Ok so after MITB I have this horrid feeling on how Raw 1000 is going to go.
Rock opens the show comes out and challenges Punk for Title.
Punk Accepts and loses in the main event to Rock.
Cena comes out and cashes in MITB to take title off the Rock setting up Rock coming back pissed off at Mania looking for the title back.
Ok so after MITB I have this horrid feeling on how Raw 1000 is going to go.
Rock opens the show comes out and challenges Punk for Title.
Punk Accepts and loses in the main event to Rock.
Cena comes out and cashes in MITB to take title off the Rock setting up Rock coming back pissed off at Mania looking for the title back.
Welcome to the group! Here's a quick way to go up in the ranks. Join a faction!Hi, my name is SpOOkyO. *shakes everybodies hands*
Been lurking for a long, long time and finally was approved.
I'm probably stuck in the undercard of Wrestle-/WrassleGaf, since I won't be able to watch this sports of ours live, because of the time diffrence, I'm from Germany and my busy work schedule.
On the other hand I save a lot of time watching it taped since I fast forward through most of the stuff, except anything with Daniel Bryan oder William Regal in it.
And now I will dance like "The Wunderkind - Alex Wright" in front of my computer, eventhough I'm at work.
Sorry no pics...
So I think RAW 1000 should have its on thread in the OT.
It looks like its going to be a heck of a show one way or another.
Agree or Disagree?
So I think RAW 1000 should have its on thread in the OT.
It looks like its going to be a heck of a show one way or another.
Agree or Disagree?
I went a week without mentioning Kane.Soulplaya I thought I told you Kane and Cain and Cane talk is outlawed.
We might as well bring in ponies.
Cena Ponies.
Still the greatest thing you will ever find, lol.Oh sweet lawd this thread keeps on getting better.
More ponies please.
That Cena Pony sucks.
It doesn't even have Cena merch
Scary? Or beautiful?I thought KOG would like Ponies...
Okay SoulPlaya that one is scary
I'm making up for lost time, lol.Please don't start this again. Pictures are fine, but don't start spamming for no reason.
Dude, I like Kane and all, and I enjoy your posts about him.
But for fucks sake, stop posting those repulsive deviantart pieces of shit. Nobody likes pony or Sonic fans for a reason, don't be like them.
Dear God, people, it's just a joke. No one in here is actually into that shit. I don't even know what this "pony" stuff is even in reference to.Dude, I like Kane and all, and I enjoy your posts about him.
But for fucks sake, stop posting those repulsive deviantart pieces of shit. Nobody likes pony or Sonic fans for a reason, don't be like them.
Dude, I like Kane and all, and I enjoy your posts about him.
But for fucks sake, stop posting those repulsive deviantart pieces of shit. Nobody likes pony or Sonic fans for a reason, don't be like them.
Why people don't use the Ignore feeature is beyond me.
And I'm really into ponies jerks
Well, be into ponies. I don't know what that means, but I'm not judging it, lol.I'm not sure if you're aware but nobody likes wrestling fans either.
Lighten up.
And I'm really into ponies jerks
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YweK3BRgJYk All RAW intros
Well, be into ponies. I don't know what that means, but I'm not judging it, lol.
It just amazes me when someone on an internet video game message board posting about pro wrestling now wants to look down on other stuff, which is probably more mainstream and accepted than pro wrestling. Realize that most people probably view watching pro wrestling as being childish and a complete waste of time, and makes you seem like a complete weirdo.
Btw, I can't have been the only one that had an instant orgasm when AJ hung on the ropes here:
Because, DAMN!
Sex pony? WHAT?!?!Haven't you ever seen that picture of the sex pony doll? Maybe that's what he means....
Sex pony? WHAT?!?!
WTF is this?!?!http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=39830232&postcount=81
It's a scary place out there, SoulPlaya.
Well, this is clearly some weird sick stuff. I thought people just made ponies out of others as a joke. Is this some sick sexual stuff, or are most people just genuinely into kids' toys?No I'm pretty sure that's fan-made. Hasbro wouldn't do something like that!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YweK3BRgJYk All RAW intros
Im expecting Raw to be 100% turd