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July Wrasslin |OT| The Game, The Kane, The Pain, and The Insane (AJ)


I enjoyed the SHINE iPPV - Jazz vs Sara Del Rey really delivered, just a very tough, hard-hitting 20 minute main event with some excellent mat work throughout. Well worth the price of admission alone. Jazz is in phenomenal shape, and even though Sara will be leaving soon, hopefully Jazz sticks around. Elsewhere, Nikki Roxx vs Rain was great, Rain has been wrestling for a while now and it shows in how smooth she is in the ring, plus she plays the heel role so well, while Jayme Jameson vs Reby Sky was surprisingly enjoyable. Jameson controlled the majority of the match, but Reby looked a whole lot less green than the last time I saw her, selling well and evoking some good sympathy from the crowd who really got behind her leading into the finish. Mercedes Martinez vs Leva Bates was fun, Leva was dressed as Spiderman tonight, while Allysin Kay & Taylor Made made for a very impressive heel tag team. Overall it was a good debut show. The roster is a bit thin at the top, but there are a lot of promising wrestlers on the card, so I'm looking forward to see where they go from here. You can order the replay from http://www.wwnlive.com and the next SHINE iPPV will be on August 17th

Yeah. I thought it was a pretty decent show. I hope they add a little bit of depth to the roster because it is really thin in the undercard.

My thoughts - I'll try to do no spoilers

Veda Scott v Kimberly was not too bad for a curtain-jerker. I like Veda Scott though, and really think she's trying to get better. In ACW, they had her as the sarcastic heel, which worked nice. Veda really, really should avoid doing any "flying" spots at least for right now. Overall though, they didn't try to do too much, and that's very smart. I guess her big move is supposed to be a version of Daize Haze's Mind Trip? It didn't seem to come off perfectly, but both girls were trying.

Tina San Antonio v Santana Garrett. I didn't see most of the start of this, so I'll have to take a look at the replay, but I don't think I missed too much judging by the crowd. I did dig Garrett's handspring-based attacks though.

The tag match was pretty bad and botchtastic. "NO buys," as Alvarez would say, if it weren't for Allysin Kay putting in her good work. It was made worse by some technical difficulties I was struggling through during the beginning of the preceding match though as I was like :( through most of this, kinda waiting for another meltdown.

Cherry Bomb v Christina Von Eerie I kinda wanna say "Fuck this shit." Not because it was bad, but because my expectations were pretty high. I became a huge CVE fan at the Anarchy Queen of Queens tourney, and I know she can do much better than this. There, she carried a pretty green-but-hard-working Veda Scott to a fun little matty match, and her match against Athena was fucking nuts and violent and intense as hell, and a lot of that was on her. I don't think Cherry Bomb is a bad wrestler at all, so I don't know what happened here. It wasn't a terrible match, but I did expect much better after being so blown away from CVE live. I'm not jumping off the CVE bandwagon by any means though.

Jayme Jameson v Reby Sky was interesting. Either Jameson is a helluva lot better than I thought she is, or Reby Sky has improved a lot form the one match I saw of hers where I immediately slotted her in the "I'd rather see her dancing on a pole" column. I honestly think it's the latter and she's getting better. She keeps this up, and she might end up being pretty good. This really wasn't that good, but it was way better than I was anticipating, so I'd say it was a victory.

Mercedes Martinez v Leva Bates was way better than it had any right to be. Leva's cosplay Spiderwoman getup popped the crowd pretty hard. At that point, I thought the kinda tired crowd was ready to pop for just about anything though. Leva has improved substantially, and I give her a lot of credit there, but honestly, the booking really was the problem here, as I don't have any reason to take Leva Bates as a serious challenger to Mercedes Martinez at this point. I think with a little build, I would have been able to take this match more seriously, but what are you gonna do on a first show? Regardless, this match turned the whole show around in my eyes, which were starting to kinda glaze over.

Nikki Roxx seemed really over with that crowd, which helped her match with Rain a lot. Rain, as always recently was really good here, and her promo sets her up well.

