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July Wrasslin |OT| The Game, The Kane, The Pain, and The Insane (AJ)


So calculating the days, if CM Punk does not lose the WWE title before facing Rock at the Royal Rumble, he'd have a reign of 433 days, the longest since HOGAN's reign from 1984-1988.

While I can safely say that would make him losing it mean a lot, I can't see that happening.

Two things about that.

First, it doesn't mean a thing since he hasn't actually main evented a program for over half of his title reign.

Second, even if it did mean a lot, Rock is going to lose the belt to Cena 2 months later at Wrestlemania 29 so they're back to devaluing the belt by tossing it around.

I suprised more people here aren't upset that Cena essentially beat Punk twice yesterday and he only held onto his title through the grace of god. I thought it made Punk look pretty weak to be honest. Cena hit the AA, put the STF on, and also kicked out of the WMD. It was basically Super Cena without the win. Is this the best we can expect from Cena booking these days? Punk never even teased winning this match clean and he's been the goddamn champ for 8 months.

I'm nitpicking, but they're basically saying Punk has only been champ because Cena has forgotten the belt existed. Now that he's interested again, it's obvious Punk can't beat him. That's what I took from that match anyway.

The really good or bad thing about Punk being a heel now is that we're no longer going to see a bunch of false finishes with people hitting each other with their finishers and kicking out. That and I'm sure Punk is never going to make someone tap out to the Anaconda Vice anytime soon.


So not worth it
I suprised more people here aren't upset that Cena essentially beat Punk twice yesterday and he only held onto his title through the grace of god. I thought it made Punk look pretty weak to be honest. Cena hit the AA, put the STF on, and also kicked out of the WMD. It was basically Super Cena without the win. Is this the best we can expect from Cena booking these days? Punk never even teased winning this match clean and he's been the goddamn champ for 8 months.

I'm nitpicking, but they're basically saying Punk has only been champ because Cena has forgotten the belt existed. Now that he's interested again, it's obvious Punk can't beat him. That's what I took from that match anyway.

It was just a part of the storyline. It doesn't mean anything really, don't need to look into it any further then: they had to do a storyline where Punk very deliberatly lets Show beat Cena up, get the ref and make a failed pin. Lay out Rock and win the match, etc.

Plus, it's Cena, he's not supposed to roll over and not kick out, he's a hard guy to beat in kayfabe world, the hardest. Even for Punk. Also, if Punk just hit his finisher and pinned him clean, why would anyone want to order SummerSlam?

Two things about that.

First, it doesn't mean a thing since he hasn't actually main evented a program for over half of his title reign.

Second, even if it did mean a lot, Rock is going to lose the belt to Cena 2 months later at Wrestlemania 29 so they're back to devaluing the belt by tossing it around.

Cena was gonna win FOR SURE this year as well, remember that?

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Hey Fozzie how did you feel about last night's Raw?

He was a tweener though. He complimented the crowd while shootin' all over the place.

Ignore the Triple H saga please because that bullshit was badly booked to begin with.

He was definitely not a heel. I think we both know the difference between heel punk and non-heel punk.

Ignore the saga where he was a heel. Got it.

it looks like Rock was going to miss the elbow. see Big Show getting up to move out of the way there? so Rock fans were going to be disappointing either way.

Big Show started getting off well after Rock hit the ground, he wasn't gonna miss.

God i love Rocky, seriously we should be cherishing every appearance he makes on TV. He's a god amongst peasants out there. Who knows how many appearances we have left, I'm not even sure he'll be at Mania (that could be why he's doing the Rumble instead of WM because his movie sched directly conflicts with WM). Anyone who badmouths The Rock like i see in this thread when he comes out (only a couple of you) should just stop watching wrasslin and go away.


Not sure if posted:

In regards to the former “scratch” logo appearing unaltered in video packages on Monday’s Raw, multiple sources within the company say use of the symbol in flashback sequences is now permitted, so brief clips no longer have to be blurred. However, it is unclear whether the permission extends to complete matches and other archival footage. One source believes the company wants to develop a strategy to cease the logo blurring before the launch of the WWE Network.

It's nice to see they actually care. I'd probably get WWE Network if they played retro Raws uncensored and in their entirety.


A long ass time ago. We don't need him coming back and beating up on guys, or taking up promo time, or anything else. Make some damn new stars!

Yeah I hate when older guys start beating up on younger stars, and taking up promo time. Or when they team up with their brother to beat up a bunch of young jobbers... I want some new stars!


more money than God
Yeah I hate when older guys start beating up on younger stars, and taking up promo time. Or when they team up with their brother to beat up a bunch of young jobbers... I want some new stars!
Kane looks like a monster, and is arguably the best he's been in years. It's not about age, it's about presentation. Shane McMahon is a part time authority figure who took big bumps. If he can't do that anymore, then it's time to go.

