
Sympy, where we are going we don't need Sympy
Sympy, where we are going we don't need Sympy
Listening right now to the Talk is Jericho podcast with Big Show... looks like he got some gripes about the writing too.
The Gawker Media vs. Terry Bollea trial has been delayed indefinitely.
What, why?
Gawker said:In a scathing opinion published todayfour days prior to the trials startFloridas Second District Court of Appeal ruled that the Pinellas County circuit court judge overseeing Bollea v. Gawker Media et al, Pamela Campbell, failed to enforce the strict rules governing the scheduling of jury trials.
Under Floridas rules of civil procedure (specifically rule 1.440), both defendants and plaintiffs are entitled to a 50-day window between the parties final pleas and the beginning of a jury trial. A June 19 order issued by Judge Campbell, setting the date of the trial for July 6, plainly violated rule 1.440, the appellate court wrote, citing Bolleas various attempts to strike Gawker Medias Hungarian component, Blogwire Hungary Szellemi Alkotάst Hasznosίtό, from the defendant list.
Elsewhere in the same opinion, the court suggests Campbell was persuaded by Bolleas side that it could disregard the opponents objections as innocuous technicalities and that although we easily understand why Bollea and the circuit court went to lengths to preserve the July 6 trial date, their efforts were futile from the outset.
Everyone talks shit about writing, i wonder why no one ever changes it.Listening right now to the Talk is Jericho podcast with Big Show... looks like he got some gripes about the writing too.
Fair points, yet I just don't understand the constant complaints about the product when there's is a gold mine out here. Sure most of the promotions will never meet the budget of the WWE, but it at least gives people an option to avoid dealing with the grief of WWE's silly decisions and business tactics. Coming from an individual that gets tired of complaining about the same ole shit that the WWE pumps out, it's good to know that I can easily watch another promotion and get top quality wrestling.
Looks promising...
Now if only somebody magically digs up the Memphis tapes from a landfill in the island of Trinadad :/...
Destroying Lana, or how to kill a popular character in less than 60 days.
A portion:
See the article for the full thing.
Everyone talks shit about writing, i wonder why no one ever changes it.
WWE said:WWE filed a lawsuit in Connecticut to protect the company from a series of fraudulent claims made by a Massachusetts attorney regarding alleged concussion-related injuries. A few examples of such false allegations from this lawyer include:
· Claims in two different federal courts that five individuals died prematurely due to head injuries when in fact all five individuals are alive today.
· Falsely stating that an individual's years of performance with WWE spanned 22 years from 1985 through 2007, when in fact the individual performed for only 2 years (1985-1986 and 1992-1993) and made one appearance in 2007.
· Alleging that head injury led to the death of a morbidly obese former performer who died of a heart attack years after last performing for WWE.
· A claim that an individual suffered from deafness allegedly due to head injury when said individual has publicly stated that he was deaf since birth.
· Claiming that head injury led to the accidental drug overdose of a former performer over 20 years after he last performed.
It is unfortunate that some former performers have been improperly recruited under the guise of a big 'pay day', and we feel badly that these individuals are being misled and exploited.
What you call a goldmine isn't what everything consideres a gold mine. I've watched ROH and NJPW and it just doesn't appeal to me.
I like the WWE style of wrestling that's why I watch it and complain when I'm not liking what I'm seeing.
NXT is the show that satiesfies me at the moment. I just wish it was it's own thing instead of a development territory or that the main show was as well booked as this.
They were equals. They were partners. Because they both got it. They both knew that what they were doing could've easily been a one note bit where the evil Russian guy loses to Rocky in the end. But instead, they added layers and depth and complexity to their characters.
Because they don't own and/or run the company.
To each it's own. I guess I'm over the constant bullshit then wrestling that WWE produces. I grew up on one year feuds, storytelling matches, promos, and segments that goes beyond backstage. No issue with those that don't mind such things, but why constantly complain about something that will never change. Hell even during the Bryne days, they tried everything in their power to prove a point that dude is not in their favor of being the face of the WWE. It gets tiresome to bend out of shape for a company that likes to toy with people because "ribs".
I enjoyed Rusev and Lana as a duo, but I really think this is a case of rose-tinted glasses. What were these added layers and depth and complexity?
Dave said:As noted, Kurt Angle will be undergoing surgery to remove a benign tumor in his neck. The tumor was discovered in 2012 but there were no problems associated with it until now - the tumor was starting to block a nerve in Angle's arm and he was beginning to get some atrophy in the arm. The surgery to remove the tumor is not a major deal and Angle expects to be back in the ring in three weeks.
Yup. There's nothing anyone can do until Vince steps out and hopefully HHH gets a hold on things.
Yeah, I agree. I'm sick of all those things and I with the product was as good as it could be.
But the other promotions aren't an alternative for me. Except for NXT that is. So tell me to go watch other wrestling promotions means very little since they aren't what I'm looking for in a wrestling tv show.
So I'll watch Raw and skip most of the stuff until they change. If they don't at least I have NXT. Just wish that was a bigger brand but you can't have it all.
There aren't any, its way over analyzing a gimmick with a severely limited shelf life to begin with.
Fair enough. Question...what makes NXT any different from a regular indy promotion? They both cut from the same cloth and the only difference is production value. I used to get involved with NXT, but it just comes off like a parody to indy wrestling. There's no division bracket, the storylines took a flair flop to the face, and the crowd...the fucking crowd. Man...Dream was right about them :/. Other than that...I just can't understand the hype behind NXT, when its been on the decline for months.
