A Pretty Panda
fuckin' called it, man
Who's ass does Heavy enjoy more Sheamus' ARSE or Rikishi's ass?
How do you think K Slice Kell learned?
But would that be a bad thing, though? Criticise it for the lack of a feud last time, but their fight at WM, on its own merit, was actually alright.
And this time round, were that to happen, there would be an actual legit feud besides "Once in a Lifetime" or to solidify themselves as the best of all time.
2013There is literally no match possible involving John Cena that can get me excited at this point. No feud, no wrestler, nothing. I'm so done with his shtick it's crazy. Pretty much anything he's been involved in for the last few years that I've found some enjoyment out of was due to his opponent or the crowd, but I can't even get that anymore. Punk/Rock, Rock/Brock, Rock & Roll, HHH/broom, anything not involving Cena would be better.
has Cena ever defeated Heath Slater?
has Cena ever defeated Heath Slater?
No lie, even a heel turn would make no difference to me now. The damage is irreparable. Cena has achieved "go away heat" status. I see his face, his stupid music, and his dumb shirts and immediately grab something to throw at my TV.
There is literally no match possible involving John Cena that can get me excited at this point. No feud, no wrestler, nothing. I'm so done with his shtick it's crazy. Pretty much anything he's been involved in for the last few years that I've found some enjoyment out of was due to his opponent or the crowd, but I can't even get that anymore. Punk/Rock, Rock/Brock, Rock & Roll, HHH/broom, anything not involving Cena would be better.
No lie, even a heel turn would make no difference to me now. The damage is irreparable. Cena has achieved "go away heat" status. I see his face, hear his stupid music, see his dumb shirts and immediately grab something to throw at my TV.
I'm sure he's as giddy as a schoolgirl at a bieber concern inside, not only for the screen time, but also for the opportunity to spend a few minutes working in the ring with the likes of Vader, Backlund, etc.I'm totally becoming a Heath Slater fan, it's a terrible shame the angle stops after Raw 1000.
I agree.
YA GOIN' FISHIN'iw345hfbdi535w12412432bfhiqbhfbq
That picture is too perfect. Rage fuel indeed.
what happens with your wife, your children, the people you love that are fans how Cena overcomes lifes challenges? what about the people that you care for that look up to Cena because his message helped them out of a hard place? remember. one day you to, will turn to Cena for guidance. he wont turn his back on you.No lie, even a heel turn would make no difference to me now. The damage is irreparable. Cena has achieved "go away heat" status. I see his face, hear his stupid music, see his dumb shirts and immediately grab something to throw at my TV.
myself and Rosa Mendez are saving ourselves for eachother.Bangai-o would you marry AJ and have her baby?
myself and Rosa Mendez are saving ourselves for eachother.
It raises an interesting question of who the best man, bridesmaids will be and who will walk AJ to the alter.Who's invited to the wedding?
It raises an interesting question of who the best man, bridesmaids will be and who will walk AJ to the alter.
watTHE Ryback.
Which might actually start being his name, as they can't trademark Ryback apparently.
it appears as if WWE is having a difficult time registering the “Ryback” trademark. WWE was first refused back in January because the USPTO felt it was merely a surname and they don’t allow trademarks for such. WWE got back to them with various reasons as to why their Ryback is more than just a surname. They were again refused, this time final, because the USPTO were not satisfied with their answer.
The Ryback will come out next week suited and booted as Bryan's best man.
You guys are hyping this show up way too much.