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July Wrasslin |OT| The Game, The Kane, The Pain, and The Insane (AJ)

That's how WWE has always booked the divas.

Yeah I'd be willing to accept that most wrestling fans are misogynist idiots who are easily manipulated by the media, but I generally have a higher opinion of most people in this thread.

Anyway, I think it was right of the audience to side with AJ but they may have set the wheels in motion for a double turn for both of them.


Sheamus and Del Rio have some of the best wrestling skill on the roster ans are big guys. yet Sheamus is bayface so we hate him. and we hate Del Rio because he according to us he gets no reaction (although you can pretty much say that about the entire roster that is not John Cena).




Does not look great, but it is just an unpainted, unchromed, unpolished plate. Final version could looked much better. This could be just a mold too, or a tester piece.

The next belt should look kinda like this though.
I really hope that's not the new faceplate. It doesn't matter how much they pretty it up. I would be so disappointed.
I've hated Sheamus his entire run, right from the start.

F**k that lobster head.

Its not even that he just WINS EVERYTHING anymore, I've given up caring about that.

Its how BORING and formulaic it is. They don't even mix it up, its just oh guy gets up gets kick lolsheamuswins.

F**k that. Fast-forward city.

If he has to f**king win everything at least TRY and be creative with the finish somehow.

And he kicks a ref in the head when he makes a bad call and then preaches to kids about bullying. HEY FELLAS LISTEN TAH MEH, if things don't go ya way, just physically attack the guy who made the mistake!


Smackdown spoilers:

The Miz's music hits and he comes out to his usual heat. His title win on RAW is recapped. There are lots of boos, mixed in with some cheers. Miz thanks the "peeps" for their vote that helped him get his match. Christian interrupts. Christian wants a rematch tonight. Rematch to take place now.

Christian vs. The Miz: Christian controlling the match early. Miz recovers and goes to work. Lots of boos. Miz threw Christian out to the wall and almost wins via countout. Miz is back in control for a bit, but Christian comes around. Christian going to the mid-rope, but Miz recovers. Both battle and Miz goes down. Christian comes off the top but Miz nails him as he comes down. Crowd is behind Christian as he recovers. Christian is now in control and there are lots of two counts. Very back and forth. Good match. Crowd into it as Christian goes for the Killswitch. Miz escapes and hits his DDT. Miz to the middle rope and is pulled down. Christian is calling for spear and Miz rolls out of the ring. Both are back in the ring and it's back and forth again. Miz then rolls up Christian for the win. Miz is your winner, and still champion, via pinfall.

There will be a four-way contender match with Kane, Alberto Del Rio, Rey Mysterio and Daniel Bryan. Cody Rhodes vs. Sheamus is also announced for tonight.

Jinder Mahal vs. Ryback: On a personal note, Ryback is scary as hell in person. Mahal actually laying some hits and tries for a pin. Crowd is not amused. Mahal still controlling the match. "Goldberg" chants start and Ryback takes over. He hits a solid spinebuster and Mahal rolls out of the ring and starts up the ramp. The match is over, Ryback wins by countout. Ryback is not happy and chants, "feed me more!"

A recap is shown of the CM Punk - John Cena match from last night, all the way through the Rock coming in and getting clotheslined by Punk.

A recap of the six man tag match from last night is shown. Sheamus comes out to a big pop. Cody Rhodes is out second and the match is on.

Sheamus vs. Cody Rhodes: Sheamus is in control though the early portion of the match. Dolph Ziggler hits the floor with the briefcase... and dropped it. Lol. Cody goes to work and Ziggler is slowly going around to the announcer table eyeballing the ring. Cody continues to work Sheamus over. A couple of kickouts, but Rhodes is still very much in control. Cody applies a headlock, but Sheamus comes alive. Rhodes finds another opportunity and hits a back flip off the top rope, But misses. Sheamus hits his back breaker. Rhodes is back in control as Ziggler gets to the ropes with the briefcase. Sheamus eventually plants Cody with the Brogue kick and gets the pin.

Ziggler slowly gets down and stares. Chris Jericho comes in from behind in a pink Ziggler shirt and throws Ziggler back in the ring and Sheamus beats him down! Jericho mocks Ziggler and nails him with the codebreaker. He rips off his shirt and mocks Ziggler as he is laying there.

Antonio Cesaro (w/ Aksana) vs. Santino Marella: Match starts of slow. Aksana distracts Santino. Cesaro works over Santino a bit, but Santino comes alive and hits his usual moves. Cesaro gets out the cobra. Santino is distracted again by Aksana but maintains control. He fails with the Cobra, and Cesaro picks up the win.

A clip of the DX - Damien Sandow angle from RAW is shown. Sandow is next.

Yoshi Tatsu vs. Damien Sandow: Match starts off quickly. Sandow quickly lays waste to Tatsu and gets the win.