Jazz v Del Rey was a really, really good match. I'd put it just below the Jazz v Rachel Summerlyn match from Anarchy a few weeks ago, (which is the best live match I've seen all year,) but that may be because I saw that from ringside, and was about three feet away from Jazz clobbering Rachel's face with stiff crossface forearms. This match though is worth the price of the whole show.


I agree with Boots. It's well worth a watch, and well worth supporting an up-and-coming promotion with a few bucks. Plus, you get to see Daffney, and even though she didn't wrassle, that's always a good thing.


So not worth it
You know what I'd like, if Rock fought Christian and won the IC championship at Raw 1000. Just take the belt with him and return in February claiming he's the #1 contender because he's the IC champ and that's how it was in his day.

It's not like they need this many belts in WWE at any rate and it's an afterthought anyways.


It's not like they need this many belts in WWE at any rate and it's an afterthought anyways.
WWE and World titles need unified, as do the IC/US titles. Assuming they bring in a crop of lighter guys in the Fall, they can add in a Cruiserweight belt for that division. That way there's just one main event title, one midcard, and one for the small guys who won't/don't get to be in either of those environments (Kidd, Bourne, Sin Cara, Gabriel, Barreta, etc.).


WWE and World titles need unified, as do the IC/US titles. Assuming they bring in a crop of lighter guys in the Fall, they can add in a Cruiserweight belt for that division. That way there's just one main event title, one midcard, and one for the small guys who won't/don't get to be in either of those environments (Kidd, Bourne, Sin Cara, Gabriel, Barreta, etc.).
And the Tag Titles. Don't forget the Tag Titles.


I had a dream Punk came out to a remix of "This Fire Burns" but it was shitty. Had no lyrics, then it stopped and the real one played. Weird dream.


And the Tag Titles. Don't forget the Tag Titles.
They act like they're building something in the tag division. Uso's, Primo and Epico, Young and O'Neil, Reks and Hawkins, Kofi and Truth, any others? Problem is awful booking thus far, but it's better than a year ago, sadly. They can throw in guys they don't use at all like Dibiase, Swagger, McGillicutty, McIntyre, etc. They do nothing but look like complete fools to worthless joke characters like Clay and Santino. What's the point? Vince.jpg

Was listening to that KSE album yesterday. God, that song is awesome.
Fixation on the Darkness isn't it, but it's got similar riffs.

*changed the version to its original singer, not Howard.


They act like they're building something in the tag division. Uso's, Primo and Epico, Young and O'Neil, Reks and Hawkins, Kofi and Truth, any others? Problem is awful booking thus far, but it's better than a year ago, sadly. They can throw in guys they don't use at all like Dibiase, Swagger, McGillicutty, McIntyre, etc. They do nothing but look like complete fools to worthless joke characters like Clay and Santino. What's the point? Vince.jpg
It's not even funny any more. I mean, this week alone we've had a pre-PPV tag itle match, a tag team featuring the no. 1 contenders on PPV, a tag title match on Raw, the Usos getting the rub from their old man. And then on Smackdown Big Show comes down and buries the entire division and brags about it. Brilliant.


So not worth it
I always liked Howard, but glad that Jesse is back now. Here's hoping Punk's heel turn returns his old theme.
Though unlikely.


So not worth it
It's not even funny any more. I mean, this week alone we've had a pre-PPV tag itle match, a tag team featuring the no. 1 contenders on PPV, a tag title match on Raw, the Usos getting the rub from their old man. And then on Smackdown Big Show comes down and buries the entire division and brags about it. Brilliant.

Bury? Come on people, lets not use that word so freely. Big Show, by all means is build as the top strong guy. He's supposed to destroy everyone that isn't on top of the card. It's his gimmick and people understand this, nobody's expecting fucking Darren Young to survive a Big Show WMD or Choke slam.

Bury? Really?
The latest update on Where in the World is Archibald Peck has some interesting developments!


This whole thing had better not just been one big dream sequence!

It's interesting, though. So Archie finds inspiration at Reunion Tower. But what does it meeeeeeeeeeeean?

