cena vs. Chris Jericho
Cena Wins. Though they could try to swerve us. But not really. They think it's a big announcement when Cena tells us he enters himself into the match. They think it's a big "once in a lifetime" thing when Cena enters this match. Which, I guess, technically is true as Cena in high-risk matches is very rare. However, it's not as big a deal as WWE pretends it is. But yeah, this match exists because Cena needs something to do. Instead of elevating up-and-coming talent that deserves a shot, we get this. Really one of the dumber ideas WWE came up with this year.

WWE Championship: CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan w/AJ as Special Referee
This has to be one of the hardest matches to call since MITB 2011 Punk vs. Cena. Could really go either way or just no way at all. So I'm gonna fantasy book this mother', because what else are you gonna do:
AJ is gonna call this match straight down the middle, people will look at her the entire match and wait for the big upset, but no, we're getting a straight down the middle call in this match. She's not getting knocked out, the match willl be fair and in the end, Punk taps out to the YES!-Lock and Bryan wins the title. Out comes John Cena to cash in. AJ looks distraught, she doesn't want to do this after all, because she hates Cena as much as any legit wrestling-fan (hey, this is fantasy booking after all). But what can she do? She takes the case, calls for the bell and Cena hits the AA on Bryan. In the meantime, AJ goes outside, gets a chair and as Cena goes to cover Bryan, she hits him with the chair, pulls Bryan on top of him and thus Cena is the first person to cash in and not win the title. Leading to Cena vs Bryan vs Punk at SummerSlam. So, Bryan wins the WWE Title.


she was checking out that Hentai guy last week.

Ziggler definetely doesnt need the briefcase. he can just pull his "i want my shot!" spiel and win a number one contendor match. Cody on the other hand needs the brief case to get heat.
Yeah. I can't see Ziggler winning. I can see him nearly winning, only to have Albert fuck his chance and beat him to a pulp. Vicky turns on Dolph, and you've got an insta-feud with Ziggler as the face. From there he can overcome some hentai and face Rhodes or Del Rio for the title later down the line. And I wouldn't mind seeing that at all.

I would really like to see someone cash it in on the night though. Just to mix things up. Presumably the PPV will end with Cena's music either way. :(
Today is the day I collect my winnings.



I still think there is a chance they stick on on Kidd, and use it to build him (like Swagger, but with less fail). It would suck if they look past Ziggler again though - and he is now fave.

Ziggler, Cena, Punk, and Sheamus are all now strong faves on PP
Tyson isn't winning, but he'll get the Shelton Benjamin rub from some big spots and maybe a programme with someone. I'd like to see him work with Cody for a bit.
I've got a feeling they're going with Tensai though.
Tyson isn't winning, but he'll get the Shelton Benjamin rub from some big spots and maybe a programme with someone. I'd like to see him work with Cody for a bit.
I've got a feeling they're going with Tensai though.

If Tyson and Dolph survive the match - I think they both have a good chance of winning.

There was some small rumbling of Tyson winning - no idea where I read/heard it (I think it was podcast).

Cena and Hentai with the case is damn depressing
I've noticed that on the WWE website they've started referring to Kidd as "the cherub-faced assassin of WWE" - really hope that doesn't make it to commentary, sounds dumb as hell.


I've noticed that on the WWE website they've started referring to Kidd as "the cherub-faced assassin of WWE" - really hope that doesn't make it to commentary, sounds dumb as hell.

Gotta somehow have that tenuous link to Bret... but doesn't quite roll of the tongue as easily as "The Hitman".

It's that time of the month is it? time for some cutting edge analysis of this monumental MITB card, I'll be your peep show into this event so you're hyped enough to watch instead of waiting for a highlight reel, hopefully the show isn't going to be the (piper's) pits. Hey maybe Abraham Washington Show...s up. Okay enough Shtick lets get into this unholy mess.

Pre Show Match: Air Boom vs the Bicycle Boyz
I have to assume that R Truth is no longer injured which sucks for the Mexican'ts (geddit because they can't win matches ohohohohoho!) because the only hope they have of walking out victorious here is taking the belts off a partly injured team. the fact that Kofi is stuck here and isn't part of MITB kind of pisses me off, no ladder stilts this year and hopes for a main event push, fuck you WWE.

MitB for WHC Shot: Too many people to name
Immediately it makes sense to jump towards Ziggler or Rhodes for this victory as they are on the cusp of the main event scene. Sandow probably has the least chance of victory but I look forward to seeing how his mannerisms translate to this match. Kidd seems to be this years spot monkey, that and he'll be fodder fora big Lord Hentai spot who may or may not use tentacle trickery to knock folks off the ladder. Christian is the veteran that wont win, Sin Cara would be the spot monkey if he weren't the botch baboon but damn i'm still looking forward to his role here. Santino is comic relief, someone will get cobra'd off the ladder and the fans will eat it up despite being lame as fuck.
I'm going to go with Cody Rhodes for this on the whole. Numerous things that could take place here, Vicki screws Ziggler for a Ziggles face turn possibly against the case holder, or maybe the winner is the first person to lose the cash in because BROGUE! BROGUE! BROGUE!
And in my dream world Wade Barrett just walks out during the match, bare knuckle brawls the hell out of everyone and takes the case for himself because this should be his spot dammit!

