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July Wrasslin |OT| The Game, The Kane, The Pain, and The Insane (AJ)


It was great seeing representatives of three of my favorite tag teams (Road Warriors/Skyscrapers/Doom) of all time in the Heath Slater vs. Lita match. If only they could have brought Steiner in.


more money than God
Hey, Soul, since you like Kane so much ... here he is in Japan, wrestling in Fujiwaragumi (which was a shoot-style promotion):

Yeah, I've seen that before. It really shows off his technical skills. Most people don't know that he was originally trained in Japan in shoot fighting, then went around the world wrestling before he landed in the WWE. The guy can do so much more than he's allowed to, but I feel like they've given him a bit more freedom this past year.


Unconfirmed Member
The show will suck no matter who is a heel or a face. It's not the talent that's the problem, it's what they're given to work with. Nonsensical feuds, storylines that never develop due to constant rewrites and changes, "swerves" that do nothing but make the audience apathetic, little or no actual wrestling, the show becoming a giant advertisement campaign for other companies. It's going to suck no matter what. Just accept it.

I just think there is something to be said about having the people you like be the same people that get all the benefits of being a face. Its nice to have the guy you like be the guy that gets to look strongest in the ring (no cheating necessary), never have to stay something intentionally stupid/wrong/immoral to get heat, to be able to hear cheering instead of booing and say, yeah I'm with the crowd because I like him too.

Without Punk, I have literally no faces in the main event scene that I like, and I can tell you if you only like the heels in the WWE, you are going to have a bad time most of the time. You are right that the writers could make it better if they somehow made me not feel like a second class fan for liking a heel by giving the heels a leg up every once in a while, or by filling the empty spot left by Punk, but I guess I am already assuming that is not going to happen.
Then explain it genius

I don't believe we should ever have to settle for a straight-up heel/face dichotomy. I also don't think that attacking another face makes you a heel, especially when you have very good reason to attack that person.

they even went so far as to have Lawler say that "punk has turned on the WWE Universe."

I would never take anything Lawler says as gospel.
He doesn't understand angles anymore even when he's being fed lines.


From a live report of someone who attended Raw tonight:

*Undertaker not being able to get his coat off - it took two stagehands yanking on it to get the sleeves over his gloves.

So that's why they cut to the crowd shot for so long when he entered the ring. :lol


Unconfirmed Member
Ugh... All You People in here thought that Punk turned heel?

This is why we can't have nice things.

Maybe you could say that if all he did was take advantage of the big show's help. Its a little heelish as the opposite reaction to Cena passing on Big Show's hurting of punk the week before. That part could still be read either way.

Then attacked the Rock who was only there to help Cena out. Beating up a downed opponent after the match is one of the biggest heel things you can do, and saving one is one of the biggest face things you can do, and Punk attacked the savior while allowing the beat down to continue.

Then the announcers talked about punk as if he was evil.

It has all of the markings of a complete turn. If it turns out he's face next week and comes up with an explanation of how the rock deserved it and cena can take care of himself or something, then its just bad writing because the actions of the characters would make no sense.

EDIT: Actually I could see it working if you tear down the face/heel dicotomy, like saying punk is a good dude that happens to believe cena is a phony and rock is a sell out. But thinking of it like that, we should have been happy for AJ and Bryan's wedding. There was no obvious ulterior motive to us, and Bryan said he was sorry and he still loved her. And yet even that was treated like the most evil thing someone could do.


I don't believe we should ever have to settle for a straight-up heel/face dichotomy. I also don't think that attacking another face makes you a heel, especially when you have very good reason to attack that person.

I would never take anything Lawler says as gospel.
He doesn't understand angles anymore even when he's being fed lines.

He didn't defend John Cena, when you're not on Cena's side, you're a evil person.


I don't believe we should ever have to settle for a straight-up heel/face dichotomy. I also don't think that attacking another face makes you a heel, especially when you have very good reason to attack that person.

You are confusing what you want to happen with what the WWE actually does.
I skipped through Raw. Was there any explanation for Bryan talking to the guys in white backstage? I assume his plan was to have AJ sectioned once they were married, but I didn't see it mentioned again.


