August Wrasslin |OT| One-Man Band, One-Man Hand
Why must you ruin this for me?
Besides CoP is awful for a heel.
Just curious, who coined the marky ass mark phrase and its derivatives? Oh wait, it was me. Remember these things and contributions I've made to Wrasslegaf before shunning me away from what I love.
Stop overreacting. Bryan is just fine. He's not gonna have title matches every month, nobody does. And that also means he doesn't main event every month. Only Cena is that lucky. Nothing to get worked up about.
We still got 4 days bros.
which means some random person nobody wanted will make it in a day saying they had to rush it so it's awful and ignored all the suggestions
August Wrasslin |OT| Trish and Lita Still Got It
Well Lita does anyway...
Some of you want to quit, but he won't let you.
Kind of surprised someone took that post seriously.
..."shunning me away from what I love"?... pretty obvious joking around. And you're a regular in the nba thread too... the troll capital of the Internet. Smh
I guess if you like that kind of thing...
Trish looks way better in these shots than she did on Raw, but she's just not my type.
Heavy, I'd like to challenge you in a online game of Street Fighter 4. If I win, you arefiredforced to retire from WrestleGAF.
Stop trying to start a wrestling discussion.See look, Daniel Bryan was about to beat him. Del Rio is just lucky Kane saved him!
And if you lose, you have to admit that nachos are pretty shitty.
Heavy, I'd like to challenge you in a online game of Street Fighter 4. If I win, you arefiredforced to retire from WrestleGAF.
Heavy, I'd like to challenge you in a online game of Street Fighter 4. If I win, you arefiredforced to retire from WrestleGAF.
I could beat Beef in Street Fighter, EASY PEASY
Yup. Just like Triple H has HELL...IN A CELL, I've got Street Fighter. Well, as long as nobody chooses Bl-Is this like your speciality match then Beef? bah gawd the odds are stacked against Heavy, can he Cena over them?
I'd annoy him into a DQ victory with Blanka, it would be like when Orton lost the title be kicking Christian in the nads.
DQ in this case would be his rage quit.
He probably doesn't even have a TV.Professor Beef plays video games? What a nerd.
He probably doesn't even have a TV.
Yup. Just like Triple H has HELL...IN A CELL, I've got Street Fighter. Well, as long as nobody chooses Bl-[IMG][/QUOTE]
I like how HHH stole the gimmick from Undertaker, then again Undertaker hoards a bunch of those gimmick matches to himself, he can surrender one.
I bet when you see that Green Git turn up on your screen you're all like Eve weeping and the Blanka player is all like Cena smirking in the gif of the year so far.
This is the part where you tell me you play as my most feared foe and I bail out of the ring like a cowardly heel.It's T Hawk isn't it!
HEY. Just because I have a PC and I happen to have some games on it doesn't make me a PC gamer. >:|So he is a pc gamer?
He is the nerdiest of nerds
I like how HHH stole the gimmick from Undertaker, then again Undertaker hoards a bunch of those gimmick matches to himself, he can surrender one.
I bet when you see that Green Git turn up on your screen you're all like Eve weeping and the Blanka player is all like Cena smirking in the gif of the year so far.[/IG]
This is the part where you tell me you play as my most feared foe and I bail out of the ring like a cowardly heel. [spoiler] It's T Hawk isn't it![/spoiler][/QUOTE]
I do use T.Hawk, but the match is in [s]Hornswaggle's[/s] Blanka's favor! Luckily, I know the matchup so I can sometimes make Cena-like comebacks.