After his neck surgery, he rarely wrestled outside of PPV's.Am I crazy for expecting Stone Cold to have more matches on Raw than most of those guys?
After his neck surgery, he rarely wrestled outside of PPV's.Am I crazy for expecting Stone Cold to have more matches on Raw than most of those guys?
I can't wait until they start firing people again and do what they started with Ezekiel and do with Big E instead.
Man what kind of Marky Mark things would I have to say to get my tout put up on Raw? this theme...
Bubba Ray shoulda used this when he had that stare when he 3D'ed wrestlers through the tables
Anyone else think Miz should play Doink?
I rather he become Calgary Kid again. Alex Riley can be a Doink.
Matt Borne was an absolutely fantastic wrestler who knew how to mess with a crowd's emotions so well, and he could back it up in the ring. His psycho clown gimmick that he pushed in ECW was ahead of the times, but unfortunately, his drugging ways dragged him down.Now thats a promo....Don't see those anymore
At the Lucha Libre Taco Shop in San Diego after the Smackdown tapings.
At the Lucha Libre Taco Shop in San Diego after the Smackdown tapings.
At the Lucha Libre Taco Shop in San Diego after the Smackdown tapings.
At the Lucha Libre Taco Shop in San Diego after the Smackdown tapings.
That ain't no one man band. He's a liar!
That ain't no one man band. He's a liar!
Raquel Diaz...
Del Rio is probably the most underused talent they have, guy should be at JBL levels right now.
Thanks for all the Congrats guys! Mom and the baby are doing well! 8 pounds 3oz. , 21 inches and happy.
The bundle of joy is named Katie, and she will never be allowed to drive with anyone named Kane!
Eh.... no.
He's vastly underused, sure. But they have a pool of talent in the undercard that would make any indy company jealous as hell.
Del Rio is at least still in World title feuds and has never really been shitcanned back to the midcard as hard as some other "flops" have.
Here is the Documentary that aired in England about Paige FCW wrestling family and her coming to the WWE:
Tamina Snuka, Raquel Diaz, Rosa Mendes, Beth Phoenix.
Tamina Snuka, Raquel Diaz, Rosa Mendes, Beth Phoenix.
AJ, Layla, Natalya, Eve, Kaitlyn, and Aksana. In the case of the first four they even once had last names, but were stripped of them.[img]
[u]WWE NXT 7/18/12[/u]
Part 1 - [url][/url]
Part 2 - [url][/url]
Part 3 - [url][/url]
Part 4 - [url][/url]
Part 5 - [url][/url]
Justin Gabriel vs. Heath Slater
Paige vs. Raquel Diaz
Richie Steamboat vs. Leo Kruger
Percy Watson vs. Jinder Mahal
Kaitlyn vs. Tamina Snuka[/QUOTE]
Finally watched NXT. Kaitlyn vs. Tamina was pretty good. If only they gave women's matches more time and didn't make most of them end in a roll up. Then they have a really short match with Raquel and Paige. Jinder Mahal isn't even that bad either really, he's so boring though. The main event was pretty good too.
The best part of NXT... no Brodus, Ryback, or Big Show!
So they have both types, there you go.
Man... Wrestling today is really missing a great promo guy.
Now imagine if Cena was giving a promo about Roberts.
"you have a snake in a bag because you dont have one in your pants"
- faces camera and makes stupid smerk