Dude, I don't get it. You can say a lot of things about the current Kane character, but bland isn't one of them. Relative to the rest of the roster which is nothing but arrogant heels and smirking faces making childish jokes, he's not bland at all. I know that isn't saying much, but still.
Then again, Razor is probably just doing his weekly Kane troll.
I miss Kane promos but for now the balance of monster power and therefore promo time has shifted to Big Show as their fates are ever intertwined.
Razor's just living through the Razor Ramon gimmick and being the bad guy, see gimmicks are fun, otherwise he's just being a bland troll with a username of Skinner Razorez straight from the WWE name generator and my man Razor would never do such a thing.
So then Triple H needs to take a long hard look in the mirror and think about what got guys like Austin and Rock to superstardom. It sure as hell wasn't changing their characters once they were getting over. Let them develop naturally, instead of overmanaging them to the point of Truth going from very funny heel to token black guy talking to imaginary person. Same thing with Punk, when they gave the guy a free ticket to go on air and cut a promo he cut the best promo in at least 5 years, maybe longer. They let it continue for a few weeks and everything is great and then the creative team steps in, takes over and everything that got Punk over is nullified in two months time. Have some faith in your top performers Trips.
Also, stop making them job to you and your 50-year old buddies. They're supposed to be the focus of THIS BUSINESS, not you. Have your in-ring moments, but put the regular performers over.
The heavy scripting for most peoples promos and the inability to settle on a show plan until like 5 minutes before Raw starts will likely ensure that this situation wont be getting much better anytime soon. This extra hour for Raw could do many things, more plot time, more midcard time, more promo time for non main event wrestlers but we all know that's not going to happen.
We'll get squash matches for character building and nothing more.
The problem is WWE is in this "reality era" where you can't really have a strong character/gimmick. You can have a certain personality (ie Ziggler, Rhodes, Truth) but we'll never see Kane/Undertake type gimmicks again.
Thing is I don't even need the elaborate and over the top Taker style gimmicks, stuff like Truth and Rhodes last year is more than enough. You look back at like 2000 and there were so many varying characters jumping around that Steve Blackman was able to have a "gimmick" of being some stoic normal man in a sea of madmen and it was awesome. Now everybody's just some guy, everybody is that one characterless individual from 2000, they are Perry Saturn, actually no, even he got the Moppy gimmick.