Russian guy?
HOLD IT RIGHT THERE KOG. How dare you go around causing trouble in our wrestling thread! And I know you are working for Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa and I know they put you up to causing trouble in our wrestling thread.
That's my calling!
Seriously this amv is really well done and fucking awesome.
It relates to wrestling though!!
No digimon anymore either.
I'm declaring martial law.
starring Sammo Hung.
*might need to turn volume down
Anyone watch this show? I really only remember the intro.
I didn't even read your post, I just can't get over how amazing this username is.
I agree, great username. Favorite junior so far based on that alone.
Wonderful hat
I'm close to just watching every stupid video on that site.
edit- Alex Riley calls his fans (both of them!) A-Ry addicts
I dreamed last night that WWE debuted Rollins as a Deadpool like character, that would go backstage and ask the writers to write better stuff for him as he thought his current storyline sucked, along with this he would loudly call out spots in match then do something else cause he wanted to win.
I love this idea, my subconscious is awesome.
HHH.GAF Debate: Who was responsible for that botch?
GAF Debate: Who was responsible for that botch?
GAF Debate: Who was responsible for that botch?
GAF Debate: Who was responsible for that botch?
GAF Debate: Who was responsible for that botch?
GAF Debate: Who was responsible for that botch?
GAF Debate: Who was responsible for that botch?
GAF Debate: Who was responsible for that botch?
Dolph missed his footing twice and therefore made Sin Cara lose his balance.
What are you going to do? Throw cards at me? HAHAHAHAHAIVE HAD IT
I've had it up to here with you Soul.
I'm going to stand here right in front of you, blocking your way.
I'm not going to let you continue
I know, right?I didn't even read your post, I just can't get over how amazing this username is.
Russian guy?
Whoever it is that is dating Roxana now.
Coming to think of it wasn't Antonio Cesaro supposed to be one of those guys that's you know, actually good? he's been used awfully so far, as such I have no idea of his wrestling ability.
You mean Aksana?
Who is dating the Swiss Antonio Cesaro?
He is really quite good.
He's fantastic, but this is the WWE and you know how that goes. Maybe we'll get to see his talent in a year or 2.
Coming to think of it wasn't Antonio Cesaro supposed to be one of those guys that's you know, actually good? he's been used awfully so far, as such I have no idea of his wrestling ability.
F4WOnline reports that Triple H's latest WWE directive is calling for longer World and WWE Title reigns so that the significance of the respective titles can be better built.
It's being said that both WWE Champion CM Punk and World Champion Sheamus are expected to hold on to their titles for the foreseeable futures, and both, especially Punk, have been successful in multiple title defenses.
So basically this guy is left doing shit all right now, meanwhile Funkasaurus gets a squash on every damn show? yep, this is the WWE all right. This is why I just can't muster hype for all these newcomers, I just imagine them all falling into obscurity.