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July Wrasslin |OT| The Game, The Kane, The Pain, and The Insane (AJ)


He's a face that males 20+ years old hate but kids and women love despite the fact he's a corny bully and relatively terrible at everything (except over coming odds).

People say the Sixth Installer (or something like that) does everything for you, including patching. Maybe try that if you haven't.

Yeah I'm going to try that


Vince McMahon interview:

As the chairman and chief executive of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), Vince McMahon, 66, oversees a global professional wrestling empire with programming in 145 countries. After almost singlehandedly redefining both “wrestling” and “entertainment” in the 1980s, McMahon has successfully steered the company—which has launched the careers of every buff, bold-faced wrestler from Hulk Hogan to Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson—through steroid scandals and even severe miscalculations such as the XFL. Around the ring, though, business continues to boom. In 2011, the company brought in $483.9 million in revenue. As WWE prepares to celebrate the 1,000th episode of its flagship program, Monday Night Raw, Bloomberg Businessweek asked McMahon for his managerial secrets to success.

Listen to Your Employees—and Yourself

“You can’t say, ‘Go do so-and-so,’ unless you’re willing to do it. You can’t ask someone to put in a zillion hours unless you’re willing to go do it. You can’t ask anyone to have a passion for a product unless you have it. Listening is a lost art. I have a unique ability to listen to myself as I’m talking. That’s somewhat unique, but I think that to listen is to learn. I think some of things begin from a natural standpoint, and you’ve got to work at them. You’ve got to let it evolve.”

Treat Every Day Like Day One

“Once you make a decision, you go with it, and everyone gets behind it. There’s no second-guessing. One of my expressions is, ‘First day on the job.’ That’s the way I like our executives to look at our business every day and what they do. When you do that, then it either confirms that what you did yesterday is the right way—or it’s, like, ‘Ooh, now that I have this new information. … There’s this new form of media, there’s a new way of thinking of things, you know, or I read a book last night, I read something in the newspaper ….’ Bringing that degree of intelligence and flexibility into the organization is very, very important.”

Don’t Cultivate Fear

“Certainly the best way to fail in management [is to be distant and imperious]. You shut people down. If you have all the answers, why is anyone around you? If your ego is so big, then there’s no room for anyone else’s. The fear stuff—that is so rotten. You have to earn everyone’s respect. I have to do it every day. Sometimes I leave the office and I feel great. In military terms, I’ve got ‘scrambled eggs on my cap.’ I’ve got medals dripping off my chest. When I wake up in the morning, they’re all gone. You have to earn everyone’s respect in business every day.”

Clear Your Head and Find Your Zone

“I average about four hours of sleep. I don’t like to sleep. I’m missing something when I’m sleeping. From a personal standpoint, I’m aggressive by nature and I’m truculent by nature. So I need to have a socially acceptable outlet for that. That would be bodybuilding. I enjoy that. It’s a challenge to be stronger. I get a lot of enjoyment by training. Nutrition goes with it. I train for my head—not my body. The ancillary benefits are that I’m healthy as a horse. It really does clear my head. It’s an opportunity to wash anything from my head, business-wise or personal. That’s my moment when I can get into a zone.”

Don’t Settle for BS Answers When Interviewing Job Candidates

“My first question is: Why do you want to work with WWE? They don’t have to know WWE, by the way. They don’t have to be fans. Sometimes that gets in the way. If they give me a boilerplate answer, I look at them and I say, ‘That’s a boilerplate answer. It’s not what I’m looking for.’ I’m very straightforward and very honest with people. That’s what I want back. Don’t tell how to make the watch—tell me what time it is. Be honest. It cuts through a lot of crap. People know where they stand. They know where you stand. Life becomes a lot easier.”

Complacency Is Your Worst Enemy

“Indecision ticks me off, but complacency would be the biggest thing. I don’t take anything for granted. There’s no entitlement. I’m not entitled to take my next breath. I will never be complacent. If I climb a mountain, I want to see the next highest peak. Encourage employees by giving them other opportunities. I think if you see complacency, you say from an HR standpoint, ‘We find that you’re becoming complacent.’ So as a quality I don’t like, that’s strike one. Strike two is if they can’t change—if they can’t look at it as the first day on the job. Sometimes people need a kick in the butt for themselves—personally or professionally. Strike three is when it doesn’t work.”


