That Ryback article is just plain bizarre, I have no idea how to describe it beyond that, also putting in my vote for WWE going bananas.
That would explain the "pulling" part of the sentence.
lol at you guys thinking Ambrose will be anything more than a jobber.
I can tell Vince and Triple H probably hate the fuck out of him for his shooting.
He has money written all over him but WWE hates money.
Ah, I seeFirst i dont call any woman worth respect a wifey or a waifu. I wish Paige all the succees in the world - but will she get it is another question and we all know how vince is.
That Ryback article is just plain bizarre, I have no idea how to describe it beyond that, also putting in my vote for WWE going bananas.
whatever happened to that steroid freak mason ryan
Randy Orton was and remains a dick to almost everyone backstage and has like 3 or 4 drug-related incidents, yet he's the number 2 guy for the company.
Vince loves them bad boys.
SoulPlaya works for The Brand Confirmed?
Also, El Pescado, post the picture of you pointing in your front yard.
Triple H doesn't count, he's an exec.
You guys think I'm crazy?SoulPlaya works for The Brand Confirmed?
if everyone wants Punk to be heel, then who do we want face?
if everyone wants Punk to be heel, then who do we want face?
So to answer your question I don't know. Sin Cara for main event face.
Kane's mic work during the buildup to WM XX is really underrated. He carried it on his back. I really wish he still spoke like this.
No one. They already have Cena. That's probably good enough by WWE standardsif everyone wants Punk to be heel, then who do we want face?
Check the second link, it's a set of videos.Where's the rest of it?!?!?!
It got the "F" out and was replaced by RUTHLESS AGGRESSION!I lol'd.
But I don't think everyone wants them to turn heel per-se, it's more that we're sick of their fucking boring, vanilla, by the books, kissing babies, "e for everyone" babyface style that damn near every babyface in the company shares.
What happened to ATTITUDE?
Kane's mic work during the buildup to WM XX is really underrated. He carried it on his back. I really wish he still spoke like this.
What does the dolphin/underwater pic signify?
What does the dolphin/underwater pic signify?
This is the first episodes that wasn't recorded in the first May tapings right?![]()
WWE NXT 7/18/12
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -
Justin Gabriel vs. Heath Slater
Paige vs. Raquel Diaz
Richie Steamboat vs. Leo Kruger
Percy Watson vs. Jinder Mahal
Kaitlyn vs. Tamina Snuka
Dude, congratulations! I hope to be a dad one day too. I hope plenty years of good luck and good health for her.Thanks for all the Congrats guys! Mom and the baby are doing well! 8 pounds 3oz. , 21 inches and happy.
The bundle of joy is named Katie, and she will never be allowed to drive with anyone named Kane!
Thanks for all the Congrats guys! Mom and the baby are doing well! 8 pounds 3oz. , 21 inches and happy.
The bundle of joy is named Katie, and she will never be allowed to drive with anyone named Kane!
Thanks for all the Congrats guys! Mom and the baby are doing well! 8 pounds 3oz. , 21 inches and happy.
The bundle of joy is named Katie, and she will never be allowed to drive with anyone named Kane!
FATALITY! pg style,no blood!
I tried to take a similar picture wearing my Kane mask, but my wife wouldn't let me near Olivia while I had it on.
You might laugh, but that hurricane I was pointing at barely touched my town.
I find that hilarious considering all the pics of Kane with his baby granddaughter, lol.I tried to take a similar picture wearing my Kane mask, but my wife wouldn't let me near Olivia while I had it on. .
Your wife really wanted the Kane mask on your daughter. And who can forget Hurricane Irene?
The Sin Cara mask scared it off.The mask is like twice the size of her face.
We really lucked out on Hurricane Irene. All the forecasts said it was headed right for us, but the bands of the storm went directly above and below us. It was crazy good luck for us. We actually opened up on the Boardwalk in Seaside the next day.
Hunico's point.![]()
Watching NXT, and it's fast on its way to far eclipsing RAW and SD as their best show.
The whole show feels very fresh because of the young FCW roster, it's been entirely focused on wrestling matches, the Full Sail crowd has been hot all tapings, and it's apparently getting its own title soon?
Also, Justin Gabriel's hair is ridiculous looking.
Here is the latest rumor about the CM Punk and John Cena match at Raw 1000 from pwinsider:
WWE's creative committee is rumored to be leaning toward CM Punk retaining the WWE Championship next Monday on Raw SuperShow when John Cena cashes in his Money in the Bank contract. According to, there is a lot of talk within the organization that Cena will be the first person to not win a title directly after cashing in the briefcase.