Number 1 contender for WWE title ladder match: Cena vs Big Show
Only Cena can stop the diabolical reign of Big Show's terror! so he's going to climb up and grab that suitcase and....hey what the hell are Kane and Jericho doing here? oh right sorry. it's a 4 man MitB, I forgot amongst the Kane doing bugger all, Jericho at least trying to get noticed and Cena talking about Big Show and himself for like every build up promo.
MitB: Cena vs Show vs Jericho vs Kane
Well you can count out Jericho and Kane, unless WWE want to do a swerve that makes slight sense with Kane winning and being with AJ all along blah blah blah, yeah i'd love that but it isn't happening. Jericho has had numerous opportunities for the title but I guess he feels as if he doesn't need it. So back to Show and Cena, well Cena wins is the obvious outcome and even if Show were to win I expect Cena would chase him down to get the case back. I just hope Big Show brings back the super ladder this year.

WHC match: Sheamus vs Del Rio
After months of managing to avoid a match that while probably of good quality no one actually wants to see we are finally getting the Del Rio and Sheamus showdown, this feud started back after WM and has been incredibly bland all the way to now, much like Sheamus' reign. Still i'd sooner see the Great White carry on his little stint, a boring reign it may be but he puts on good matches. Del Rio should be good but I can't help but find him boring. There's not much else to say here, should be a good match but I just don't really give a damn.

WWE title match: CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan with AJ guest referee.
Well they certainly managed to derail this once entertaining tale, CM Punk showing his genuine worry for AJ's mental state just seems so out of character for him, he must really dig those crazy chicks. Bryan at least comes off as a sneaky character. AJ herself has taken the main stage here much to some peoples dismay, hopefully she doesn't factor too much into what will be a great match. Though with her as the ref we'll probably get another unsatisfying finish like at OtL.
One would assume the winner not only gets the title but gets to keep AppleJack (what the hell does AJ stand for anyway?) as their pony or something, it could even be the MITB winner!
Actually on this point, if Cena does have the case then...
Punk wins: Cena honourably challenges Punk to a SS rematch, it will be the biggest match in SS history and last year had a screwy finish so this is the definitive match.
Bryan Wins: Dick Cena cashes in either on the night or on the big 1000th Raw making a hypocrite of himself after he whined about Del Rio doing it last year.
I'm going to say Punk retains.

Filler: We want Barrett
Reality Filler: Ryback, Clay, Toilet Break in Diva match form, prepare for trouble and make it one man baaaaaaand!

Final point to UK folk: Free ppv on Sky Sports, hell yeah!


It's a lack of talent to work with him that's the problem - look who Ultimo had to work with; Rey Mysterio, Psychosis, Yuji Nagata, Eddie Guerrero, Jushin Liger, Kaz Hayashi, La Parka, Dean Malenko, Chris Jericho, Juventud Guerrera, Tokyo Magnum, etc, some of the greatest proponents of lucha libre and Japanese super jr. style, or, just incredibly versatile wrestlers like Malenko. Who does Sin Cara have to work with in the mid-card that's anywhere near the level of some of those WCW guys? And even if he did get to work someone who would naturally compliment his abilities, like Rey, they'd still be wrestling a neutered WWE style, instead of going out there and demonstrating what lucha libre is all about, like they would have in WCW.

All that plus his stupid lights for no reason - why does he and only he get to fight in weird blue and yellow lighting , the need for workers to fit to him - you dont see him fighting anyone big , the constant botching , the trampoline which magically appears - which he has botched , His lack of English which means he cant cut a promo just points , most of all his stupid finisher which would only work on 1/5 of the roster , compare him to rey he could use both his finishers on any and everyone and use it to kill guys like big show .


Well at least they fixed one of your complaints eldoon, they got rid of the trampoline.

In the WHC MitB I wouldn't mind if any of those people won really. Except for Tensai and Santino. Oh wait and Sin Cara.

is the WWE Championship the main event or is RAW MitB the main event?


Cena wouldn't cash in like that, that's something a real terrible person like Del Rio or Daniel Bryan would do. Cena is too honorable for that
But what if Cena feels he has to save the title from someone dishonourable like Daniel Bryan, in Cena logic that would be Bryan getting his just desserts and Cena plays by his own hypocritical rules.


Cena wins - cashs in and wins the belt on 1000th raw
no cheating or dirty tricks
probably on dbry who has AJ cheat for him.
AJ stands for April Jeanette. just fyi ;)
Well I get where the April part comes from, I visited wikipedia to see if I could unearth more info and came across an omen, the article of the day is RKO pictures! it's a sign, the Viper is closing in!

He can't sink down to their level, man!
Thanks Aiii, I was dying to know.