“I average about four hours of sleep. I don’t like to sleep. I’m missing something when I’m sleeping. From a personal standpoint, I’m aggressive by nature and I’m truculent by nature. So I need to have a socially acceptable outlet for that. That would be bodybuilding. I enjoy that. It’s a challenge to be stronger. I get a lot of enjoyment by training. Nutrition goes with it. I train for my head—not my body. The ancillary benefits are that I’m healthy as a horse. It really does clear my head. It’s an opportunity to wash anything from my head, business-wise or personal. That’s my moment when I can get into a zone.”
Aside for the aggressive and truculent part, I'm honestly the same way.


Well as long as you can read instructions its easy...

I'm so fucking mad I did all the shit from that one stupid website post thing said to do.

I even bought Arma II and used that instead of the 'Free' version. So it would launch combined operations.

I get in the server, there's zombies but there's no people and no weapons and no nothing and the colors are washed out and fucked up and fuck.



I'm so fucking mad I did all the shit from that one stupid website post thing said to do.

I even bought Arma II and used that instead of the 'Free' version. So it would launch combined operations.

I get in the server, there's zombies but there's no people and no weapons and no nothing and the colors are washed out and fucked up and fuck.


I'm sorry, I wish I could help you. I never ran into any problems when I installed it. I didn't buy the steam version though.


KOG, I feel your pain. ARMAII and Dayz are such an incredible pain in the ass to get working. But man, once you fight through all the bullshit the game is so cash. I found a jet on the GAF server, didn't get a chance to fly it but imagine bombing zombies with a jet! That rules.
So no Orton on Monday?

So much
for him returning this Monday since its in St Louis and seeing him spit in the face of HHH and McMahon like old times..

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Stop playing dumb first person computatron games and play a real game like conker's bad fur day and ... conker's bad fur day


So not worth it
I don't know what to make of this comment so here is Paige sitting on another girls head:


I like this new direction of the thread:
Veda Scott v Kimberly was not too bad for a curtain-jerker. I like Veda Scott though, and really think she's trying to get better.

I like Veda too, she's got a lot of charisma, but she really needs to work on making her offence believable - her strikes are some of the weakest I've seen, Kimberly was much better in that regard, but still seemed very green.

Cherry Bomb v Christina Von Eerie I kinda wanna say "Fuck this shit." Not because it was bad, but because my expectations were pretty high. I became a huge CVE fan at the Anarchy Queen of Queens tourney, and I know she can do much better than this. I don't think Cherry Bomb is a bad wrestler at all, so I don't know what happened here. It wasn't a terrible match, but I did expect much better after being so blown away from CVE live.

Yeah, something was really off in this match, I struggled to maintain interest after CVE botched the lionsault, and it just never seemed to kick up a gear.

Mercedes Martinez v Leva Bates was way better than it had any right to be. Leva's cosplay Spiderwoman getup popped the crowd pretty hard. At that point, I thought the kinda tired crowd was ready to pop for just about anything though. Leva has improved substantially, and I give her a lot of credit there, but honestly, the booking really was the problem here, as I don't have any reason to take Leva Bates as a serious challenger to Mercedes Martinez at this point. I think with a little build, I would have been able to take this match more seriously, but what are you gonna do on a first show? Regardless, this match turned the whole show around in my eyes, which were starting to kinda glaze over.

I don't know what it is about Leva Bates, she's a promising wrestler, has a good gimmick and is over with the fans, but I'm still waiting to see that one match from her that would really make me take notice. She hasn't wrestled any 'must-see' matches, as far as I'm aware, to warrant the following she has, imo.

Jazz v Del Rey was a really, really good match. I'd put it just below the Jazz v Rachel Summerlyn match from Anarchy a few weeks ago, (which is the best live match I've seen all year,) but that may be because I saw that from ringside, and was about three feet away from Jazz clobbering Rachel's face with stiff crossface forearms. This match though is worth the price of the whole show.