Unconfirmed Member
I skipped through Raw. Was there any explanation for Bryan talking to the guys in white backstage? I assume his plan was to have AJ sectioned once they were married, but I didn't see it mentioned again.

No. There was no explanation to anything about the wedding at all, like why the fuck was there a wedding in the first place, for example.


more money than God
I skipped through Raw. Was there any explanation for Bryan talking to the guys in white backstage? I assume his plan was to have AJ sectioned once they were married, but I didn't see it mentioned again.
If I had to guess, I'd say the plan was likely to have Bryan threaten to have AJ institutionalized, only for Kane to come out and save her, setting up a Kane/Bryan feud (what happened on SD! and WWE.com previewing Kane interference in the wedding makes it clear that was the plan), but it seems like they just went with AJ becoming the GM at the last minute. If I had to guess, I would say the Bryan/Sheen stuff was just nonsense they were coming up with as the show progressed, and it will likely lead to nowhere.

At this point, I'm expecting AJ to no longer be GM by SS.
Punk worked the match pure babyface up until Big Show came out. Then after Big Show did his thing he still acted reluctantly and very nearly paid the price for not immediately capitalizing. Meanwhile, Cena nearly refused the code of honour and was the first person to escalate their offense (there was a clear spot wherein Punk let Cena get up after being knocked down, while Cena stayed on the offensive when the same happened to Punk shortly after).
If their plan was for Cena to be pure face and Punk pure villain they wouldn't have bothered to book the actual dynamics of the match this way.

As to the actual angle, Punk has absolutely no reason to save Cena and he does have cause to attack the Rock. If we are to backtrack for a moment, Punk has been invoking "The Shoot" promo a few times of late. If you'll recall his main gripe was that Cena/Rock had been given a predetermined WWE Title match 8 months in the future with Rock failing to earn a damn thing.
Flashforward to now and Punk was still being treated like second fiddle to Cena and the Rock, with the Rock being offered a second title match in as many years without earning it. Why on Earth would Punk, face or heel, care about these hypocritical douchebags?

It'll be Punk & Show vs. Cena & friend.

I'll give you another month if this happens, but you'll have to let me pick your avatar for a month if not.
Took this from the Raw thread


Just imagine Zig Zags selling that clothesline


I think someone posted a bigger version than that a few minutes after it happened live. I don't know how many pages that is back though

here it is

how did Rock get a title shot anyway?

I'm just going to guess that he announced he was doing it and no one will bother to check. There are so many fucking authority figures running around that I assume they'll all just think someone else cleared it.

Being an entitled asshole pays off.


I skipped through Raw. Was there any explanation for Bryan talking to the guys in white backstage? I assume his plan was to have AJ sectioned once they were married, but I didn't see it mentioned again.

No. Maybe they actually changed the storyline during the break or maybe it was a dumb shot at his "groomsmen" or some stupid shit. The whole thing failed to deliver, IMO.

I don't know how Punk couldn't be seen as a heel switch tonight.

Punk beats up on The Rock for no reason. The Rock was trying to beat up on Show for interrupting a match. Punk could've just walked away. Instead, he interrupts The Rock's beat down and ultimately gives him a gts. It could just be a way to spark a rivalry between The Rock but why not just be the face and ask to fight (like how it usually works nowadays right!?), rather than picking one. While I agree, that does seem to be the only way to become heel according to wwe nowadays -the interrupting, cowardly acts and shit- it seemed pretty clear to me that he turned heel. I could be wrong though.


more money than God
I love how practically NO ONE has commented on HHH/Lesnar. Shows you how badly they've fucked that up.

They took a hyped up Lesnar that the mainstream was paying attention to, and they managed to turn it into another McMahon ego stroke feud.


