Next week?

Next week?
Hey I'm cool with DEAN AMBROSE WEEK and everything but do YOU know something I don't?
Is he debuting next week?
That make up was damned good, if it wasn't for Bischoff's very distinct voice I'd never have recognised him.
When I was younger and wsaw that though, I was totally shocked.
He's debuting NEVER[IMG][/QUOTE]
I'd believe that over next week.
Hey I'm cool with DEAN AMBROSE WEEK and everything but do YOU know something I don't?
Is he debuting next week?
I'd rather marry Eve.
Eve's my waifu now :3
No WWE wedding goes to "plan" and I cannot see a better person ruining away with the Bride
Don't turn on your old waifu. AJ needs your support.
AJ needs a kick in her little ass.
I've had it up to here with her.
Eve however, is sexy :3
I will fight you
for her
I post this, and you people would rather talk about AJ and Eve? Then, get mad at me for a few Kane pics?I couldn't post this last week, but JR blogged about Kane AGAIN.
"I've been extremely impressed with Kane the past several weeks as I have previously mentioned here. The veteran continues to deliver in a big way inside the ropes which is where it counts the most. Kane is a great success story as he migrated through the independent scene to earn a HOF level career in WWE. When I first saw Kane, it was in an arena of maybe 100 fans, he looked a great deal like Sycho Sid in size and wrestled under a mask known as the Unibomber. We had him come to a WWE TV, which I think was in Georgia, for a try out and officials were impressed with his size, athleticism and demeanor. No major star that I can recall has been easier to work with than the highly intelligent and articulate Kane. I have great respect for the man....even though he tried to BBQ me once upon a time."
Then I will take Eve to 7-11 where I'll get Two Monster Drinks and a Oreo Brownie and she can get whatever she'd like a slurpee or something.
Then we'd snuggle and cuddle while I play Super Metroid.
You losers don't even have her in your avatars.I will fight you
for her
Oh, you son of a bitch!!!SoulPlaya we are discussing SUPERSTARS that are actually on Monday Night Raw.
As he should be. As we all should be!JR's just afraid Kane going to light him on fire again.
I've had my eye on Eve ever since I came back from my pee break early and saw her match. KOG I can't let you have her.
I've had my eye on Eve ever since I came back from my pee break early and saw her match. KOG I can't let you have her.
I saw her rear in those tight black shorts first.
Don't mess with the King of Games.
Eve will be the Queen of hearts in my deck.
I will fight you
for her
And yes Ithil, best damn Heel faceoff ever.
TWO FUCKING HOURS! I didn't go running tonight because I was afraid I would miss it! I would have been happy with just shot of him underneath red light. A shot of him on the phone! Anything!
You must have been devastated too Persp, right?
Spicy Meatballs [Working Title] - [Spicy Meatballs] will be an ongoing series of comedy shorts starring WWE Superstars Santino Marella and Kane, to be aired during Monday Night Raw Supershow as well as broadcast over social media websites (such as Youtube and Facebook).
[Spicy Meatballs] will be the story of Kane as an out on parole mob-arsonist moving in to a crowded apartment with his cousin (Marella), who is an unsuccessful Private Investigator. When Kane's mob knowledge proves to be invaluable in cracking a case, Marella offers to hire him as an investigative partner.
The series will parody and draw inspiration from buddy cop movies such as Rush Hour, as well as from legendary sitcom The Odd Couple.
You guys want Eve? Here you go!
Whoa Dean Ambrose hates twilight?
Not sure I can support a guy like that.
Fuck. I forgot he pimped everyone.
OH MAN! Please, let this happen! This is hilarious, lol. Did you come up with this?I was okay with it because the project they have him working on with Santino sounds pretty great.
Keep telling yourself that, KOG.Not Eve, Eve couldn't stand the smell of him.
He smells like Liquid Smoke.
SoulPlaya we are discussing SUPERSTARS that are actually on Monday Night Raw.
Also McNei1y, have fun when my Brewers destroy your precious Nationals.
Well I happen to like Twilight.
And you know who's got Maryse instead of just "liking" her?
OH MAN! Please, let this happen! This is hilarious, lol. Did you come up with this?
Keep telling yourself that, KOG.
That girl was his girl.
Face it.
LOL Are you kidding my man. You know I did like the Nats a lot, in fact they were close to being my team if it wasn't for that twerp Link who nagged at me for picking winners.This is fire. More than Kane's pyro's.
*grabs mic*
KOG... do you have any idea who you're calling out? I mean do you have any clue what you are getting yourself into? How can you be making such claims when you aren't even tasting the playoffs? You should know better! You're all King of Games this, King of Games that... but this time... you're nothing more than a Joker! You were once an up and comer in the Nationals fanbase... but it didn't turn out to be.
Come Sunday the 29th at Miller Park, I guarantee that the Nationals will walk away with the series from Milwuakee! You're about to see the Nattitude!
*drops mic and theme plays*
Please. The cameras just couldn't be around when that bath robe came off.LOL She didn't even touch him.
He doesn't even have a face!Kane is not gods gift to women.
Isn't it obvious?
Sin Cara is.
OH MAN! Please, let this happen! This is hilarious, lol. Did you come up with this?
Since you morans are fantasy booking this wedding thing to shit already, I'll come in and make the save...
As D-Bry and AJ are about to tie the knot, the priest does his traditional "if there is anyone who says this couple should not be married, speak now, or forever hold your piece..." bit, there's a long pause...
But no one says anything.
Then, just as the priest is about to fire up again, SARA DEL REY jumps the rail, gives AJ a massive clothesline, the Yakuza Kick of Doom, and Royal Butterflys AJ out of her shoes.
"I Object!!!" Death Rey says..."Daniel can't marry you, AJ!!! HE'S STILL MARRIED TO ME!!!"
He doesn't even have a face!
Motherfucking gold!Unfortunately I did, but I've sent the script to the pilot into the WWE in my writing portfolio along with the outline for a six month storyline about Heath Slater becoming a dark necromancer so that he can be assaulted by dead legends as well as the living. The payoff is for when he uses his new found powers to try and control the Undertaker, only to learn that Taker is already being controlled by Ultramantis Black.
The competing magics allow Undertaker to regain control of himself and they end up in a triple threat at Wrestlemania. Ultramantis gets the pin on Slater, allowing him to take over the streak while still preserving Undertaker's legacy.
That's not a mask.He's got a MASK.
Chicks dig the mask.
LOL Are you kidding my man. You know I did like the Nats a lot, in fact they were close to being my team if it wasn't for that twerp Link who nagged at me for picking winners.