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July Wrasslin |OT| The Game, The Kane, The Pain, and The Insane (AJ)


more money than God
You know you can have more than 1 match in a feud and you can still put someone over without losing to them, right?
He needs to win the feud. He needs to actually look strong. And Bryan has been "looking strong without winning" for months now in feuds with Sheamus and Punk. When is he actually going to win a feud?

Raw numbers:
These are their best numbers in years.


TNA Knockout Velvet Sky has either finished or will be finishing up with TNA shortly, according to numerous sources. One source tonight noted that Sky is "as gone as can be without having pen to paper".

Sky, one of the most popular females in the promotion, has been with TNA since 2007. A former Knockouts and Knockouts Tag Team champion, most recently, she was cast in a Montgomery Gentry music video through the company.

Sky's status with the company has been tenuous for several weeks, although she's been in negotiations for a new potential deal. Most signs have pointed to her exit.

Sky worked the TNA Basebrawl event in Memphis several weeks back, which may end up having been her final appearance for the company. She is currently booked for a Legends of the Ring convention in New Jersey the same weekend as TNA's Bound for Glory festivities as well.

Love's former Beautiful People partner Angelina Love also recently left the promotion.


Stone Cold Steve Austin explains why he wasn't at Raw 1000:

RAW 1,000 And Why Stone Cold Steve Austin Wasn’t There

On July 23, 2012 WWE celebrated the 1,oooth episode of Monday Night Raw. I watched the show from my home in Los Angeles. After watching the show, I got on my Twitter account, @steveaustinBSR, to read responses to the show. There were many people blaming Vince McMahon and the WWE for not having SCSA on the show. And there were some folks who had some very negative things to say about me, personally.

The reason I did not attend RAW 1,000 was because I underwent a major knee surgery on my left knee on July 2, 2012. Dr. Neal ElAttrache of the Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic in Los Angeles, CA performed the surgery.

The surgery was a complete success. I am currently three weeks post op. I began physical therapy a few days ago. I had a world class surgeon and a great medical team working on me. I am now working with a top notch PT team. I am still on crutches and will probably lose the crutches in another week. Then I will be in a custom knee brace much like the braces I wore in the ring for 9-12 weeks.

STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN IS A 100% ASS KICKING MACHINE. There was no way I was going to limp down the ramp on crutches for RAW 1,000. It was time to get my knee fixed. The decision to no-show RAW 1,000 was made by me and no one else. I have always taken pride in making my shots and have never faked an injury or illness. Pro Wrestling is a tough game and it was time to pay the piper for some of the damage I incurred in the ring. No gripes. No complaints.

To the fans that were hoping to see SCSA, I’m sorry I missed the show. I would have loved to be there under different circumstances. I normally keep my personal business to myself, but due to feedback and incorrect speculation, I have posted this blog and given the 411 on why I was not at RAW 1,000.

I will post more blogs about my PT and recovery soon.


I like Shane McMahon, but the guy is older now, and he's a TV exec in China. Would I like to see him make an appearance? Sure. Would I like to see him make a twenty minute promo, then beat up some guy afterwards? No.

Alright I can agree with that.

I've just been seeing a lot of Shane O'Mac haters recently. I used to love watching him.
Nobody gains anything from beating Kane in 2012. You're living in the past. Bryan would be better in a feud with Orton.

Speaking of Orton.... What the hell happened to him? He was #2 in the company. Now?

This is what Im saying: Have him face Orton and then bury the shit out of Orton for failing his drug test. If they drag guys like Miz and MVP through the ground to test them or to punish them, they need to really screw Orton over. I basically hate Orton for being Cena Prototype #3 next to Irish Cena.

I also think it benefits everybody: Orton is humbled, his burial to Bryan sends a message to everybody else, and of course, D-Bry gets the elevation he deserves.

It wont happen, but I'd love it. It'd be a shocker for sure
This is what Im saying: Have him face Orton and then bury the shit out of Orton for failing his drug test. If they drag guys like Miz and MVP through the ground to test them or to punish them, they need to really screw Orton over. I basically hate Orton for being Cena Prototype #3 next to Irish Cena.

I also think it benefits everybody: Orton is humbled, his burial to Bryan sends a message to everybody else, and of course, D-Bry gets the elevation he deserves.

It wont happen, but I'd love it. It'd be a shocker for sure

Deep down i'd want kofi to do this as a karmic response to many years ago, preferably while yelling "STUPID! STUPID!" as he wallops Orton with Trouble in Paradise.

