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July Wrasslin |OT| The Game, The Kane, The Pain, and The Insane (AJ)


The New World Order created chaos in the ranks of World Championship Wrestling as the renegade faction sought success by any means necessary. Now, group founder Kevin Nash is looking to reform the faction.

“A lot of you wanted an NWO reunion, there will be one. As you know we only come in take over mode. Stay tuned!!!,” he announced Tuesday night via Twitter.

The group’s reformation could take place in WWE and if Nash has his wish fulfilled, with CM Punk as their leader. Nash tweeted to a fan that he wants the WWE Champion as group captain with the “NWO army to protect the gold.”

“Rock will never walk out of the Rumble with the belt. We got Phil’s back,” he adds.

Meanwhile, TNA Wrestling executive Eric Bischoff re-tweeted Nash’s announcement reading “A lot of you wanted an NWO reunion, there will be one. As you know we only come in take over mode. Stay tuned!!!”

are we doing this again?


New World Order you say?



I really want to know this WWE locker room code, If I were to take a guess...
- Don't anger, disrespect or badmouth John Cena
- Laugh at Cena's jokes no matter how corny and lame they may be
- Turds in your gym bag? the Viper has struck
- Getting hazed? victim of a prank? deal with it, and no you can't prank main event talent back because that's disrespectful
- If you believe that you are in a relationship with a WWE diva then the bad news is that are surely cheating on you right now, possibly with John Cena
- You may be immune to any of the above if you are chums with HHH
- No clique forming, unless you're part of the golden boy cliques

- Backstage dress code applies to everyone (except Cena)
I'm moderately interested in WWE '13 but their servers were so bad last year. I was able to download like two things overall because it kept kicking me out.


The pigeons have been let loose for good:

Velvet Sky, who developed a rabid following courtesy of her skimpy attire and suggestive ring entrances, is gone from TNA Impact Wrestling.

Multiple online outlets reported earlier this week that the popular female wrestler was on her way out of the company due to a contract dispute. Her profile was removed from the roster index of ImpactWrestling.com on Wednesday, which would confirm that she has parted ways with the organization.

Tazz is probably crying right now after hearing this news.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Now that UFC is done by EA, can that team work on the WWE games? The 'tv quality' of UFC 3 is incredible. I'd love to have WWE 13 look like that.


WWE supposedly bought TNA business secrets/wrestler contract details from an ex-employee. It's been a while, so I don't remember most of the details.

Wow lol

BTW Beef, I know the ultimate argument ender for the "Was Punk Heel or Face?".

Stone Cold interview where he says he was surprised they turned him babyface so soon, he would have waited, and that he has to turn heel for SCSA to return.

Can't find the link to the radio interview though. :(

Resurrects Next week

Heel Orton.
takes out Sheamus

Agree with McNei1y. Would be awesome but they won't have 2 heel champs at the same time.



Not quite. They hired somebody who used to work for TNA and he gave them insider information.

WWE's version: As soon as we knew he was doing that we fired him and informed TNA.

TNA's version: They didn't fire him right away and still took advantage of the information.


If on repeat forgive me.

Where Are They Now?: Spike Dudley


Spike Dudley’s in-ring career consistently saw the pint-sized competitor overcome the odds, toppling opponents twice his size. It’s quite representative of the uphill climb the undersized Matt Hyson had to weather to reach the top of sports-entertainment.

Hyson grew up in Providence, R.I., watching WWE every Saturday morning and going to shows at Boston Garden. “I just fell in love with it,” he told WWE.com. The man who would find success as Spike Dudley described Bob Backlund as his earliest hero.

“He’d just won the title, he was the all-American boy and an amazing scientific wrestler,” Hyson said. “He captured my imagination.”

Like many children, Hyson grew up dreaming of someday stepping into the squared circle. However, as he grew older, he realized his size might work against him.

“I was a buck forty, a buck fifty, [sports-entertainment] never seemed to be a possibility,” he admitted. “I thought my chances were slim.”

After graduating from college, Hyson entered a much different environment from the ring: the classroom. Movie buffs recognize him as the crimson-covered combatant from "Beyond the Mat," quoting Shakespeare after a brutal bout. The film portrayed him as a teacher-turned-grappler, which wasn’t exactly the case.

“I was a third grade teacher’s aide,” Hyson explained. “More or less a glorified babysitter. It became a day job to support my wrestling habit.”

That habit began soon after his graduation. Hyson packed up and left Rhode Island, settling in San Francisco, Calif., around 1992. There, he saw a commercial that altered the course of his career.

“I was watching Saturday morning wrestling when a commercial came on, asking ‘Do you want to be a pro wrestler?’ ” he recalled. Hyson quickly jotted down the training center’s information, making a hasty decision to start working toward his dream.

“I didn’t have any friends, I didn’t know anyone [in San Francisco], I had no social life,” Hyson remembered. “So I said ‘What the hell? I’ll give it a shot.’ ”

The advertisement was for what would become the APW wrestling school, also featured in "Beyond The Mat." Though he thought someone of his stature would be best used as a referee or manager, Hyson’s ability in the ring convinced his trainers otherwise.

“I managed to hang with the big guys and excel,” he said. “They just threw me in there. I guess I did well and after a few months, the head trainer said ‘We’re going to make a wrestler out of you.’ ”

Hyson competed as himself on the California independent scene for several years, taking on much larger opponents. The “David vs. Goliath” aspect quickly became his hook in an industry that was short on small competitors.

He assembled a highlight reel of his best work and sent it off to every major promotion in the United States and Japan, hoping to catch on somewhere. While WWE or WCW didn’t come calling, the outlaws of sports-entertainment did.

Tazz, head of ECW’s House of Hardcore training school, saw something in Hyson’s reel and asked Hyson if he was willing to head back east and join ECW. Hyson’s answer was a resounding yes.

“I packed up into a little Toyota Tercel and drove cross country in less than 48 hours,” he said.

After settling down in Long Island, N.Y., in 1996, Hyson began studying his craft at the House of Hardcore. It wasn’t before long that he was stepping through the curtain into the famed ECW Arena in Philadelphia as the character that defined his career, Spike Dudley.

Hyson returned to the independent scene, traveling around for several years and even operated a wrestling school for a brief time. Eventually, though, he realized that the wear and tear was no longer worth it, especially for such a physical competitor. Having a real-life romance helped factor into his decision to hang up the boots.

“I met a woman who I fell in love with and we wanted to start a family,” he told WWE.com. “I said ‘I can’t do this anymore.’ ”

Instead of waging war inside the squared circle, Hyson now works as a financial planner with MassMutual, helping people plan out for their future, including retirement, college and taxes.

“I’m helping people live a better life and take care of their families,” he said. “It’s beyond rewarding.”

The former Spike Dudley also wants to use his financial know-how to give back to sports-entertainment and help today’s Superstars and Divas prepare for the inevitable.

“A lot of the guys have gone through what I’ve gone through,” Hyson explained. “You’re on top of the world, making decent money and then, when that money stops, what do you do?”

“You hear stories all the time of athletes that made millions being broke. I want to become an educator, to show people there are ways to plan for the future.”

When he’s not helping people figure out their finances, Hyson is all about his family. He and his wife, Vikki, have a 16-month-old daughter, who he dotes on. (CURRENT PHOTOS)

“It’s between work and coming home and playing with her,” he said. “As soon as she goes to bed, we go to bed. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

The change from sports-entertainment to home life has rejuvenated Hyson.

“I’ve never been happier,” he told WWE.com. “I’m proud of my career, but I’m in a new phase and it’s about my wife, my daughter and my new career.”

I said wow. Good for him glad he's well.
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