Except the part where they were doing it before she even got a chance
So she deserved it before she even showed up? She deserved to be mocked relentlessly for 'daring to sully Full Sail with her presence'?
Are you seriously going to defend this one? She was already on tv. She willingly downgraded and went to NXT to let Bayley pin her, but she totally deserves to be made a fool of for trying to learn and trying to improve
I'm going to play devils advocate here.
Eva Marie is a representation of what is wrong with women's wrestling in the WWE. While talented women wrestle for less money down in NXT and indies Eva gets a main roster deal because of her looks based on the marketability of a reality TV show.
A WWE where a requirement for the women on the roster is for them to have different hair colors because Vince and someone else at their office believes that people can't distinguish 2 different women with the same hair color
Most of her matches were mixed tag matches which never show off the talent and are often treated as piss breaks or pauses in between major matches.
Although I agree with you that she is getting sent down there to get better and to improve as a wrestler and an entertainer. I'm not going to boo somebody who is trying to improve themselves but she is employed in that company for Total Divas and nothing else. I'm sure many of the fans down there believe that that reality show is holding back women's wrestling from being a draw instead of a joke.
Hell its why they probably split up the women in the NXT call up the way that they did. There is a Total Divas cast member on every team.
I often wonder if its good for NXT to have ECW type crowds but if you can survive the hell of smaller vocal indie crowds you can definitely get over with the dead asleep Corpis Christie crowds Vince likes to run.