Cena is on his own level, one that flies in the face of all others.
And I was the one asking about the AJ name origins, see there's a method to Aiii's madness.
most of all his stupid finisher which would only work on 1/5 of the roster , compare him to rey he could use both his finishers on any and everyone and use it to kill guys like big show .

As much as I don't like the 619 because of the contrived set-up, it makes sense because Rey takes a guy down to his size, before kicking them in the face, so it can work against anyone. The problems I have with Sin Cara's finisher are mainly that a lot of guys in WWE don't know how to properly take a head-scissors (instead of taking a couple of big steps, many take lots of little steps, and also make it too obvious they're facilitating the move) so it ends up looking kinda silly and ineffectual, only made worse by he fact that he no longer goes into a submission afterwards.

Hell, they should just bring Averno in; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jt8qcOSEg-o - I don't get why they supposedly signed him to a contract over a year ago, only to let him continue at CMLL.


----- ------
Cena wins - cashs in and wins the belt on 1000th raw
no cheating or dirty tricks
probably on dbry who has AJ cheat for him.

Damn, this sounds so much like what the WWE would do.

AJ jumps into Cena's right after, Cena gives his smirk and winks at the camera. Then makes out with her.


formerly cjelly
Cena wins - cashs in and wins the belt on 1000th raw
no cheating or dirty tricks
probably on dbry who has AJ cheat for him.

Oh, no.

Bryan wins belt.
Cena wins MITB.

Cena cashes in on 1000th RAW and wins with the help of AJ distracting Bryan.

The twist is AJ has been working with Cena all along.


Number 1 contender for WWE title ladder match: Cena vs Big Show
Only Cena can stop the diabolical reign of Big Show's terror! so he's going to climb up and grab that suitcase and....hey what the hell are Kane and Jericho doing here? oh right sorry. it's a 4 man MitB, I forgot amongst the Kane doing bugger all, Jericho at least trying to get noticed and Cena talking about Big Show and himself for like every build up promo.
MitB: Cena vs Show vs Jericho vs Kane
Well you can count out Jericho and Kane, unless WWE want to do a swerve that makes slight sense with Kane winning and being with AJ all along blah blah blah, yeah i'd love that but it isn't happening. Jericho has had numerous opportunities for the title but I guess he feels as if he doesn't need it. So back to Show and Cena, well Cena wins is the obvious outcome and even if Show were to win I expect Cena would chase him down to get the case back. I just hope Big Show brings back the super ladder this year.
Holy shit. I hadn't considered that.

*crosses fingers*


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Been out of the loop for a while but what are the odds of Miz showing up tonight and more specifically getting himself into the MITB match? I really miss him :(

Guess Lesnar could throw himself into that match too. That'd be fun.

Just really don't like the notion of a 4 man MITB match at all.


----- ------
Well I get where the April part comes from, I visited wikipedia to see if I could unearth more info and came across an omen, the article of the day is RKO pictures! it's a sign, the Viper is closing in!

Mitb competitors go into the ring.
"A another competitor and former WWE Champ is being added to this main event match"
*Superstars all look around in disbelief*
Music hits: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pd807IfNPMg
Been out of the loop for a while but what are the odds of Miz showing up tonight and more specifically getting himself into the MITB match? I really miss him :(

Guess Lesnar could throw himself into that match too. That'd be fun.

Just really don't like the notion of a 4 man MITB match at all.

RAW MitB Winner...


...takes it to Hollywood!

Turns heel on The View, by giving The People's Elbow to Barbara Walters.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
RAW MitB Winner...


...takes it to Hollywood!

Turns heel on The View, by giving The People's Elbow to Barbara Walters.

Now this would be fun. Just get lots of guys in there and in the end it looks something like this:

Jericho - Kane - Show - Lesnar - Rock - Mysterio and Miz vs Cena


You gotta think one of the titles changes hands tonight, don't you?

But yeah, Cena overcoming all odds and cashing in tonight sounds like a not-so-far-fetched scenario.
Ryback will squash match against both Reks & Hawkins, pretty obvious.

Dolph wins his one, beats Sheamus finally by 'cheating' or more likely cashes in and still loses to Sheamus. :( "Out of no where!" :|

The Cena cash-in will be saved for the 1000th Raw, thats been a bigger deal and more important to them for ages.


At least D-Bry should keep the belt for a week at least, woooo!

I'm excited, don't care about anything else, this is the time, Daniel Bryan WWE CHAMPION, I BELIEVE!



Another awesome tribute video from the guy who did the Bryan thing above. This one chronicles CM Punk and Cena's feud in 2011.

Watching this makes you feel sick to your stomach how quickly the WWE fucked up this game-changing opportunity. It only took a fucking day for them to make this whole awesome thing irrelevant.
Nice that the global event is in Singapore. That was always my most active airport according to the stats!

If this is to be the end of D-Bry and Punk's feud then f**k it I'm gonna enjoy my 2 favs fighting it out again.... for now, one last time - another classic incoming!
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