Yeah, I can imagine the Jazz/Rachel match being better, by virtue of being a more wild and crazy match - I was actually impressed with the crowd here, because they had already started to tire somewhere around the middle of the show, but got well into SDR vs Jazz, despite it being a much more sedate and technical match that anything else on the card. They didn't even really have any big strike exchanges, or fighting spirit spots, just 20 minutes of great technical wrestling. Awesome stuff.

Also, some new talent announced for SHINE 2 on August 17th;

  • Former SHIMMER Heavyweight Champion MsChif
  • Current SHIMMER Tag Team Champion Portia Perez
  • The MidWest Militia - Jessicka Havok, Sassy Stephie & Allysin Kay
  • Taeler Hendrix
  • Mia Yim
  • Josie
  • Heidi Lovelace

Great additions, imo - haven't seen much of Jessicka Havok, so hopefully she'll get a good showing here. With Portia there, I hope she does colour commentary, or maybe Dafney, as I thought Lenny Leonard seemed a bit exposed on his own on Friday, and didn't seem all that familiar with some of the wrestlers.
Uh, holy shit - spoilers from today's Pro-Wrestling NOAH show;

Samoa Joe & Magnus defeated Jun Akiyama & Akitoshi Saito to become the new GHC Heavyweight Tag Team Champions. Elsewhere, Ricky Marvin & Super Crazy defeated Kotaro Suzuki & Atsushi Aoki to become the new GHC Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Champions, Takeshi Morishima successfully defended the GHC Heavyweight Title against Go Shiozaki and KENTA lost his return match to Naomichi Marufuji

Wow, great news for
Joe & Magnus
, wonder where they plan to go with this.

Also, some New Japan spoilers;

Shinsuke Nakamura defeated Hirooki Goto to become the new IWGP Intercontinental Champion, Alex Koslov & Rocky Romero defeated Jushin Liger & Tiger Mask to become the new IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Champions, while Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima defeated Yano & Iizuka to decide the holders of the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championship

Finally, here's a FREE match from the debut show of London-based Progress Wrestling;

Noam Dar vs El Ligero - (Progress 03/28/12)
Uh, holy shit - spoilers from today's Pro-Wrestling NOAH show;

Samoa Joe & Magnus defeated Jun Akiyama & Akitoshi Saito to become the new GHC Heavyweight Tag Team Champions. Elsewhere, Ricky Marvin & Super Crazy defeated Kotaro Suzuki & Atsushi Aoki to become the new GHC Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Champions, Takeshi Morishima successfully defended the GHC Heavyweight Title against Go Shiozaki and KENTA lost his return match to Naomichi Marufuji

Wow, great news for
Joe & Magnus
, wonder where they plan to go with this.

Also, some New Japan spoilers;

Shinsuke Nakamura defeated Hirooki Goto to become the new IWGP Intercontinental Champion, Alex Koslov & Rocky Romero defeated Jushin Liger & Tiger Mask to become the new IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Champions, while Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima defeated Yano & Iizuka to decide the holders of the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championship

Finally, here's a FREE match from the debut show of London-based Progress Wrestling;

Noam Dar vs El Ligero - (Progress 03/28/12)

Yes to all of this. I need to SEES ITS


So threemendous was amazing. MOTN was either the ladder match or BBoy/Drake. drake really brought it and im so glad ill get more of him this year. Also, the ladder match featured the best ref spot ever. And Joey Ryan continues to be awesome by winning his match via Tazmission and saying "survive if i let you" earlier
This should be framed on all of your walls:

“We’re trying to teach them to be the Stone Colds and the Undertakers of tomorrow, but the one thing we can’t teach is charisma,” said Levesque. “You can teach people to do moves and create story lines and the psychology of what we do, but you can’t teach someone to be the Rock. It’s an innate ability to walk into a room and have everyone pay attention. Put aside the athleticism and what happens in the ring, what our business is really about is connecting with people emotionally. If you are emotionally connected to your character, then people will want to see you. It’s true in Hollywood and movies. You don’t have to be the best actor, just be a presence.”



