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July Wrasslin |OT| The Game, The Kane, The Pain, and The Insane (AJ)


It is going to be tough getting through 3 hours every week. I think I'll start recording at 8 and start watching from the beginning at 9 ,so I can fast forward through the commercials.
Welcome back, fellow Kane avatar.
Well, hello.



It is going to be tough getting through 3 hours every week. I think I'll start recording at 8 and start watching from the beginning at 9 ,so I can fast forward through the commercials.

Honestly... I felt like the three hours went by fast. I know I'm probably the only one that feels that way but it didn't even feel like 3 hours. Maybe it was because so much time was spent on commercials and I didn't pay attention to those at all
Honestly... I felt like the three hours went by fast. I know I'm probably the only one that feels that way but it didn't even feel like 3 hours. Maybe it was because so much time was spent on commercials and I didn't pay attention to those at all

Really? That felt like Wrestlemania levels of stretching for me. Maybe if I actually cared about anyone but 3 wrestlers....
I wonder where they'll go from here. Punk needs the title until rumble IMO.

Cena Fantasy Booking:

1. Fight Punk (maybe also Show in 3 way) at SS, lose due to whatever shenanigans
2. D. Brine gets back into the fold, 3 way at Sept PPV, D. Brine cheats Cena out of the win but Punk retains with GTS on Bryan
3. Cena vs. Bryan #1 Contender on Raw, Bryan cheats his way to a win. Punk vs Bryan HIAC @ October PPV with Cena as guest ref. Cena gives Bryan an AA out of frustration, realizes mistake and is forced to count the 3 for Punk who laughs the whole time.
4. Team Cena vs. Team Punk @ Survivor Series, Punk drops pipe bomb on Stone Cold who's a guest at the PPV, Team Cena wins due to Team Punk having issues being a team
5. Cena does whatever at TLC, doesn't matter
6. Stone Cold interferes in Punk/Rock at the Rumble because of pipe bomb in November, Rock wins WWE Title, John Cena is final 4 in the Rumble match but loses
7. Rumble winner goes after WHC so Cena wins Elimination Chamber #1 Contender to fight The Rock at WM, Cena wins.
8. Stone Cold vs. Punk @ WM due to Austin cutting Punk's reign short. Added Straight Edge vs. Drunk undertones. Punk wins.
9. New generation has beaten the old, Punk still has a bone to pick over unclean loss at Rumble, Cena accepts challenge, everyone is happy.

EDIT: Updated.
EDIT: Again.


Unconfirmed Member
There is no way this is indictive of the average 3 hour night of raw. This was mostly a night for legends, which means a whole lot of one off segments with people from the past. If you like people from the past you may like this raw, and if not it may feel like everything was pointless.

Either way its not going to carry over to next week. The next 2 weeks are going to be far more indicative of what 3 hours is going to mean.


more money than God
So Kane now has all the hair and Taker is bald.

Funny how that turned out.

Kane also seems to have the most stable life outside of the ring. I think it's because he never allowed his home life and wrestling to mix. He also has a number of outside interests. The lines begin to blur in some of these other guys' lives, and shit starts falling apart (like your hair), lol.


Unconfirmed Member
So people say face Punk was stale, but do you realize the faces that are going to take his place are Cena, Shamus, Orton, and Mysterio. All of which are about 100 times more stale than CM Punk was. And like I said in the raw 1000 topic, do you realize that even Lesner's character already has no kayfabe credibility. Big Show with his monster gimmick hasn't won squat since the night he turned either.

And yet you think they are really going to make Punk into a legitimate threat? He was already absolutely destroyed by Cena.

I for one am tired of seeing the people I like never having a chance at winning anything in a satisfactory way. And its not because I don't like faces, its because the the only faces that ever get treated as if they mean something are incredibly stale and have been for years and years and years now. Maybe if they found a brand new main event face from either a face turn or a mega push for a good face like Kofi, I could let go of the CM Punk heel turn. But this just seems like another huge step in the path to WWE being absolutely worthless.


more money than God
So people say face Punk was stale, but do you realize the faces that are going to take his place are Cena, Shamus, Orton, and Mysterio. All of which are about 100 times more stale than CM Punk was. And like I said in the raw 1000 topic, do you realize that even Lesner's character already has no kayfabe credibility. Big Show with his monster gimmick hasn't won squat since the night he turned either.

And yet you think they are really going to make Punk into a legitimate threat? He was already absolutely destroyed by Cena.

I for one am tired of seeing the people I like never having a chance at winning anything in a satisfactory way. And its not because I don't like faces, its because the the only faces that ever get treated as if they mean something are incredibly stale and have been for years and years and years now. Maybe if they found a brand new main event face from either a face turn or a mega push for a good face like Kofi, I could let go of the CM Punk heel turn. But this just seems like another huge step in the path to WWE being absolutely worthless.
The show will suck no matter who is a heel or a face. It's not the talent that's the problem, it's what they're given to work with. Nonsensical feuds, storylines that never develop due to constant rewrites and changes, "swerves" that do nothing but make the audience apathetic, little or no actual wrestling, the show becoming a giant advertisement campaign for other companies. It's going to suck no matter what. Just accept it.

EDIT: My, how things change.




That logo is definitely a sight for sore eyes.

So do we know if WWE can use the WWF logo in old footage? Can we expect an announcement or something?

This is really strange. I feel like this can't be a botch by the production team because this Austin footage is used over and over and over in video packages since the name change and has obviously been censored.

If they start releasing uncensored Attitude Era footage on DVD I might have to start picking some up :O


I'm not someone who thinks Punk is a bad face, but I do think he's a GREAT heel. I'm still thinking they could go tweener with him, which is what I would have liked to see in the first place, but if they turned him heel to get him ready for Rock/Austin(!) then I'm on board. Those feuds will be much better with Punk spitting fire and being manipulative. They won't be the clusterfuck Rock/Cena was.


So do we know if WWE can use the WWF logo in old footage? Can we expect an announcement or something?

This is really strange. I feel like this can't be a botch by the production team because this Austin footage is used over and over and over in video packages since the name change and has obviously been censored.

If they start releasing uncensored Attitude Era footage on DVD I might have to start picking some up :O

I e-mailed Meltzer about it a couple hours ago and asked him if they came to an agreement with the World Wildlife Fund about the use of the logo. Hopefully he'll respond back tomorrow.

It certainly seemed intentional. If it was just the odd logo that was unblurred for a second or two, I would usually just chalk it up as a mistake by the editing team, but throughout that entire Stone Cold video package on Raw, there was zero blurring throughout the entire thing.

It would be good timing too since they're planning to release an Attitude Era DVD before the end of the year.
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