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July Wrasslin |OT| The Game, The Kane, The Pain, and The Insane (AJ)

CM Punk Blu-Ray is looking good.


I can't hate that match list at all, even though I don't like Punk at all anymore. Hits a lot of good spots. REALLY good spots, especially the Punk/Hardy 09 feud of the gods.


The box art for the Punk DVD is pretty terrible, though the set itself sounds great. If they have a documentary close to Stone Cold's one from last year, it'll be awesome.
Day 1 on that CM Punk blu-ray, though I'm kind of saddened by how much it looks like it will gloss over 09/10/11 heel Punk.

I fell asleep just as the WWE title match was starting.

It was probably for the best.

You missed out on a legit MOTY contender, but all right brother.


formerly cjelly
Day 1 on that CM Punk blu-ray, though I'm kind of saddened by how much it looks like it will gloss over 09/10/11 heel Punk.

You missed out on a legit MOTY contender, but all right brother.

I'll watch the WWE title match on the replay tonight.

I meant more the fact that the end of the PPV would have left a bad taste in my mouth, no matter how obvious it was.


So not worth it
Clearly, AJ will steal Cena's briefcase tonight and this will end the show:

Because her time is now!

Also, according to Booker T, experienced referees never take bumps that knock them out. Apparently Booker has never watched a wrestling match in his life.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Clearly, AJ will steal Cena's briefcase tonight and this will end the show:

Because her time is now!

Also, according to Booker T, experienced referees never take bumps that knock them out. Apparently Booker has never watched a wrestling match in his life.

On the contrary the special greatest 1000th episode of RAW next week will end with AJ bashing Punk over the head with the title, Cena cashing in, winning the title, turning heel with a required make out with AJ and the transformation of Super Punk into the biggest face of the company will be complete.
So just watched MITB.

I lol'd at Cena's beating Show off the ladder with the case, followed by that trollface he gave.

Then 5 seconds later I realized and I raged. FTS.


So not worth it
On the contrary the special greatest 1000th episode of RAW next week will end with AJ bashing Punk over the head with the title, Cena cashing in, winning the title, turning heel with a required make out with AJ and the transformation of Super Punk into the biggest face of the company will be complete.

If only we were that lucky.

In reality, tonight we will get AJ being told by Punk he doesn't want her because she is too crazy (hell Kane) and AJ siding with Bryan.

Because Cena needs the WWE Title, he's a real up-and-comer that just got his first big break by winning the MITB briefcase.

Also, we can't have good things for too long, we might actually start looking forward to Raw.

Trying to stay positive, I really am


On the contrary the special greatest 1000th episode of RAW next week will end with AJ bashing Punk over the head with the title, Cena cashing in, winning the title, turning heel with a required make out with AJ and the transformation of Super Punk into the biggest face of the company will be complete.

This just makes too much sense to me...

and now I'm sad because it would never happen.
I'm guessing AJ will end up with Bryan, I don't know how or what capacity but I suspect they 'give her' to him, he aint getting the title so you get AJ to interact with for the next whatever amount of time instead, just so he has something.

They played it up a bit with her standing over him at the PPV sorta made it look like she was realising maybe Punk had played her a bit, he wasn't too interested in her or showing concern anymore. Would fit in with the couple of mentions regarding him and Cena, Rock twitter shit and his title reign being overshadowed too, all he was interested in was making sure he had the title still (so he could be fed to one of them).

D-Bry was right all along you silly girl! :'( COME HOME AJ!

My guess anyway.
My second guess is that it will continue to go round in circles and no one will be any the wiser as to what is going on or what we're supposed to take from it all.


I'm starting to think it's not going to be either Bryan or Punk because if it would of been one of them last night was the night to show her choice.

RBH, that was his first match that was over two minutes in years! Give him a break, he's just hungry.
I have a feeling that AJ will end up with Bryan and they'll be using her vulnerability to transition Bryan into a true "tweener" character in that he'll continue to be "Yes"ing all around/arrogant, but will actually be protective of her.

They probably don't want to show the PPV match where Punk, Gallows, Mercury, and Serena all couldn't defeat the Big Show together.


Or that time that Punk, Otunga, McGillicutty, and Mason Ryan couldn't defeat Orton together on Raw.
Or that time that the entire New Nexus (Punk included) were eliminated by Cena at the Rumble, despite the fact that they were ALL out and dominating the match at the time.

Yeah... people who think Bryan's losses were bad really need to step the fuck back.


Oh, I had to look him up. He debuted like right after I stopped wrestling and then was let go before I started watching again. He seems dumb. No wonder Kane was with him!


Watched MITB today.

short review: ugh....

SD! MITB match: Sloppy, botch-tastic match. Ziggler deserved to win it based on the match, but I don't want him in a fued with the charisma blackhole that is Sheamus.
The Christian/Sandow fued is gonna be glorious.

World title: watched this one while fast forwarding it, still it was so boring....
I Really hate Sheamus. No one ever gotthis stale,this fast. He is also the worst promoguy this side of John Morisson.
Of course he goes over clean as a whistle and gets to bro-kick Ziggler again, as a reminder how horrible that fued is gonna be.

WWE title: Good match, but AJ was a distraction. You knew that she would come back, so when she was gone the two-counts didn;t mean anything.
Still great match, but the wrong person won. Bryan has become the next Jericho.
Great in the ring, but not a real threat because you know he'll never win anything in a big way.

RAW MITB match: Jericho was awesome, Kane was being wasted as bigshow-fodder and it ended in the worst way possible.
Cena has become evenmore unbearabe the last couple of months since beating Lesnar.
Cena is making me appreciate TNA.


formerly cjelly
Still no People Power Edition... And yes, they are including one disc from a four-disc DVD set.

WWE® ’13 Collector’s Edition to feature legendary WWE Hall of Famer Stone Cold Steve Austin® – “And that's the bottom line”

“Austin 3:16” Collector’s Edition Scheduled to Hit the “Stunner” with Exclusive In-Game Offerings, Collectible Autographed Item, Career Highlights Video Content and Unique Cover Packaging

Exclusive foil packaging featuring embossed Stone Cold Steve Austin skull
Exclusive collectible art card personally autographed by Stone Cold Steve Austin
Exclusive Stone Cold Steve Austin in-game attire: red skull t-shirt (circa 2001)
Exclusive Stone Cold Steve Austin in-game ATV ring entrance
“Stone Cold Steve Austin: The Bottom Line on the Most Popular Superstar of All Time” (DVD) Disc #4 in series (available to PlayStation 3 system and Xbox 360 customers)
Copy of WWE ’13 videogame
Access to WWE Hall of Famer and WWE ’13 global pre-order offer Mike Tyson playable character



The problem is, this is the company the opposers of Cena are in:

I mean really, you can't win here.

I have decided to be indifferent to Cena from here on out.

From here on out the chant shall be:

Cena is not even Champ tho
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