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July Wrasslin' |OT|

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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I'd imagine that not watching three hours of wrestling also improves your self-esteem, and clears up your skin.

Oh, most definitely. Allows you to spend some of that time lathering your face with soap and rinsing with water. Total plus. #NoRawSkin
Justin Gabriel said:
[Why he quit WWE] I see myself as more of an artist, I don't really care about how much money I make, for me it's more about the art of professional wrestling. There are a lot of guys that will just hang around because Vince will give everyone a shot and some guys will just hang around thinking that tomorrow will be their shot and then the next thing you know three years have gone by. One year went by and I realized it wasn't going to happen and I couldn't wait any longer and that is the reason I quit. There are guys there that will just hang around waiting for their shots, who knows if it's going to happen, it's all a timing thing

[Being Adam Rose's Bunny] I wasn't too keen at the beginning but I wasn't doing anything so I thought oh cool it could be fun. The first few times I went out there it was fine and I was taking bumps in the suit, then it stopped becoming fun and they wanted a bunny reveal. I had so many ideas for this and they had a lot of ideas as well, but none of their ideas made much sense. My ideas were cooler and funnier and everyone liked it but they just never went in that direction.

[If he'd come back to WWE] Quite possibly, in two or three years who knows, I don't plan that far ahead. Vince actually called me and said he knew I wanted to do my own thing and have more wrestling time so he told me go away for two or three years and go do my thing and possibly comeback. Hunter on the other hand didn't like the way I did it because I quit over the phone and told me he's going to make me wait ages before I'm allowed to come back to WWE


SD Spoiler:

Backstage, Sasha Banks, Naomi & Tamina Snuka cut a promo as Team B.A.D., discussing the events from Raw.

What could that even stand for?


SD Spoiler:

Backstage, Sasha Banks, Naomi & Tamina Snuka cut a promo as Team B.A.D., discussing the events from Raw.

What could that even stand for?

Bitches Against Divas (thankfully, it's no longer 1997)
Badass Divas
Burn All Divas
Belittle All Divas
Bury All Divas

Big One

Seeing the reactions to Iwata's death, what happens when Vince dies?
It'll be bigger news but it's hard to say. One thing I've noticed about people's views on Vince is that when they shit-talk the WWE it's because of the guys around Vince rather than Vince himself. People generally like and respect Vince just for his craziness for the most part, even guys like Shane Douglas.

It's always guys like Dunn, Triple H, the Kliq and etc. that get all the heat more than anything else.


love on your sleeve
SD Spoiler:

Backstage, Sasha Banks, Naomi & Tamina Snuka cut a promo as Team B.A.D., discussing the events from Raw.

What could that even stand for?

I mentioned it earlier and was being serious when I did, it stands for Best At Dominating. That's their name.


Sasha's downfall begins.


I provided name gold with the Boss Bitches and the Grand Wizards to pair with Team Bella until the Alicia Fox heel turn and Rosa Mendes joins up with the Bellas (ne Garcias) for The Cholas, but WWE didn't wanna hear me.

All I promote is honesty in advertising.
And you'll never believe how SD ends

Reigns/Ambrose beat Sheamus/Big Show because Bray interferes AGAIN. Surprising right? How will Reigns even survive Sunday let alone win? The ODDS


After the buildup over the last year and a half, how can Lesnar lose clean ever again?*
They have booked him as a god among men for a long ass time.

*other than super cena


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Owens vs Cena again? They really like to drive their feuds to the ground as fast as possible don't they? :/


Agreed. I haven't watched RAW since October, but Cena's doing some great work with the US title. I've caught almost every segment he's been involved in for the past few months and it's been worth the effort to track them down.
I can't get behind Cena killing the aspect of storytelling by his shitty selling and WWE's constant reminder that these guys spamming finishers devalues the move itself and the match. It's one thing to do it at Mania, but weekly on free TV? It's lame. And they become spot fests with his god awful springboard stunner.


i can watch this all day


If you notice, Brock carefully angles the steps toward the camera, creating a safe place for Kane's leg to rest out of the camera's view. He also has the strength to keep the steps at that angle for the entirety of the spot, maintaining safety before ultimately throwing the steps aside. That is much unlike someone like Philip "CM Punk" Brooks, who cannot even lift the steps. Incredible!
If you notice, Brock carefully angles the steps toward the camera, creating a safe place for Kane's leg to rest out of the camera's view. He also has the strength to keep the steps at that angle for the entirety of the spot, maintaining safety before ultimately throwing the steps aside. That is much unlike someone like Philip "CM Punk" Brooks, who cannot even lift the steps. Incredible!

Phil Brooks is an elite, UFC level athlete, friend.


So not worth it
Of course. He committed the unforgivable sin of becoming an internet favourite, which is a big no-no as far as certain wrestling fans are concerned. See; D-Brine, or any of the indie guys in NXT.

Actually, he's villified for an even greater offense. Moving on from wrestling completely. See also: The Rock during the 00's, Batista, Goldberg, and more.
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