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July Wrasslin |OT| The Game, The Kane, The Pain, and The Insane (AJ)

I was just wondering where mah-boi D-Brine was gonna b after tonite, today in the ring every week which is what he's doing.

What just happened here? Am I crazy or did this sentence just kill my brain?

I had your back, dammit. I'm like the Batista to your Rey.




Keep reading the thread dood, geez.

Why you guys gotta criticize my fake booking more than the stuff you watch on Raw every week? :(

I'm not even on Creative™ yet and already the IWC is complaining.

Well considering by this time next year with everything being equal Daniel Bryan probably will be in a feud with Santino.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
The story with Punk was that as WWE Champion he's been pushed to the side for then:

AJ/Daniel Bryan Bullshit

And now:

The Rock & Cena. With the Rock getting a title shot just because he can.

CM Punk felt it was bullshit and took action because this was the kind of shit that made him leave in the first place.

If that makes him a Heel... Then that is dumb writing.
Makes sense, which is why Punk will likely end up a heel.

Because: WWE.


So not worth it
So it's been about 5 hours since I went to sleep. Has WrassleGAF retconned this Raw into the worst Raw in existence yet?

Don't fail me WrassleGAF!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Punk will be a heel because WWE is predictable. Look at the 'looks at guy he just hit with finisher slow stare' at the end. That is ALWAYS a heel turn and WWE isn't creative enough for it not to be.

Also, I've studied the tapes, and I've come to a decision.

Stone Cold's character in 1996 is the greatest character in wrestling history. Possibly even top 10 characters for TV history. Better than Rock, Hogan, Flair, Macho, and Bruno in their prime. Of course, I won't just say this without any kind of posts backing it up, so these are what I thought while watching a bunch of 1996 matches/ppvs.

I don't think you can solely give Austin credit either. It was a perfect storm of events that made him perfect for this year. The perfect torch bearer. Austin was originally Stunnin' Steve in the WWF. He had a short stint where he worked for Dibiase and beat the shit out of people. He did an awesome job of it, but he was just the typical heel and it was more about Dibiase than him. He also had blonde hair and looked like Human Bender from Futurama. He was noticeable but nothing big. This was before the internet as well, so your memory of people as a mark back then usually relied on merchandise. To my knowledge, there's no Stunnin Steve merch and that's perfect. Sure, a couple people might have recognized him as Steve Austin, but they were in the minority. Most people thought this new heel was just 'some guy'. And that's the first thing about Austin that's perfect in this year. His look. In 1996, WWF was still full of guys wearing bright, neon colors. Hell, their fans and their stage was colorful too. It was like a cartoon brought to life and most everyone had ridiculous Fantasy Novel hair or generic 'haircuts'. Then you've got Austin. This mother fucker comes out in the most basic gear. Shaved head, goatee, black trunks, knee pads, boots, and that's it. It's such a huge contrast to the ring and other competitors that makes him stand out like a sore thumb. Unlike Orton who they try to make a 'loner' who just looks like yet another douchebag in black tights and silly tattoos. Austin looked like a guy who liked to get in fights at bars and decided to wrestle because it was another way to beat people up, so he put the minimum amount of effort in attire so he'd be accepted into the WWF ring.

The most memorable parts were probably his promos and in-ring work though. Austin wasn't the best wrestler in the world, but this is Austin in 1996. This is Austin before he broke his neck. People seem to forget that he used to be more than punches, knees, stun guns, lou thesz presses, and stunners. He used to be technical enough to keep up with guys like Bret, Owen, and HBK. And that reminds me of the promos, Austin was awesome because he was booked like a loner. He started off as a heel, but he was the modern day Dusty Rhodes. He was the blue collar guy that fans could relate to even though he didn't want to relate to fans. He was the 'Die Hard' of wrestling. Even though you couldn't, you felt like you could be Austin. And Austin was introduced as a heel, but what was awesome was, even though he got cheered, he never TRIED to get cheered. This is Austin before his corny catch phrases, t-shirts, slogans, etc. Even in 98, Austin was corny compared to 1996 Austin who looked, honestly, terrifying. Austin's character HATED Bret Hart, and the booking was so good that he would come out during Hart's matches just to fuck him up. It felt like the two legit hated each other, but it was also awesome because Austin's character hated HBK too. HBK was a face, but he was a face like Cena that a lot of people didn't like. It was mindblowing that this character was dumping on the biggest heel in the company AND the biggest face in the company. And they booked Austin so well because of how he looked. He wasn't too big so they didn't book him as a 'monster' who dominated. He wasn't too small, so they didn't book him as an underdog who only won when it mattered. He won enough to look like a serious threat, but he lost a bunch too which made him look hungry and vengeful.

These promos would MAKE the Atittude Era. A lot of the same props are even used for the Raw is War entrance
Survivors Series 96(I honestly think this is the best WWF promo of all time)
On the 8th day, God created Stone Cold and I'm rewriting the book.
Stone Cold calling out Bret

Alright, I think I'm done blowing Stone Cold... For now.
Yeah 96 Stone Cold is just about the best thing the WWE has ever done IMO. The pinnacle of alpha gimmicks. The funniest part is that the character it's pretty much 100% Austin because you can see it in the ECW promos he did before going to the WWF.

That gimmick should be their blueprint on creating badasses. That and Biker Taker. Unfortunately, the WWE in 2012 is more concerned with keeping Cena bulletproof than creating badass characters.


