WWE Raw draws second-lowest non holiday viewership since 1997
Business is down, dream, making a concussion lawsuit perfectly timed to send professional wrestling into an irrevocable downward spiral. I believe by the time this settles, Lucha Underground will be considered the industry leader in arena lighting.
They seem to be really off the whole idea of managers, even in NXT.
Bull vs a vending machine would be a pretty great hardcore match.
So MMA experts, on a scale of 1 to totally fucked how fucked would UFC be in Connor loses?
Love how tye dillinger perfect 10 gimmick is leaking into the show.
I have no idea why they are against managers considering that two of their biggest successes last year had managers (Brock and Rusev).
And both of those guys can talk fine on their own.
Grand wrestlemania entrance runway show!I'm convinced I will see Tyler Breeze in a major program at mania in the next 4 years.
The Lana stuff screams Vince hating on the fact that Rusev us married to Lana. Lana worked because she is a good actress and she has great charisma with Rusev. The Ziggler stuff has only exposed her or they are trying to stall with Rusev's injury.I wonder when they are going to formally debut that gimmick. Seems pretty over at the house shows from what I've heard.
Heyman is bulletproof and probably gets to write all his own stuff.
Lana is going to wrestle Summer Rae at Summerslam or something horrific like that.
Full Sail crowd literally shouting memes at each other.
NoRéN;170624585 said:Grand wrestlemania entrance runway show!
The Lana stuff screams Vince hating on the fact that Rusev us married to Lana. Lana worked because she is a good actress and she has great charisma with Rusev. The Ziggler stuff has only exposed her or they are trying to stall with Rusev's injury.
Honestly that's where touring will help them. Sure they will get hardcore fans but as far as in arena presentation is concerned if they can get over there they can probably get over in any crowd.
Getting the product hot and producing a star or angle that latches on to pop culture like Austin or Hogan is another story.
Austin's entrance was so good because was a part of his no bullshit, here to kick ass persona.Him and Finn Balor scream HHH style over production for entrances but they could be awesome.
I mean so far the best wrestlemania entrances might be the simplest.
TNA right now is a weird time loop where people who don't work for the company are still working for the company.
As for Finn vs Owens in Japan. We all know who is going to win but the question is will it be clean or willCesaro, Itami or Cena help Balor win the match
TNA right now is a weird time loop where people who don't work for the company are still working for the company.
As for Finn vs Owens in Japan. We all know who is going to win but the question is will it be clean or willCesaro, Itami or Cena help Balor win the match
And all the women
There are not many things I would wake up at 2:30 am for. Balor v. Owens is one of them.
I cannot wait for this match.
NWA Classics this Friday! Roll call, friends!
I'm in at least for the first month, but as something I truly want to see more of, I'll probably just stay subscribed.
Part of me fears this is going to be a major swerve.
Bryan Alvarez said on todays Wrestling Observer Live show that Dixie Carter was retweeting fake twitter accounts on Sunday night. Many accounts were recently created and there were many many accounts that were filled with TNA related retweets and very little tweets about anything else. Some of them are a few months old and have mostly TNA related tweets/retweets and TNA hashtage which would indicate that the accounts are being used to help them trend during Impact. The retweets were for accounts raving about how great the show was. Many of the accounts raved about Slammiversary being one of the greatest shows in years.
If this is true then it is truly a shame that they are spending money on twitter accounts and not spending money on paying their production staff. Dixie should know better since she used to run her own PR company many years ago.
Another thing that is interesting is that Bob Ryder's followers shot up from 5,000 followers just a couple of weeks ago to 70,000 followers this morning and now up to 71,600 followers right now. Is the point of all of this to convince Destination America that they have a bigger following than they really have? You can't fake advertising dollars and you can't fake ticket sales. ROH has sold more tickets this year than TNA has.
Dave said:I thought the A.J. Styles & Young Bucks vs. Rocky Romero & Trent Barreta & Kazuchika Okada match on the 6/24 TV show was pretty close to match of the year level, at ****3/4. As far as pure wrestling went, it was one of the best one hour shows in the U.S. in recent memory, since the Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Roderick Strong match on the same show was also excellent. The main event was edited, as there were a ton of "Suck it" references during the match, both from the Bullet Club and from fans, and all were removed.
A funny story is that backstage at TNA, during the tapings, somebody turned on Destination America early and this match was playing and a lot of the talent were going crazy for it, which caused John Gaburick to get mad and yell, "Get that shit off."