Yep, it's not even a contest for me right now. Her Story blows it all away so far.
Do NXT tickets usually sell out pretty fast? I want to know if I should be camping the site.
Do NXT tickets usually sell out pretty fast? I want to know if I should be camping the site.
Even more than Life Is Strange?
Did anybody notice or see how many ticketswere originally available? I'm interested to see how much of Barclay's they intend to fill up.Are you taking about the Brooklyn show? it definitely will. With all the Summerfest people there, the pool of potential attendees goes up a lot. I heard pretty much all the best seats sold out during the pre-sale.
¡HarlequinPanic!;172159727 said:going to the brooklyn nxt show and will proudly flash an #allrednation sign
next takeover : Bullet Club vs Balor and friends, Young Bucks turn on the bullet club and sign with NXT
book it
That story about the Gutcheck challenge made me tear up a bit. Ric Flair is a helluva guy.Botchamania 280:
I saw that GFW is doing a tv taping. Do they even have a distribution deal?
Jeez that gawker article. Please shut them down brother hogan.
Guys, is there not a 10-disc Rick Rude DVD set I can buy?! Come on!!
You guys are dreaming too big. If anything expect the young lions to get some NXT experience and vice versa. Maybe jrs.
Some of those NXT rookies could benefit immensely from a spell in the New Japan Dojo.
Mojo Rawley vignettes where he stays hyped while scrubbing toilets and making meals for veterans.Some of those NXT rookies could benefit immensely from a spell in the New Japan Dojo.
Is it about that case? I thought it was over?
Cena isnt bad in his handful of scenes. But even the small parts suffer from being overconceived and underwritten. [John Cena's] Steven wants monogamy with Amy, but he also seems gay. And the movie doesnt see any of those possibilities through, either. In bed one night, Amy asks Steven to talk during sex, and the best he can do is stuff like, Im gonna fill you with my protein. Is he actually closeted, gay for himself, or just lousy in bed? The gay boyfriend is a relatable worry in Schumers comedy that rarely ends in belly laughs but always provides some insight into her paranoid distrust. In popular culture, men dreaming of having a gay girlfriend is a cliché. In Schumers world (and, frankly, beyond it), having a gay boyfriend is something women dread, and the depiction of that dread is rare in mainstream culture. But the movie shares Amys preemptive promiscuity. Its always on to the next thing to keep from dealing with the matter at hand.
There's a reason that the program is tiered the way it is, between purely training level, house show-only level/getting jobber placement on TV and then becoming a regular TV roster member.. By the time someone makes it to NXT TV, they're considered prepared beyond a fresh trainee, even if they often have a ways to go still.
Guys, is there not a 10-disc Rick Rude DVD set I can buy?! Come on!!
Did you check rudoreels?
Mojo Rawley vignettes where he stays hyped while scrubbing toilets and making meals for veterans.
Bull Dempsey being berated by Minoru Suzuki for being fat and eating before the veterans.
Is joe's run a flop so far. Dude has done nothing, has a a bad theme and is now in a Fuedwith Baron Corbin.
Dude is a bit of a crazy Catholic.
Who else? It's his twitter header. And here's his icon;
His current gimmick is ranting about the marks, then vanity searching himself and arguing with marks.
Who else? It's his twitter header. And here's his icon;
His current gimmick is ranting about the marks, then vanity searching himself and arguing with marks.
Didnt he refer to Jushin Liger as "the minority"?
Alex Riley to star in the WWE Studios remake of Falling Down.
It's really weird how for so many years when I didn't watching wrestling at all, from the people who did all I heard whenever they mentioned it was how bad John Cena was. Since I started watching again, he's consistently been involved in the top 2 or 3 things going on at any given time whether it's been Brock, and how that was handled, or the US Open challenge.
I'm sure having him WWE champion all the time would have been boring and his promos are very repetitive (but funny sometimes because he's such a ham), so I'm glad I missed out on all that Main Cena Era stuff and came in just around the time Brock suplexed him 16 times in a row and pinned him. I think someone mentioned it in here the other day - that this is the peak of his work. I dunno if that's true, since I haven't seen anything before 2014 at ALL (I left before he even showed up in the WWE), but I definitely don't see much along the lines of him hogging the whole show, having boring matches, 5 moves of doom. It's all pretty good stuff.
So I think I do want him to beat Kevin Owens on sunday, as much as that would take some steam out of Owens, and I think a GREAT match would be a four way between Owens, Cesaro, Rusev and Cena at Summerslam and maybe then he can drop the title to any one of them, they're all great.
I could see Cena losing it Sunday and then having a fourway match at Summer Slam with Owens, Cena, Cesaro, and Rusev. I just wonder what Cena will be doing post U.S. Title run.
Also, Sunny, I've seen you say Owens won't be on the Summer Slam card. Would you be willing to back that prediction up with an avatar bet until Survivor Series?