Raw 1000 was very enjoyable, the only real concern I have is with AJ being the new GM - not only was that a weak way out of the marriage scenario, but I have my doubts if that position is good for her character in the long run. As far as the acting goes, I have no concerns with her, but in my opinion you need to have some sort of commanding voice for the job and she hasn't shown that yet. It was awesome to see the Dr. of Style again, it hurt that nobody seemed to remember who he was. The crowd could have been better all night, they were great for the opening segment but after that not so much.

Stone Cold not being there was weird, but I guess it just wasn't possible to get him. Maybe they should have taped a segment, I'm not sure.


No One Remembers
I love how practically NO ONE has commented on HHH/Lesnar. Shows you how badly they've fucked that up.

They took a hyped up Lesnar that the mainstream was paying attention to, and they managed to turn it into another McMahon ego stroke feud.

Having HHH beat Brock out of the ring?

I know I've been one of the people who rag on Punk the most for being neutered, but now we'll see if the neutering goes all the way deep in the taint. I hope not - I hope we have a great return to form, a return to the Punk we all enjoyed years ago, but we'll see.

And I really, REALLY hope This Fire Burns comes back. Best theme he's had, and I even like Slayer so South of Heaven isn't it.


Guys. Heel Punk.

What a fantastic turn. His facial expressions in the Rock/Bryan segment were screaming "You make my skin crawl.....must...turn...heel..."

Then he just goes into the next level in the match. That was some great booking for once!


Liked most of raw
dx was great - except for them beeping ASS
Sandow was the star of tonights show

the 6 man was ok - Jericho promised and failed to deliver again.

Dude love and Slater angles also fun to watch

Taker and kane was great - marked out for kane - first time in years.

Cena getting over the most at the end - Punched by bigshow - gets up , submits cm punk with him about to tap , then cm kills the rock .. Therefore cena is stronger then rock and punk and bigshow.

What i didnt like

The wedding - why the hell didnt vince hit his music when they asked if anyone had something to say or hold their peace before aj became GM , unless she makes some super crazy matches it ruins everything.
However AJ said yes so they can run an angle if it was or wasnt a legally binding marriage .
This is the worst angle in wwe right now and is making Claire lynch look good.

HHH vs Lesnar - How i wish paul slapped Steph , or kissed steph when she bad mouthed him , also why the hell was lesnar jumping around for like a minute when he should of ran to the ring and he should of attacked Steph - remember when he threw a one legged man down some steps - that was a beast but then be a star came in and hes jobbing to hhh .


So people say face Punk was stale, but do you realize the faces that are going to take his place are Cena, Shamus, Orton, and Mysterio.

I had a discussion with my friend about this. All of the 'greatest of all time' wrestlers have been able to run face and heel campaigns and still be the #1 dude


(Macho and HHH are just outside of this list).

CM punk was quite over as a face-- lets see if he can put together a good heel run.


I had a discussion with my friend about this. All of the 'greatest of all time' wrestlers have been able to run face and heel campaigns and still be the #1 dude


(Macho and HHH are just outside of this list).

CM punk was quite over as a face-- lets see if he can put together a good heel run.

He would with real wrestling fans, not with the ones crowding your average arena. I can already picture his first heel promo being 100% spot-on and yet he's gonna get booed because Rock.

Do you mean the actual midcard, or the "under Cena-card"



He would with real wrestling fans, not with the ones crowding your average arena. I can already picture his first heel promo being 100% spot-on and yet he's gonna get booed because Rock.


Aren't heels supposed to get booed? I think only Stone Cold will get cheered simply because of his gimmick.

I think that was the point of the turn. I don't want another Cena/Rock feud where Cena is being booed as a babyface. That's just stupid.
Really surprised for a Punk turn: He is #2 face and gets a great reaction even when he's so vanilla. On top of that, as a face, he's a a top worker with top feuds, with the top mic work, with great sales, something no other top face has.

Which only makes me think one thing...

The Return of Super Orton.

Top heels are Show (bleh), Bryan, and Punk
Top faces are Cena, Sheamus, and... ???

HHH, Lesnar and Rock aren't as active.

I like heel Punk, just surprised they turned him.

I truly hope he maintains ananti-hero role like Austin against Rock. I feel he can put the Rock in his place on the mic-- hell, if Cena could get Tooth Fairy chants going...
I e-mailed Meltzer about it a couple hours ago and asked him if they came to an agreement with the World Wildlife Fund about the use of the logo. Hopefully he'll respond back tomorrow.

It certainly seemed intentional. If it was just the odd logo that was unblurred for a second or two, I would usually just chalk it up as a mistake by the editing team, but throughout that entire Stone Cold video package on Raw, there was zero blurring throughout the entire thing.

It would be good timing too since they're planning to release an Attitude Era DVD before the end of the year.

Meltzer said he was going to follow up your question on Wrestling Observer Radio :)

It's at about 51:00: http://www.f4wonline.com/component/...ks-2013-schedule-your-questions-and-tons-more


So not worth it
So, I've just thought of this. Punk's promo next week should start with him turning on the spinner belt, saying he spend a year fucking looking at John Cena's belt and showing it and it's the prime example of Cena getting the special treatment and getting fed up with it, so the first thing he'll do now is trash the spinner belt and reveal the new one. Then Cena can tell him he'll take the new title from him at SummerSlam and make the new one equivalent with John Cena as well.

That would be a good start of this feud.


Stone Cold explained why he didn't show up.

Why did you guys lie to me? He wasn't making a movie. He had knee surgery and is in crutches.
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