Cena Fantasy Booking:

1. Fight Punk (maybe also Show in 3 way) at SS, lose due to whatever shenanigans
2. D. Brine gets back into the fold, 3 way at Sept PPV, D. Brine cheats Cena out of the win but Punk retains with GTS on Bryan
3. Cena vs. Bryan #1 Contender on Raw, Bryan cheats his way to a win. Punk vs Bryan HIAC @ October PPV with Cena as guest ref. Cena gives Bryan an AA out of frustration, realizes mistake and is forced to count the 3 for Punk who laughs the whole time.
4. Team Cena vs. Team Punk @ Survivor Series, Punk drops pipe bomb on Stone Cold who's a guest at the PPV, Team Cena wins due to Team Punk having issues being a team
5. Cena does whatever at TLC, doesn't matter
6. Stone Cold interferes in Punk/Rock at the Rumble because of pipe bomb in November, Rock wins WWE Title, John Cena is final 4 in the Rumble match but loses
7. Rumble winner goes after WHC so Cena wins Elimination Chamber #1 Contender to fight The Rock at WM, Cena wins.
8. Stone Cold vs. Punk @ WM due to Austin cutting Punk's reign short. Added Straight Edge vs. Drunk undertones. Punk wins.
9. New generation has beaten the old, Punk still has a bone to pick over unclean loss at Rumble, Cena accepts challenge, everyone is happy.

EDIT: Updated.
EDIT: Again.

What happens to Bryan after Hell in a Cell?


I love how practically NO ONE has commented on HHH/Lesnar. Shows you how badly they've fucked that up.

They took a hyped up Lesnar that the mainstream was paying attention to, and they managed to turn it into another McMahon ego stroke feud.

It would've been cool to see HHH get beat up or something. Not beat him out of the ring after a few back and forth punches.


I love how practically NO ONE has commented on HHH/Lesnar. Shows you how badly they've fucked that up.

They took a hyped up Lesnar that the mainstream was paying attention to, and they managed to turn it into another McMahon ego stroke feud.

It was alright, to me. Not like he beat Brock up or anything. Just knocked him out of the ring. Brock broke his arm the last time both of them were in the ring so I imagine this was just to maybe make it seem more even


No. Maybe they actually changed the storyline during the break or maybe it was a dumb shot at his "groomsmen" or some stupid shit. The whole thing failed to deliver, IMO.

I don't know how Punk couldn't be seen as a heel switch tonight.

Punk beats up on The Rock for no reason. The Rock was trying to beat up on Show for interrupting a match. Punk could've just walked away. Instead, he interrupts The Rock's beat down and ultimately gives him a gts. It could just be a way to spark a rivalry between The Rock but why not just be the face and ask to fight, rather than picking one. While I agree, that does seem to be the only way to become heel according to wwe nowadays -the interrupting, cowardly acts and shit- it seemed pretty clear to me that he turned heel. I could be wrong though.
my assumption was that Punk is unable to help Cena because heis afraid of getting beat down by Big Show. after all Big Show did pretty much beat Punk last week. thus he walked out. but when Rock ran in, Punk becomes angry at Rock for being a showboat or something.
that was up until Lawler said Punk turned his back on the universe. so i dnt know what Vince is going for.


Cena Fantasy Booking:

1. Fight Punk (maybe also Show in 3 way) at SS, lose due to whatever shenanigans
2. D. Brine gets back into the fold, 3 way at Sept PPV, D. Brine cheats Cena out of the win but Punk retains with GTS on Bryan
3. Cena vs. Bryan #1 Contender on Raw, Bryan cheats his way to a win. Punk vs Bryan HIAC @ October PPV with Cena as guest ref. Cena gives Bryan an AA out of frustration, realizes mistake and is forced to count the 3 for Punk who laughs the whole time.
4. Team Cena vs. Team Punk @ Survivor Series, Punk drops pipe bomb on Stone Cold who's a guest at the PPV, Team Cena wins due to Team Punk having issues being a team
5. Cena does whatever at TLC, doesn't matter
6. Stone Cold interferes in Punk/Rock at the Rumble because of pipe bomb in November, Rock wins WWE Title, John Cena is final 4 in the Rumble match but loses
7. Rumble winner goes after WHC so Cena wins Elimination Chamber #1 Contender to fight The Rock at WM, Cena wins.
8. Stone Cold vs. Punk @ WM due to Austin cutting Punk's reign short. Added Straight Edge vs. Drunk undertones. Punk wins.
9. New generation has beaten the old, Punk still has a bone to pick over unclean loss at Rumble, Cena accepts challenge, everyone is happy.

