So calculating the days, if CM Punk does not lose the WWE title before facing Rock at the Royal Rumble, he'd have a reign of 433 days, the longest since HOGAN's reign from 1984-1988.
While I can safely say that would make him losing it mean a lot, I can't see that happening.
Two things about that.
First, it doesn't mean a thing since he hasn't actually main evented a program for over half of his title reign.
Second, even if it did mean a lot, Rock is going to lose the belt to Cena 2 months later at Wrestlemania 29 so they're back to devaluing the belt by tossing it around.
I suprised more people here aren't upset that Cena essentially beat Punk twice yesterday and he only held onto his title through the grace of god. I thought it made Punk look pretty weak to be honest. Cena hit the AA, put the STF on, and also kicked out of the WMD. It was basically Super Cena without the win. Is this the best we can expect from Cena booking these days? Punk never even teased winning this match clean and he's been the goddamn champ for 8 months.
I'm nitpicking, but they're basically saying Punk has only been champ because Cena has forgotten the belt existed. Now that he's interested again, it's obvious Punk can't beat him. That's what I took from that match anyway.
The really good or bad thing about Punk being a heel now is that we're no longer going to see a bunch of false finishes with people hitting each other with their finishers and kicking out. That and I'm sure Punk is never going to make someone tap out to the Anaconda Vice anytime soon.