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This should be framed on all of your walls:

“We’re trying to teach them to be the Stone Colds and the Undertakers of tomorrow, but the one thing we can’t teach is charisma,” said Levesque. “You can teach people to do moves and create story lines and the psychology of what we do, but you can’t teach someone to be the Rock. It’s an innate ability to walk into a room and have everyone pay attention. Put aside the athleticism and what happens in the ring, what our business is really about is connecting with people emotionally. If you are emotionally connected to your character, then people will want to see you. It’s true in Hollywood and movies. You don’t have to be the best actor, just be a presence.”


Wow, Triple H now has the exact opposite effect for me.
Gotta be emotionally connected to your character huh Trips? what characters?
As far as the non established main eventers go the best gimmicks we've got is what...Ziggler maybe? doing some show off antics mid match because he's "the show off" and that's pretty much all he can do with that astounding character, still it's miles ahead of such great characters as TYSON KIDD (he went to the Hart Dungeon!), and MICHAEL MCGENESIS (his dad is better than him!) for example.

The thing is HHH is still absolutely right, see R Truth and Rhodes last year and how they got over with their insane warped characters, Truth in particular was great but these situations are few and far between, on top of this Truth is now bland face whose only signs of being unstable come from gesturing at the invisible little Jimmy, Rhodes had his gimmick removed, hell he's not even acting very dashing these days either, throw Ryder in here as well and it's almost as if getting a character over is punishable by character removal or a depush.


----- ------
Gotta be emotionally connected to your character huh Trips? what characters?
As far as the non established main eventers go the best gimmicks we've got is what...Ziggler maybe? doing some show off antics mid match because he's "the show off" and that's pretty much all he can do with that astounding character, still it's miles ahead of such great characters as TYSON KIDD (he went to the Hart Dungeon!), and MICHAEL MCGENESIS (his dad is better than him!) for example.

The thing is HHH is still absolutely right, see R Truth and Rhodes last year and how they got over with their insane warped characters, Truth in particular was great but these situations are few and far between, on top of this Truth is now bland face whose only signs of being unstable come from gesturing at the invisible little Jimmy, Rhodes had his gimmick removed, hell he's not even acting very dashing these days either, throw Ryder in here as well and it's almost as if getting a character over is punishable by character removal or a depush.

Ah, so that's why Kane's been soo bland for soo long.


more money than God
They should repackage him as Jacob Glenneson, a silent big man who squashes people every week, it would be right up your alley.
Dude, I don't get it. You can say a lot of things about the current Kane character, but bland isn't one of them. Relative to the rest of the roster which is nothing but arrogant heels and smirking faces making childish jokes, he's not bland at all. I know that isn't saying much, but still.

Then again, Razor is probably just doing his weekly Kane troll.


So not worth it
Gotta be emotionally connected to your character huh Trips? what characters?
As far as the non established main eventers go the best gimmicks we've got is what...Ziggler maybe? doing some show off antics mid match because he's "the show off" and that's pretty much all he can do with that astounding character, still it's miles ahead of such great characters as TYSON KIDD (he went to the Hart Dungeon!), and MICHAEL MCGENESIS (his dad is better than him!) for example.

The thing is HHH is still absolutely right, see R Truth and Rhodes last year and how they got over with their insane warped characters, Truth in particular was great but these situations are few and far between, on top of this Truth is now bland face whose only signs of being unstable come from gesturing at the invisible little Jimmy, Rhodes had his gimmick removed, hell he's not even acting very dashing these days either, throw Ryder in here as well and it's almost as if getting a character over is punishable by character removal or a depush.

So then Triple H needs to take a long hard look in the mirror and think about what got guys like Austin and Rock to superstardom. It sure as hell wasn't changing their characters once they were getting over. Let them develop naturally, instead of overmanaging them to the point of Truth going from very funny heel to token black guy talking to imaginary person. Same thing with Punk, when they gave the guy a free ticket to go on air and cut a promo he cut the best promo in at least 5 years, maybe longer. They let it continue for a few weeks and everything is great and then the creative team steps in, takes over and everything that got Punk over is nullified in two months time. Have some faith in your top performers Trips.

Also, stop making them job to you and your 50-year old buddies. They're supposed to be the focus of THIS BUSINESS™, not you. Have your in-ring moments, but put the regular performers over.
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