Punk look like he in the best shape of life, good on him
This prime day sale is pure fucking garbage, dont know why they hype this shit up for.
That's more like it...Amazon with some TNA Style booking hype.
Nah, if it was TNA, then they would have released the exact sales pricing 3 weeks ahead of time. Then everything would take a month to arrive, and be broken in transit.
Actually, he's villified for an even greater offense. Moving on from wrestling completely. See also: The Rock during the 00's, Batista, Goldberg, and more.
The wrestlers get themselves over on the mic. Pretty much everyone in NXT and WWE is better as a wrestler than Dean Ambrose is, but that doesn't actually matter.
Also, that NXT / Diva segment was bullshit. Completely pointless of Steph to come in and try and big up the debuts - just made me angry. Why not just have them come in and beat the shit out of the Bellas etc.
Why? Because they needed to be introduced. Maybe 5%, if that, of the people that tune into Raw on Monday subscribe (or subscribed at one point or another) to the Network. Steph introducing them helped a lot in making them sound like the big deal they're supposed to be.
I bet your ass if it wasn't for Steph hyping them up, it would have been crickets throughout the arena, Maggle.
I thought it was a good sell, too.Why? Because they needed to be introduced. Maybe 5%, if that, of the people that tune into Raw on Monday subscribe (or subscribed at one point or another) to the Network. Steph introducing them helped a lot in making them sound like the big deal they're supposed to be.
I bet your ass if it wasn't for Steph hyping them up, it would have been crickets throughout the arena, Maggle.
Is it more socially acceptable to say you watch fake sports or my little pony?reddIITTT NOOOOOOOO
Is it more socially acceptable to say you watch fake sports or my little pony?
Is it more socially acceptable to say you watch fake sports or my little pony?
A grown man watching the Hulu recap of Raw on their phone sitting at Starbucks will get random people thinking "huh wrestling still exists?" and "he knows it's fake, right"?
A grown man watching the latest episode of My Little Pony in that same setting will have people quickly ushering their children away from the table.
Punk is no longer a skinny fat ass. He's just skinny as fuck.
Remember back in the 90s when wrasslers would get made into South Park characters.
In the mid-2010s, we get My Little Pony.
Attitude Era stays winning.
Oh my god, he looks terrible
He looks fine for a guy who's know longer on Vince McMahon's patented Wellness Violation Juice
Seeing the reactions to Iwata's death, what happens when Vince dies?
Back when fans brought in as many signs as they could?Remember back in the 90s when wrasslers would get made into South Park characters.
In the mid-2010s, we get My Little Pony.
Attitude Era stays winning.
I much prefer skinny fat Punk to that... He's entering the Wiz Khalifa/Snoop Dogg body type.
I had a 5 star match with him vs Benoit vs Ultima Dragon in here comes the pain.I don't know of any great Hillbilly Jim matches. Does ANYONE know of any that were truly good? I just simply haven't seen anything incredible from him.
Back when fans brought in as many signs as they could?
Now it's : "we have enough Bryan signs, why not hold a Roman Reigns sign?"
Amen brother.I do miss the days of crowds being a sea of barely censored cardboard with hastily written words on them.
Who needs unobstructed views of people staring down at their phones? Bring back the days of five separate groups of dudes bringing their own single letter SUPLEX CITY signs.
He looks fine for a guy who's know longer on Vince McMahon's patented Wellness Violation Juice
He was juicing.If Punk was juicing, he was using it wrong
Some weak-ass suit game, there. Almost Cena-esq bad.
Those aren't suits
That's Yano, two in on the front row, wearing a suit?
Ishii & Gedo make a fantastic pair of stereotypical anime high school delinquents.
Punk is no longer a skinny fat ass. He's just skinny as fuck.