Sympy, where we are going we don't need Sympy
You know, they say all men are created equal, but you look at me and you look at Marty McFly, and you can see that statement is not true! See, normally if you go use the flux capacitor to travel through time, you got to hit 88 miles per hour. But I’m a genetic freak, and I’m not normal, so I got to only go 75 miles per hour! And then you add Doc Kurt Angle to the mix? My need to go fast drasticy go down. See McFly, at Enchantment Under the Sea, you don't got to hit 88 miles per hour. But I, I got to hit only 75 miles per hour, cause Doc Kurt Angle KNOWS he can’t outrace me, and he’s not even gonna try! So, Marty McFly, you take your 88 miles per hour, minus my 75 miles per hour, and you got 13 miles per hour to get back in time! But then you take my 88 miles per hour, if we was to go one-on-one, and to add 75 miles per hour ch… percents, I got 163 miles per hour in my flux capacitor at Enchantment Under the Sea! See, McFly; the numbers don’t like, and they spell disaster for you at Enchantment Under the Sea!
Image announced a wrestling comic
I've tried to get into American indies since I started watching and I just can't do it at all. RoH production is way to spotty as is some of the wrestling ehehe. Of course I'll check out the odd great match (most of the NJPW talent they had over I watched) but man.....that AJ Styles Young Bucks tag with all the stupid fucking spots...I tried to get through that Ricochet tag that has been posted but man, too much flippy shit and no selling.
Anyway NXT is just a quick, easily digestible program, which isn't always incredible or packed to the gills with amazing matches like Lucha Underground but generally has some hook every episode that gets me interested. I love watching the talent really develop and figure out characters - like Alexa Bliss's heel turn or Tyler Breeze's slow evolution or Balór continuing to tease Bloody Sunday (if Devitt had come over to RoH his first match would have him doing everything). Random indie shows might have great matches but the long term stories/development isn't really there for me.
When I just want to watch some great wrestling its probably going to be some AJPW/BJW/NJPW stuff.
Most indy promotions have more going on storyline-wise than NXT even if it's poorly told. NXT usually has one major storyline and then some other storylines that like involve Blake and Murphy that no one seems to care about. And they shouldn't.
The only reason I can think of what it does better is that it's more readily available and we've learned from this thread people only want wrestling that's super duper easy to get into and watch. Minimal amount of effort for my wrasslin shows pls
Most indy promotions have more going on storyline-wise than NXT even if it's poorly told. NXT usually has one major storyline and then some other storylines that like involve Blake and Murphy that no one seems to care about. And they shouldn't.
The only reason I can think of what it does better is that it's more readily available and we've learned from this thread people only want wrestling that's super duper easy to get into and watch. Minimal amount of effort for my wrasslin shows pls
The Owens storylines barely even feel like storylines because of his main roster stuff? It just feels like they're trying to get a way to get the title to Balor with minimal kayfabe needed since they're pushing Owens up and I doubt Owens or Zayn will still be in NXT by the time Zayn has recovered.
A lot of thos feuds, like Balor vs Rhyno have zero substance and I would hesitate to call them feuds much less storylines. Isn't 'everyone trying to climb back to the top of their contenders'?
I still think the Joe/Owens booking is some of the laziest booking I've seen yet from NXT. 'Here's this popular guy from the indies and here's this other popular guy from the indies. We brougth them in and they're going to feud.' It's a developmental and you're basing the main feud around one guy being brought in that 'you know him from other stuff.'
What even is the NXT scouting like now? How many twitter followers you have? That's why I'm more interested in stuff like chad Gable to see what they mold him into. Meanwhile, after Hunter's indie sign of the week gets put in the main event, Tyler Breeze's gimmick has completely peaked and he's never going to get any more over than he already is. Enhancement talent all over him. Corbin doesn't improve and who blames him? They never do anything different or interesting with him. No ones character seems to develop through feuds except for Itami, the 15 year veteran
I still think the Joe/Owens booking is some of the laziest booking I've seen yet from NXT. 'Here's this popular guy from the indies and here's this other popular guy from the indies. We brougth them in and they're going to feud.' It's a developmental and you're basing the main feud around one guy being brought in that 'you know him from other stuff.'
It's too bad Hunter keeps getting the side effect of frail, beat up bodies with his pre-made wrestlers. Itami was the first character since Zayn to feel compelling to me as a babyface in NXT.
Balor's current gimmick is just pretension -- the gimmick. They fucked up so bad with handling him I can't even explain it. Like I think that guy will still be money for them, but they could have done it so much better. I hated the Bullet Club stuff, but it's a lot better than the faux Jeff Hardy gimmick shit they've got him doing now. The Daemon Finn has been run into the ground like Fandangoing and the body paint stuff is never cool because they bring it up all the time and he never does anything different when he wears it like a Super Liger or Great Muta. It's just dress-up. It's not even mind games anymore because he does the same body paint so you know' oh i have a big match with finn balor. he's going to wear that stupid body paint shit and i'm supposed to be 2spooked'
At some point someone in the back needs to plan some stuff out. WWE is the biggest wrestling company in the world and they still run tv like a college student writing an essay the day it's due.
Hard to plan when your boss rips your plan up at the eleventh hour on a semi-regular basis.
This Monday's Raw is going to be hilarious. Welcome to Monday Night Over-Reaction!
It's too bad Hunter keeps getting the side effect of frail, beat up bodies with his pre-made wrestlers. Itami was the first character since Zayn to feel compelling to me as a babyface in NXT.
What about Itami started feeling compelling in NXT? Honest question. I've been stuck in "wanting to feel Itami was compelling" mode but not actually getting there.
And the best part? Raw is in Chicago.
There was that time Itami said "Kevin Owens" twice and everybody seem befuddled.
The Itami road to WrestleMania special made him interesting, though seeing him at the San Jose house show made him compelling in a way he wasn't even as KENTA.