Though Bryan would be the better choice.


So not worth it
No way! Incredible numbers, too bad they had all the constant advertising and some horrible segments that could have otherwise gone into putting younger talent over and debuting new guys.

People, esp the casual viewers would have hated that version of Raw 1000. This show was about celebrating 20 years of Raw, not about new talent. They came to see The Rock hit a Rock Bottom and DX to make silly jokes.

That said. Sandow got a great rub. Bryan got to showcase his character and Punk got to turn on the crowd by taking out what they were watching for. Should have peaked some interest into Raw from the returning viewers at least.


I'm not too ready for a new belt, but the old theme would be WISE.

How are you not ready for a new belt?

This piece of shit needs to go. I've been wanted a new belt since it was the spinner. Only thing different is it doesn't spin but it's still the same garbage.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
How are you not ready for a new belt?

This piece of shit needs to go. I've been wanted a new belt since it was the spinner. Only thing different is it doesn't spin but it's still the same garbage.

I think because all of the other proposed and 'prototypes' for a new belt have looked very bad. Shit needs to sparkle.
I think because all of the other proposed and 'prototypes' for a new belt have looked very bad. Shit needs to sparkle.

I think smashing the "spinner" belt and debuting something closer to a classic design would fit into CM Punk turning heel because he feels like he's second fiddle to Cena. The spinner belt is Cenas belt. As long as someone else has it, they're just a place holder until he takes it back.

Plus it would really piss off the little jimmies.


I think smashing the "spinner" belt and debuting something closer to a classic design would fit into CM Punk turning heel because he feels like he's second fiddle to Cena. The spinner belt is Cenas belt. As long as someone else has it, they're just a place holder until he takes it back.

Plus it would really piss off the little jimmies.

I hope Punk goes all out heel and actually wins matches too. I'd cream.

Uhh they hated the grown up hand segment... turning this off.


So not worth it
The Best And Worst Of WWE Raw 1000: The One Where One Clothesline Fixes Everything

Best: The “Everyone Here Is Crazy” Sketch

I’ve always enjoyed the underlying idea that everyone involved in wrestling (as character, I mean) are bonkers, and Vince is just some grand asylum operator who brings in patients, lets them act out these elaborate fantasies and disputes, and charges the perverse or the too-stupid-to-know-better to watch it.

Think about it. Classic NWA was a hotbed of insanity. You had Magnum T.A. pretending he was a Tom Selleck character, Dusty Rhodes believing he could touch people through a television screen, a guy from Minnesota running around with a chain pretending he was Russian … hell, it even makes sense when you imagine Ric Flair as a Johnny Knoxville in The Ringer type who’s just taking advantage of the disable because it’s an easy racket. That’d explain why he held the title for so long, and why the referees always seemed to be on his side.

AJ explaining WWE’s relative insanity to Layla (who once was involved indirectly in a romance storyline with a guy named “Balls” and should know better) was funny, even if I would’ve liked to have seen less of the people who are always there (Duggan, Piper) and maybe have her open the door to find WARRIOR standing there yelling about Hoe Kogan and crashing airplanes. Open up the door to find Silent Rage sitting criss-cross applesauce in the hallway snorting meth. Something different.

Oh, well, we DID get this:

Best: Slick Is Awesome




Slick is a great nostalgia pop, especially because him being the reverend at Daniel Bryan’s wedding means he gets to do more than walk to the ring and awkwardly dance a little while Iron Sheik tries to find an opening to shout PUSSY or SON OF A BITCH FAG into the microphone on live television. D-Bry should’ve beaten him up, only for Kamala to show up out of nowhere and destroy him. Or hell, if Vince is in the business of ruining everything good he stumbles into, why not pair them up and have Bryan find out he’s actually a black guy.

The best part of Slick’s cameo is ABSOLUTELY this moment, when AJ gets announced as the new Raw GM and it cuts to her, and in the background you can see Slick checking the f**k out.

Worst: World Title Matches That Start At 10 PM On Your Three Hour Show And Have Ref Bumps And Two Run-Ins



“F**K! YES! F**K YES!” (this was the other one)

In one jumping clothesline to stop a People’s Elbow cold (and cause Rock to lie on the ground in epileptic shock like his eyeballs were about to roll out of his head), CM Punk justified and vindicated an ENTIRE YEAR of him wearing Triple H’s jacket and shilling ice cream bar novelty t-shirts and being John Cena’s RESPECT PAL by taking Eve and Big Show’s advice and TAKING BACK HIS SPOT.