EDIT: Updated.
EDIT: Again.
what is all this in Dragonball Z terms?


What happens to Bryan after Hell in a Cell?

He was feuding with Santino, loses a 'Loser leaves WWE'. And is never heard from again.

And I wouldn't be surprised based on the fact he wasn't buried to the point of maybe still main eventing, jobbed out to midcard mania. Hell even the twitter chart was between Cena, Show and Punk to face Rock at Royal Rumble.

Personally I would prefer seeing Bryan vs Rock, than any of the other choices.
What happens to Bryan after Hell in a Cell?

I had a plan for that too, but I didn't feel like typing that much and now I forgot :X

Maybe he ends up on Team Punk and is the reason Team Cena wins since he isn't cooperating with Punk or anyone else on the team. Then him and Cena at TLC just so they have something to do, Cena wins effectively ending that feud, Bryan goes on to win the Rumble, and challenges for the WHC in a rematch against Sheamus that he ends up winning. FULL CIRCLE, SON.

what is all this in Dragonball Z terms?

It's called the Rival Generations Arc. Cena is Goku, Punk is Vegeta. Or something.



that's exactly what happened.

they even went so far as to have Lawler say that "punk has turned on the WWE Universe."

The story with Punk was that as WWE Champion he's been pushed to the side for then:

AJ/Daniel Bryan Bullshit

And now:

The Rock & Cena. With the Rock getting a title shot just because he can.

CM Punk felt it was bullshit and took action because this was the kind of shit that made him leave in the first place.

If that makes him a Heel... Then that is dumb writing.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA

Too bad Henning's not still alive. You could have a level 15 level 35 level 50 image

also AJ as GM sounds really really dumb


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Cena Fantasy Booking:

1. Fight Punk (maybe also Show in 3 way) at SS, lose due to whatever shenanigans
2. D. Brine gets back into the fold, 3 way at Sept PPV, D. Brine cheats Cena out of the win but Punk retains with GTS on Bryan
3. Cena vs. Bryan #1 Contender on Raw, Bryan cheats his way to a win. Punk vs Bryan HIAC @ October PPV with Cena as guest ref. Cena gives Bryan an AA out of frustration, realizes mistake and is forced to count the 3 for Punk who laughs the whole time.
4. Team Cena vs. Team Punk @ Survivor Series, Punk drops pipe bomb on Stone Cold who's a guest at the PPV, Team Cena wins due to Team Punk having issues being a team
5. Cena does whatever at TLC, doesn't matter
6. Stone Cold interferes in Punk/Rock at the Rumble because of pipe bomb in November, Rock wins WWE Title, John Cena is final 4 in the Rumble match but loses
7. Rumble winner goes after WHC so Cena wins Elimination Chamber #1 Contender to fight The Rock at WM, Cena wins.
8. Stone Cold vs. Punk @ WM due to Austin cutting Punk's reign short. Added Straight Edge vs. Drunk undertones. Punk wins.
9. New generation has beaten the old, Punk still has a bone to pick over unclean loss at Rumble, Cena accepts challenge, everyone is happy.

EDIT: Updated.
EDIT: Again.
You stopped writing about Bryan at part 3 of your 9 step program.
You stopped writing about Bryan at part 3. of your 9 step program.

Keep reading the thread dood, geez.

Why you guys gotta criticize my fake booking more than the stuff you watch on Raw every week? :(

I'm not even on Creative™ yet and already the IWC is complaining.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
He mentioned that and proposed an idea on this page!
Full circle on Sheamo? It'd only be worth it if he yes-locks him and Sheamo taps at 17 seconds.
Keep reading the thread dood, geez.

Why you guys gotta criticize my fake booking more than the stuff you watch on Raw every week? :(
I was just wondering where mah-boi D-Brine was gonna b after tonite, today in the ring every week which is what he's doing.
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