Y'know, aside from a team up with someone he knows. I need details!

More CHIKARA awesome for the upcoming event in Everett, MA.


Jannetty's going to wrestle again? I mean, it's cool and all, but I thought he just joined CHIKARA as a trainer or something?


Bury? Come on people, lets not use that word so freely. Big Show, by all means is build as the top strong guy. He's supposed to destroy everyone that isn't on top of the card. It's his gimmick and people understand this, nobody's expecting fucking Darren Young to survive a Big Show WMD or Choke slam.

Bury? Really?
It wasn't too long ago (ok 2010) that guys like Gabriel, Slater, Otunga, and Tarver along with Barrett did a big beatdown on Big Show. It's just one of those random pushes the WWE gives to big men, namely Big Show (or Kane).

And I'm pretty sure this was post-SummerSlam so this was after their initial burial from Cena.


Bury? Come on people, lets not use that word so freely. Big Show, by all means is build as the top strong guy. He's supposed to destroy everyone that isn't on top of the card. It's his gimmick and people understand this, nobody's expecting fucking Darren Young to survive a Big Show WMD or Choke slam.

Bury? Really?
Honestly, I didn't see it. I just read the spoliers. I have reason to believe he came down, destroyed 6 members of the tag team division, including the champs, and said "And....What?" before fucking off. Anyway, my point is that these guys never get a chance to build any credibility. As soon as you start to get excited aout a tag team, they get fucked over in some shit storyline, or simply disappear back to Superstars. Granted, PTPs are bucking this trend, currently. But we'll see how long that lasts.

3-hour Raws seem like the perfect opportunity to flaunt your mid-card. But it's just not going to happen, is it.


Bury? Come on people, lets not use that word so freely. Big Show, by all means is build as the top strong guy. He's supposed to destroy everyone that isn't on top of the card. It's his gimmick and people understand this, nobody's expecting fucking Darren Young to survive a Big Show WMD or Choke slam.

Bury? Really?

Also it was at the end of a match where everyone had already been wrestling and were beat up/worn out. It's not like he just beat up 8 dudes that were fresh and standing in the middle of the ring. A few of them were already on the ground when he got out there
Yeah, I don't get it. Why would anyone want to just be champ of their show versus the whole company?

That brand split was a good idea and bad idea rolled up into one.

And the King/Hart Fued wasn't so bad. King got a lot of heat with his Stu and Helen comments. He was so much better as a heel.

Imagine if the Cole/King Fued had Lawler as the heel, Cole as the face.


Bury? Come on people, lets not use that word so freely. Big Show, by all means is build as the top strong guy. He's supposed to destroy everyone that isn't on top of the card. It's his gimmick and people understand this, nobody's expecting fucking Darren Young to survive a Big Show WMD or Choke slam.

Bury? Really?

Exactly not really burying when PrimeTimePlayers were smart ones to bail out.


more money than God
I don't know why you're so excited about that move, it looks like he barely pulled it off and it didn't have any impact at all so it seemed lame. For some reason I think I watched a match where someone did something like that recently, but I can't even remember it at all
A 6'10" man who weighs over 300 pounds did a jumping leg drop off the ropes onto another man hanging on the ropes. Do you know how high he would have to get to extend his leg out to hit it in time? It's incredibly impressive for a man of his size.
This whole thing had better not just been one big dream sequence!

It's interesting, though. So Archie finds inspiration at Reunion Tower. But what does it meeeeeeeeeeeean?

Y'know, aside from a team up with someone he knows. I need details!

Jannetty's going to wrestle again? I mean, it's cool and all, but I thought he just joined CHIKARA as a trainer or something?

I have no idea where this could be going for Archie. Maybe he's going to reunite with another love from in past who lives in Dallas (please be Portia Perez).

As for Jannetty I'm glad he's going to have a match. He can still go, and I'm sure he'll be able to teach the young guy's a thing or two during a live match.

Actually going to a TNA house show today. Should be good times.

Have fun dude. I've heard nothing but good things about their events.
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