There's horrible fan-art, and then there's horrible Sonic-inspired fan-art. What has this thread become? Kill me now.
I don't know anymore.
There's horrible fan-art, and then there's horrible Sonic-inspired fan-art. What has this thread become? Kill me now.
You can fast forward through RAW?
The Miz is a great guy.
I look forward to his face run.
I missed MitB last night due to a blackout for my whole block last night
You'll change that tone once the Funkasaurus wins the WWE Championship at SummerSlam.I respect the hell out of Ponies.
But I can't respect Brodus Clay.
You can fast forward through RAW?
Bish, where are you!?
Most of these pics aren't even mine.I can, it feels wonderful, you should try it some time.
oh and what in the blue hell is happening in here? Soul, calm down, you've gone mad with regained power.
He still gonna be a heel
Last night he was
He gonna use his hollywood fame as an arrogant heel
So fucking mean, lol!
Most of these pics aren't even mine.
Man, I get blamed for everything in here, lol. I didn't do anything for a week, thread still had plenty of BS. Like I said before, this thread is simply a reflection of the product the WWE puts on, and all you can talk about is Cena and an AJ storyline that's going nowhere. There's also no show going on.
Come on people, this is how WrassleGAF has always been. Keep your faux outrage out of here.
You guys, I just remembered The Miz was a WWE Champion.
Why was The Miz a WWE Champion?
vferrel said:You guys, I just remembered The Miz was a WWE Champion.
Why was The Miz a WWE Champion?
I didn't even know there was a Sonic or Pony community on these boards. What's more amazing to me is that plenty of WrassleGAF seems to lurk or post in those threads, and then get mad at what goes on in them, lol.You got to understand Soul, there are two things that your bog standard gaffer hates more than anything, Sonic stuff due that questionable that side of the fanbase and ponies due to that questionable side of the fanbase. You and anyone else delivering them to this thread in hilariously awful fanart form is like the most heel like action you can possibly pull off in this thread, even more so than loving Cena.
Hi, my name is SpOOkyO. *shakes everybodies hands*
Been lurking for a long, long time and finally was approved.
I'm probably stuck in the undercard of Wrestle-/WrassleGaf, since I won't be able to watch this sports of ours live, because of the time diffrence, I'm from Germany and my busy work schedule.
On the other hand I save a lot of time watching it taped since I fast forward through most of the stuff, except anything with Daniel Bryan oder William Regal in it.
And now I will dance like "The Wunderkind - Alex Wright" in front of my computer, eventhough I'm at work.
Sorry no pics...
I for one liked the Miz's new look.
He looked more like a "superstar" and less like a mid 00's douchebag.
Still dont care for him but if they repackage him a little and he stops dropping people on there heads accidentally maybe I would care more.
I didn't even know there was a Sonic or Pony community on these boards. What's more amazing to me is that plenty of WrassleGAF seems to lurk or post in those threads, and then get mad at what goes on in them, lol.
You guys, I just remembered The Miz was a WWE Champion.
Why was The Miz a WWE Champion?
Yeah guys, stick with the thought provoking discussion about why the spinner belt doesn't spin anymore.
Lighten up, people. There's plenty of room here for BS and actual discussion. Besides, at this point, the nonsense in this thread only reflects the nonsense the WWE is putting on.
Whoever said we're normal? i'm not, hell I fit the quota for 3/5 of those categories.WrassleGAF = Where the Yu-Gi-Oh / Digimon / Kane Fanart fans are normal but those PonyGAF / SonicGAF communities have "questionable sides"![]()
You know what I want? Sailor Moon Kane fan art. I don't know how it would be possible, but I want it. I normally hate anime, but damn it, this the best intro music I've ever heard.WrassleGAF = Where the Yu-Gi-Oh / Digimon / Kane Fanart fans are normal but those PonyGAF / SonicGAF communities have "questionable sides"![]()
WrassleGAF = Where the Yu-Gi-Oh / Digimon / Kane Fanart fans are normal but those PonyGAF / SonicGAF communities have "questionable sides"![]()
Ponies pale in comparison to inscrutable Japanese fanart:
I appreciate the kind words, and I love getting involved in a good discussion, myself. Unfortunately, there just isn't much of anything positive to discuss in the WWE today, and TNA doesn't show much, and there isn't much interest in indie stuff, unfortunately.I guess.
But sometimes it seems like some posters post just to get a rise out of the posters that express 'faux outrage', as you put it. I'm not even blaming you, SoulPlaya; hell, if I had a good book, you'd be in it.
But whatever, it's better than going at each other's throats about who's responsible for the decline of what, or who's trolling or who's not, or all the other stuff that really derails threads. Although I feel slighted by that jab about the spinner discussion - it was very thought provoking! It reminded me about one of Edge's most popular reignsand the Live Sex Celebration that we missed out on
I appreciate the kind words, and I love getting involved in a good discussion, myself. Unfortunately, there just isn't much of anything positive to discuss in the WWE today, and TNA doesn't show much, and there isn't much interest in indie stuff, unfortunately.
I understand your point, though.
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!! Someone else actually came up with the idea of meshing Kane and Sailor Moon six months ago!!!!
I SWEAR that this isn't me. I mean, I joke around a lot, but WTF is this?!?! What world are we living in??? Why make this?!?! I'm sorry WrassleGAF, I've unleashed too much on here. Even I'm sickened by all of this.
According to that video, Kane works for Lord Zed and Rita Repulsa.deserves its own thread.
According to that video, Kane works for Lord Zed and Rita Repulsa.
Holy shit! I lost it at the "pyro".
Fuckin' Tuxedo Mask!
Holy shit, you're right!!!im watching the Vs Sailor Mars at the moment.
Hey, I'm not taking the blame for that one.SoulPlaya I'm not blaming you or anything... but I think you made neogaf go down
Holy shit, you're right!!!
This man made videos for Kane versus all of the Sailor Moon girls. WOW!!!!!
So, do we have any clues as to who will be returning tonight on RAW? I say this in a futile attempt to get the conversation onto something, anything, else.
So, do we have any clues as to who will be returning tonight on RAW? I say this in a futile attempt to get the conversation onto something, anything, else.