I don’t know where this is going to go (and frankly it’s not really a heel turn … people in WWE challenge each other by punching now, so what Punk did was no worse than literally everything Sheamus does, it just doesn’t have Jerry Lawler Owen Voicing a thing about him TURNING HIS BACK over it), but if it leads to Punk throwing the spinner belt in the f**king garbage and refusing to pander to people who just want someone to pander to them and becomes the Voice Of The Truly Voiceless again … Jesus, I’ll be the happiest wrestling fan in the world. I already had a little extra spring in my step this morning, because one of my favorite wrestlers stopped being a dipshit for the first time since last August.

Thank you for doing this, Punk, whether it leads where I think it will (a three way dance with Big Show and Cena at SummerSlam) or where I want (Otunga, McGillicutty and Mason Ryan showing up on Raw in New Nexus shirts like nothing happened because they never disbanded). If it leads to you immediately shutting Rock up every time he appears from now until X I’ll buy every stupid ice bar shirt and collectable pendant and wristbands set you can shill. Never be Cena again. Never again.


Raw Rating is in:

Monday's WWE Raw 1000 television show drew a 3.84 rating. The first hour of Raw drew a 3.48 rating. Hour two rose to a 3.95 rating. The final hour of the show scored a 4.09 rating.

The regular two hour raw did a 4.02 rating.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I hope Punk goes all out heel and actually wins matches too. I'd cream.

Don't get too riled up - remember when heel Punk w/Joey Mercury, Big LG Luke Gallows and Serena couldn't stop Big Show in a handicap match? Welcome back. :(


So not worth it
I expected a 4.

I expect a 2 in the coming weeks!

Of course it will drop below 3 due to the extra hour. What matters is the average of the final two hours, that should be as high as last week, maybe higher for at least the next Raw as at least a few people that watched Raw 1000 will stick around for another show.


Honestly I wasn't a big fan, a kind of humorous call back but I thought it was poorly handled.

How could you not like it?! I was in absolute tears from the laughter. lol

Don't get too riled up - remember when heel Punk w/Joey Mercury, Big LG Luke Gallows and Serena couldn't stop Big Show in a handicap match? Welcome back. :(

I'm so high on Punk right now. Last night's turn was just perfect.

In one jumping clothesline to stop a People’s Elbow cold (and cause Rock to lie on the ground in epileptic shock like his eyeballs were about to roll out of his head), CM Punk justified and vindicated an ENTIRE YEAR of him wearing Triple H’s jacket and shilling ice cream bar novelty t-shirts and being John Cena’s RESPECT PAL by taking Eve and Big Show’s advice and TAKING BACK HIS SPOT.

I don’t know where this is going to go (and frankly it’s not really a heel turn … people in WWE challenge each other by punching now, so what Punk did was no worse than literally everything Sheamus does, it just doesn’t have Jerry Lawler Owen Voicing a thing about him TURNING HIS BACK over it)

At least someone gets it. Won't slow down all of this "Now that punk is heel I hope he blows up an orphanage while This Fire Burns plays" talk though.


You're Welcome

[quote="Kyoufu, post: 40214037"]How could you not like it?! I was in absolute tears from the laughter. lol[/QUOTE]
Probably something to do with the line delivery, I preferred the GTV mention for my random callback moment.


What I liked:

- BoD reunion, Kane looked so awesome in his element
- Bryan getting so much time
- Punk heel turn
- Former DX-members
- Heyman
- Brock back in shape
- The Rock ( never one of my favourites, but he proves he's still better than anyone out there)
- ...... the miz......


- The wedding itself
- Lita as the final boss
- Jericho getting little time
- Miz actually defeating Christian


- Sheamus pinning Jericho
- Cena being so dominant against Punk
- HHH beating Lesnar in their first "fair" one on one (how to destroy a heel booking101)
- AJ as GM... wtf? What was the point of the ceremony? why is she a face? why is she a GM??
Soul I've honestly been starting to appreciate Kane more through this little experiment, but I really didn't see the point in last night's jobber squash when the show had already been 95% nostalgia. I'll grant that some people may have wanted to see it as Kane/Undertaker have plenty of fans, but do you feel it was necessary?
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