I don't need to be rational here. I'm sick and tired of McMahons (including HHH) ruining angles and killing guys' interest (Punk and Lesnar).
Not sure if posted:

In regards to the former “scratch” logo appearing unaltered in video packages on Monday’s Raw, multiple sources within the company say use of the symbol in flashback sequences is now permitted, so brief clips no longer have to be blurred. However, it is unclear whether the permission extends to complete matches and other archival footage. One source believes the company wants to develop a strategy to cease the logo blurring before the launch of the WWE Network.

It's nice to see they actually care. I'd probably get WWE Network if they played retro Raws uncensored and in their entirety.

I think it would be ok to just edit out the F when someone says WWF but leave the logo unblured.

Being able to use the classic WWF logo but not the scratch WWF logo was a bit silly as well.


more money than God
woah woah woah

...wait nvm, I remember why you don't like . Shane O'Mac
I like Shane McMahon, but the guy is older now, and he's a TV exec in China. Would I like to see him make an appearance? Sure. Would I like to see him make a twenty minute promo, then beat up some guy afterwards? No.

That's my point, though.

*reads post*

*looks at username*

*looks at avatar*

*reads post*

*blinks eyes rapidly*
What? I was hoping that we would get a Bryan/Kane feud, simply so Kane could put Bryan over.


more money than God
Uhh what.

What would Bryan gain from beating Kane?
Simple. I want Bryan to be the new Edge. So, have a Kane/Bryan feud. Kane's feud with Edge in 2005 was great, and really pushed Edge into the main event. They had multiple great matches together, Edge looked strong, and it really benefited him, as they really didn't know what to do with him after he won the MITB for the first time. I want Kane to do for Bryan what he did for Edge. At the end of the day, there's also no other feud out there for him that would make sense, and he wouldn't end up jobbing to. The only two other guys I can think of are Jericho and Mysterio, and Jericho is in a good feud with Ziggler, and Rey has ADR. It only makes sense for it to be Kane, and if they played their cards right with AJ, they could have really created a great new heel couple. There may have been better routes to go through, but right now, it's the one that makes the most sense.
Simple. I want Bryan to be the new Edge. So, have a Kane/Bryan feud. Kane's feud with Edge in 2005 was great, and really pushed Edge into the main event. They had multiple great matches together, Edge looked strong, and it really benefited him, as they really didn't know what to do with him after he won the MITB for the first time. I want Kane to do for Bryan what he did for Edge. At the end of the day, there's also no other feud out there for him that would make sense, and he wouldn't end up jobbing to. The only two other guys I can think of are Jericho and Mysterio, and Jericho is in a good feud with Ziggler, and Rey has ADR. It only makes sense for it to be Kane, and if they played their cards right with AJ, they could have really created a great new heel couple. There may have been better routes to go through, but right now, it's the one that makes the most sense.

Problem is Bryan is above Kane and there is little to nothing gained for beating Kane.

As for Punk, there are two things needed to complete the ritual:

1) Change his theme music


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So what's everyone's thoughts on Legacy? I still hate them due to this injury:


RE: Legacy though, they were white hot and fantastic heels. Orton's feud with Trips was maybe Trips' last good feud.


Simple. I want Bryan to be the new Edge. So, have a Kane/Bryan feud. Kane's feud with Edge in 2005 was great, and really pushed Edge into the main event. They had multiple great matches together, Edge looked strong, and it really benefited him, as they really didn't know what to do with him after he won the MITB for the first time. I want Kane to do for Bryan what he did for Edge. At the end of the day, there's also no other feud out there for him that would make sense, and he wouldn't end up jobbing to. The only two other guys I can think of are Jericho and Mysterio, and Jericho is in a good feud with Ziggler, and Rey has ADR. It only makes sense for it to be Kane, and if they played their cards right with AJ, they could have really created a great new heel couple. There may have been better routes to go through, but right now, it's the one that makes the most sense.

Nobody gains anything from beating Kane in 2012. You're living in the past. Bryan would be better in a feud with Orton.

Speaking of Orton.... What the hell happened to him? He was #2 in the company. Now?


more money than God
Problem is Bryan is above Kane and there is little to nothing gained for beating Kane.
Bryan isn't above Kane. You guys may think he is, but he's in danger of getting lost in the shuffle (don't give me the BS AIRTIME excuse). I'm worried that he may wind up in Miz territory, where once he's out of the title picture, he's just essentially forgotten. The guys needs something to do, and he needs to be in a feud that he will win (not just one match). Where else could he go but into a feud with Kane?
Why would you guys even expecting any wrestling on a special theme show marking 1000 episodes? It was going to be a tribute to past faces.

I never said I did. I was saying that it didn't feel like a WWE pay-per-view because they've been phenomenal at their best (Extreme Rules) and middling at the absolute worst (Elimination Chamber) this year.

For what it's worth, I liked the first half of that main event but I was never expecting them to make it to a finish so I can't be too upset when it was cut short.
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