Superstar Toyz - Episode 9: Kelly Kelly's Beanie Babies
Thank God we have AJ now. Dear me.
I'm surprised there isn't an AJ one where she shows of her anime toys and stuff.Superstar Toyz - Episode 9: Kelly Kelly's Beanie Babies
Thank God we have AJ now. Dear me.
Your time is up, my time is now
You can't see me, my time is now
It's the franchise, boy I'm shining now
You can't see me, my time is now
Get Ryback to face proven, notable guys, and people will catch on. What sucks for them is, there isn't a lot of those because they've buried so many. WWE pipes in reactions whereas Goldberg got:Yeah, Ryback's got "the look" of a strong guy, but he's not legit strong like Goldberg was. He also has shit conditioning and gets gassed realllllllyyyy quickly.
A Connecticut newspaper writer has once again drawn the ire of WWE for editorial remarks they feel are inaccurate and damaging to their corporate reputation.
In a May Darien Times editorial criticizing Linda McMahons United States Senate campaign, Joshua Fisher dismissed WWEs product as barely above pornography. The article drew a strongly-worded response from WWE in defense of their product, which led Fisher to point out televised incidents that could be defined as pornography, such as Edge and Litas unprecedented Live Sex Celebration and Trish Stratus stripping her clothes off and barking like a dog for company chief Vince McMahon.
Fisher wrote another column last week criticizing Linda McMahon where he stated that its strange that she says shes not a career politician because she can bob and weave a question like some of the best politicians around. He also dismissed Lindas boastful proclamations of creating jobs.
He writes, Mrs. McMahon loves to point out how shes created jobs. But she does not like to answer questions about those jobs. While CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment, she created jobs that included making fun of retarded men, demeaning women and possibly encouraging steroid use this does not even touch on how it possibly has influenced the future bullies of American schools.
Fishers remarks rattled WWE, who feel his misstatements are damaging to their corporate reputation. WWE issued a letter to the Darien TimesTuesday in response to Fisher, which was also published on Darien Times also published the letter, with editor Brian Flinn noting the previous editorial WWE is referring to is all based on fact. In the letter, Fisher included links to various videos and articles of matters WWE asserts are inaccurate.
Dear Mr. Fisher:
It is regrettable that we find it necessary to once again point out that you have made inaccurate statements and mischaracterizations in the Darien Times regarding WWE, this time in your editorial on July 12. Although this was an opinion piece, you are still required to report accurately and not distort the truth. This is now at least the second instance in which you have made misstatements that damage WWEs corporate reputation.
Your assertion that WWE has made fun of retarded men is inaccurate, takes our content completely out of context and fails to factually portray a storyline. WWE featured a character an actor playing a role named Eugene, who was a person with intellectual disabilities. He was often faced with difficult challenges, situations and rivals, including some of the most villainous and dastardly WWE characters. What you failed to convey is that Eugene, like most of WWEs good guys, overcame the obstacles, prevailed and was a hero to our millions of fans.
Your statement that WWE was demeaning women is also inaccurate and again takes our content out of context and makes no mention of storylines. WWE has produced a variety of powerful and heroic female characters throughout the years that have come up against malicious villains, who are also actors playing a role. And yes, those bad guys do reprehensible things, but they eventually pay a price for their behavior. Our television audience would not be nearly 40 percent female if we were degrading women.
As it relates to the foregoing clarifications, it is important to note that WWE programming, like Hollywood movies and Broadway shows, is an exciting blend of action, characters and fictional storylines of good versus evil that entertains millions every week. Without Darth Vader there is no Luke Skywalker. We, too, create protagonists and antagonists and tell stories of good versus evil.
You also wrote that WWE has been encouraging steroid use, which is a blatant misstatement of fact. WWE prohibits steroid use and conducts a minimum of four random drug tests per year for all talent, and any performer that tests positive is suspended. WWE began testing for steroids in 2006, before many major sports leagues, and we currently have one of the most comprehensive talent wellness programs in all of sports and entertainment, managed by world renowned third party medical experts. Additionally, WWE has always encouraged its talent to live a healthy lifestyle, as they are the companys greatest asset. For more information about WWEs talent wellness program, please visit
In your editorial, you also state that WWE influenced the future bullies of American schools. The fact is that WWE promotes anti-bullying and has created a global initiative called be a STAR (ShowToleranceAndRespect) designed to teach children how to deal with conflict in the real world. We recognize the power and influence of our brand and spend a considerable amount of time and resources to make sure children understand the difference between what they see on television, where storylines and conflicts are resolved in the ring, versus how to deal with challenges in everyday life.
WWE expects you will print this letter in as public a manner as that in which you made the foregoing false statements. In the future, we request you contact us for factual information about our company before attempting to characterize our programming as you continue to do so erroneously.
Brian Flinn
Senior Vice President, Marketing and Communications
Yeah, Ryback's got "the look" of a strong guy, but he's not legit strong like Goldberg was. He also has shit conditioning and gets gassed realllllllyyyy quickly.
Best part of finding this video in a Goldberg YouTube kick...
What is Triple H wearing?Best part of finding this video in a Goldberg YouTube kick...
What the hell is HHH wearing?
What IS Triple H wearing?
Do you think CM Punk has any pull? Or he's just saying that because maybe it was already an idea
He tweeted Cena, hoping to get Cena on board with the idea. Who knows? It could all be nonsense.Do you think CM Punk has any pull? Or he's just saying that because maybe it was already an idea
Smoke mask. He's walking through smoke. Get it? lolI hate that dumb mask over his mask. What's with that?
Austin is going to Stunner the entire roster.
Austin is going to Stunner the entire roster.
Him losing would not stop him from saying it.
The Champ is here!
Cena always had the belt though. Any examples of him using that line when he didn't have the belt?
Every time he was the #1 contender?
I still don't understand why that was his big announcement.
I'll laugh if they cancel the match because Cena can't find the briefcase.
Time for a missing MITB contract angle. Who stole it?
Then the month before WM29, the guy who stole the contract is going to reveal himself.
*glass breaks*
Hornswaggle dressed as STONE COLD! Hornswaggle dressed as STONE COLD! Hornswaggle dressed as STONE COLD!
Punk vs Hornswaggle dressed as Stone Cold WM29.
You can hire me now, Vince.
A friend of mine is a fan of a Quebec area indy called Inter Species Wrestling, I've never given it a real shot but I hear it's fun/smutty/garbage. Anyway, they have a character called Dr. Gene Spleisser who is a mad scientist who splices DNA to try and create genetically superior wrestling manbeasts./QUOTE]
This is rather tame on the side of ISW. I mean, they did have a panda get mutilated and raped. And an alcoholic tiger who sexually abused Beef Wellington