Sandow starts talking after the match about last night to major boos. It's so loud that we can't even hear most of what he says. He finishes by saying he was "your martyr" and "you're welcome." He does a cartwheel and bows to the fans. Triple H comes out to the ring to a monster pop. Triple H says he got caught up in the moment on RAW and apologized for "humiliating" him. Triple H then hits the Pedigree and then does a DX chop over the fallen Sandow.

Backstage segment. AW and the Primetime Players interrupt a photo shoot with Rosa Mendes. AW takes the camera after jawing with the camera guy and starts taking pics of the Primetime Players.

A recap is shown of the Triple H - Paul Heyman - Stephanie McMahon - Brock Lesnar segment from RAW.

The four way match to determine the #1 contender is up next.
The problem is he really isn't given anything to work with. The World Heavyweight Championship just isn't very high on the pecking order in terms of importance in the WWE's eyes, so he basically just gets leftovers from other people's feuds. He makes the best of it though, so I applaud him.


I understand Conrad

You think I enjoy seeing Ziggler get bullied every week?

I think they got this be a bully stuff flipped backwards in the WWE universe.
The whole bullying and WWE thing just makes my brain hurt.

Every time we discuss it, its like whhhhhhy this makes noooooo sense.

Of all the charities in the whoooole world they could get behind why the W-W-E of all people want to go out and advocate not bullying. Nothing against the cause, just how ridiculous it is to have them try and push it.

What happened to their 'helping children learn to read' and stuff ones? That was fine you can have the Miz come out and say how important and awesome reading is without contempt for what your entire organisation lives on lol.

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!


You really shouldn't try to put too much thought into Conrad.

do that and you'll be happier.

Just don't try to think at all when it comes to WWE.

Just let it happen.
The whole bullying and WWE thing just makes my brain hurt.

Every time we discuss it, its like whhhhhhy this makes noooooo sense.

Of all the charities in the whoooole world they could get behind why the W-W-E of all people want to go out and advocate not bullying. Nothing against the cause, just how ridiculous it is to have them try and push it.

What happened to their 'helping children learn to read' and stuff ones? That was fine you can have the Miz come out and say how important and awesome reading is without contempt for what your entire organisation lives on lol.

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!

I won't sit here and let you bully the WWE! I for one am going to be a star and stand up for the WWE, and your slander WILL stop!1
Vince is gonna cut of my mic!

D-Bry is a misunderstood good guy!

Bullying campaign is stupid from you guys!


Heyman is right about everything, that whole feud is ridiculously stupid HHH-like and even then why does Bork want to fight now just cause Heyman got 'pushed too far'??? HE DIDN'T EVEN ASK HIM LOL, WHY DOES BORK LASER CARE ABOUT HEYMANS KIDS BEING INSULTED? WHAT A STAND UP GUY


*gets dragged away by security*


Why you never spoke up like this while I was getting drilled by Sheamus fanboys like Ithil is beyond me...

I like how I'm a fanboy for defending him as a wrestler six months ago. I've been bashing everything about him bar his actual match quality since February.
You guys give Rock too much credit, he's not acting.

He's legit dying, without steroids lifting Big Show like that took 3 movies out of his life. After Punk owned him he was left gasping for the nearest power needle (or whatever steroids are lol).

Straight Edge wins again.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Seems like he brings a lot of the performance and flamboyance that's lost in the modern era. It's like Freddy Mercury meets Mr. Perfect meets yakuza gangster. I can dig it.
Which is funny because his old gimmick was basically 'generic technical wrestler'. I also think he has more tributes on youtube than any other Japanese wrestler.


You guys give Rock too much credit, he's not acting.

He's legit dying, without steroids lifting Big Show like that took 3 movies out of his life. After Punk owned him he was left gasping for the nearest power needle (or whatever steroids are lol).

Straight Edge wins again.

Yup. That's gotta be it.


more money than God
SD ending:
(6) Alberto Del Rio beat Rey Mysterio, Kane, and Daniel Bryan in a four-way #1 contender match to the World Title. Del Rio stole Rey's pin on Bryan post-619 and pinned Bryan with Ricardo Rodriguez's help.

Fuck, it looks like they're going with ADR/Sheamus again, and Rey/Bryan, lol.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
So if you like foreshadowing....

check out Punk in the background when Rock first started talking to DFRY

edit: by gawd...they did that camera angle for a purpose and no one saw it :eek:


Which is funny because his old gimmick was basically 'generic technical wrestler'. I also think he has more tributes on youtube than any other Japanese wrestler.

Haha, interesting. Hard to describe, but he has that certain bravado or uh 'swagger' for a lack of a better word that's lost on a lot of these new guys. At the end of the day it's about being a performer and entertainer in the ring. I'm sure you guys have run this kind of discussion into the ground though, haha.


You guys hate Sheamus now that he's mainstream and on top of the card? You guys are hipsters.

I await the day this thread turns on the likes of Ziggler, Rhodes and Ambrose.

Sheamus is annoying because he's just Irish Cena.

He's lost like what, 2 matches since Wrestlemania, and neither of them were clean loses? His matches are also exactly the same each week. If it was possible, I would say they just edit in a new opponent.
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