Things have been pretty well. You aren't wrong.Haven't been here in a while because I haven't watched much Wrasslin in the past couple of months, until these past two weeks or so. Just been doing a lot of podcast episodes (Inside the Ropes, Attitude Era Podcast, New Generation Project).
Caught up with NJPW's Dominion show which was quality.
Absolutely loved WWE's Japan special. Broke my heart that Itami was sidelined for it. Apparently Laurinatis was integral in putting that show together since he has a good handle on booking in that territory. If WWE specialized in different areas like that more often it would do wonders. They have some of the best minds in the business but most of them are locked into peddling the same old filler garbage.
RAW was surprisingly not shit last week. Probably gonna go in for the free Network month for Battleground.
No, because I don't really believe it...
But I am known to make dipshit bets. Let's do it. Pre-show NOT included. He can curtain jerk.
I guess the big question is, if Cena does win, can the US Title storyline continue? I say yes for Summerslam, at least.
If Cena drops it to Owens, where does Owens take it? I don't have an answer for that, except "lower" - so I think Cena should hang on for another month at the least.
Is this a #safe shirt for ladies?
They should have had Eva sit ringside for a ton of matches while they introduced a new masked female wrestler pulling out nice planed spots. Then if the audience gets behind her have an unmasking for Eva.
This way you have a Diva storyline of them trying to keep it secret and Eva can get over without the baggage of her prior work.
Because no one would immediately figure out that it was Eva Marie under the mask and still shit on her.
I knew things were starting to lean in the right direction (Kevin Owens, Cena Open Challenge, New Day, Brock, rise of Rollins, NXT women's division invasion rumor) but this past Monday they tied everything together in a way that makes sense that I haven't seen from the WWE in a long, long time.Things have been pretty well. You aren't wrong.
Is this a #safe shirt for ladies?
If they gave her a skull cap and a wig to hide her and advertise her in a big promoted match on a separate NXT taping I could see something working.
Her biggest problem in trying to get over is trying to rid her old image as a symbol of bad wrestling.
She's down there to improve and work and right now her biggest mountain to overcome is assholes in the front seats screaming "go home"
poor act, if there was ever a springboard for a massive babyface run it was getting your shit legit pushed in.This looks fucking rad.
They even had WCW Spring Break-esque 'wrestlers out on the beach' before the match.
I don't see no Lil Pumas at tapings
Fenix is THE guy
She came back. The other girl retired. But hardly anyone gives a fuck about either of those girls in Stardom anymore. Kairi is way more over than Act will ever be at this point. And so is Chelsea.
Act is Yesterday's Garbage kahuna
they should sell a neck brace that says "Bryan Mode" on it
With NXT tapings done the way they are they could have worked the crowd.that mountain of assholes would also be the ones to chant "Eva, Eva" cos they'd be reading the 'sheets.
With NXT tapings done the way they are they could have worked the crowd.
They did a ton of work on a Mick Foley fued with Ambrose and they got that viral
They could have filmed some shitty ass video of a masked female wrestler in a shitty gym and then announced that they signed her. Dirtsheets see the shitty videos of a female performer taking bumps then after she does some NXT stuff they announce an Eva match but before her match she gets unmasked.
they should sell a neck brace that says "Bryan Mode" on it
they should sell a neck brace that says "Bryan Mode" on it
Cool I am hypeAnt-Man was super good last night, friends. Top 3 of the Marvel movies so far, along with GotG and Winter Soldier.
No wrestler cameos, though.
I hope he never wrestles again. He is going to die.Woah, you guys hear about Kurt Angle? He had to have emergency surgery on his spine...
Hope the dude is okay. He is one of my favorite all-time superstars.
If they pull that off, then(like Bull) Baron Corbin is dead.WWE is moving heaven and earth to recruit Cody Hall.
Host: Do you ever get fan mails or like just cat calls in public from people wondering about your status?
Bryan: All the time. Some of it creeps me out to say the least. Especially the letters. Man, they send these long letters telling me how much they appreciate me and everything and I love it. Really I love it but sometimes it's just way too much for me to muster. It's amazing how much those guys can hold on to something.
Woah, you guys hear about Kurt Angle? He had to have emergency surgery on his spine...
Hope the dude is okay. He is one of my favorite all-time superstars.
Woah, you guys hear about Kurt Angle? He had to have emergency surgery on his spine...
Hope the dude is okay. He is one of my favorite all-time superstars.
New Japan just shot themselves in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.
What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to buy tickets to NJPW shows, nor will they subscribe to NJPW World. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but New Japan has alienated an entire market with this move.
New Japan, publicly apologize and cancel your working relationship with NXT or you can kiss your business goodbye.
from reddit which got it from his twitter
"Friends and Fan this is a message from Mr Angles Management. Yesterday while Mr Angle was preparing for his travel to the UK for Comic Con. he was experiencing sever pain, he lost feeling in his extremities, and starting to have some difficulty breathing. His wife, Giovanni, very concerned rushed him to the hospital, where doctors informed Kurt that his symptoms were the result of his recent surgery that left a large buildup of fluid on his spinal cord. Since the condition could be fatal, they immediately underwent emergency surgery to relieve the pressure on his spine. The surgery went well and doctors believe he will have a full recovery. Kurt apologies to his friends and fans that ... He will not be appearing at Comic Con in London this weekend as hoped. Kurt is doing well and we will keep you posted on his progress"
Am I missing something here?
What did NJPW do other than let an older talent work a NXT show?
I will inspire you that million dollar dreams can come true. Show your love for your favorite wrestler ever by giving me $1, $10, $100, shit $1000 and make me a MILLIONAIRE.
Are you taking about the Brooklyn show? it definitely will. With all the Summerfest people there, the pool of potential attendees goes up a lot. I heard pretty much all the best seats sold out during the pre-sale.
Interesting, and presale tickets take up the entire sections? If so I don't see the point of having an open sale if all that's left are bad seats.It sounds like the lower bowl of the Barclays Center is already sold out.
WWE doing a great job of not realizing why people liked Lana as usual.
one more moonsault!
Interesting, and presale tickets take up the entire sections? If so I don't see the point of having an open sale if all that's left are bad seats.
We noted yesterday that the WWE NXT "Takeover: Brooklyn" event set for SummerSlam weekend saw major success with the Ticketmaster pre-sale on Thursday. The event has already sold more tickets than the previous record for NXT, which was 4,700 for the WrestleMania 31 week live event in San Jose.
A year ago every single one of you couldn't stand Lesnar as champion. Now you've got all you've ever wanted in a champion right in front...
...of your faces, yet you're clamoring for him to win it back. What a joke. The future is the present and it's still never enough for you.
A hapless generation of incorrigible keyboard warriors...I can't wait to visit "Suplex City" on Sunday. One more chance to put every one...
...of you in your place.