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July Wrasslin' |OT|

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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He looks much closer to 60 than 50. Fifty year olds can look good. Look at The Cruise Missile. Look at HHH, only 5 years younger than Taker yet his body looks 15 years younger. Look at KANE ffs. Kane's 48 and looks 20 years younger than Taker. I'm so disappointed in this. Why couldn't this guy just retire?

People's bodies age at different rates. Look at Arn Anderson, he looked like a 40 year old in his 20s (and stayed there ever since).
All they need is temporary Network buys to justify it. They got it for the announcement of Taker/Bray, they probably got it after last night's finish, and unfortunately they'll definitely get it for Taker/Sting and Rock/HHH at Mania.

It doesn't matter how stupid it is, how little sense it makes, or how infuriating it is. Idiots will say there's no better place in the world for their $10 to go, and that will be that.

If they wanted to be in the business of singular big shows, they'd still be on PPV. They are selling subscriptions now, which means they need to give people reasons to tune in every month, not just once. Old guys who will wrestle once and then disappear will not be that reason. It's extremely shortsighted.
Daniel Bryan return update

"It’s impossible for me to give you a time frame because I feel great, it’s just a matter getting cleared and jumping through the hurdles of the doctor stuff. These days it’s the hardest part. I feel great, it’s just a matter of getting cleared through WWE’s medical staff.

“I was hoping to be ready for SummerSlam, I don’t know if that’s a realistic expectation now or not.”

The writing is on the wall: Daniel Bryan will use all of the WWE's resources to promote his book, and then when he doesn't need it anymore, he'll be jumping ship to TNA.


I think Taker will have his own casket at Wrestlemania Star Bullhorns.
And if I don't see it..I'll be pissed.

Vince better open up the wallet for the entrance and exit because the match won't be good.


that "why is cheating such a big deal" thread.... just wow

A guy named Barack Lesnar, who calls Undertaker "umpabaker," and thinks Cena vs. Owens was a 5 star match. I don't even know what to do with this.
Let me guess, people were disappointed in the finish....that Cena won clean. So what? The match was incredible. It was easily a 4* match.

Umpabaker someone here thought of based on Booker T. Cracked me up first time I read it. :lol


Daniel Bryan return update

The writing is on the wall: Daniel Bryan will use all of the WWE's resources to promote his book, and then when he doesn't need it anymore, he'll be jumping ship to TNA.

Wait, he was saying we should "move on" like last week and know he is ready to return? What is happening?

Anyway, hopefully he only returns if he is 100 per cent and hopefully they put him in a good angle. Maybe HHH again to finish the autorithy storyline or something.


Let me guess, people were disappointed in the finish....that Cena won clean. So what? The match was incredible. It was easily a 4* match.

Umpabaker someone here thought of based on Booker T. Cracked me up first time I read it. :lol

2.5 stars at best. Owens is pretty shit without the smoke and mirrors of his outsider aura.
2.5 stars at best. Owens is pretty shit without the smoke and mirrors of his outsider aura.
You dream'ing me or do you really think that was 2.5 stars? Come onnnn, that was a solid 4 star WWE match. Idc if NJPCZWBootay promotion has 10* star matches every day. For WWE that was a fantastic match. Even the indie spots from Owens fit into the flow.
Here's what i hope: Taker/Brock is filled with so many botches due to Taker and makes Taker look so old and weak that Taker is forced to retire and won't take a main event spot at WM. I want it to be an awful match with the crowd dead throughout.
You dream'ing me or do you really think that was 2.5 stars? Come onnnn, that was a solid 4 star WWE match. Idc if NJPCZWBootay promotion has 10* star matches every day. For WWE that was a fantastic match. Even the indie spots from Owens fit into the flow.

It was probably 4 stars, but wasn't even the best match they've had together, and that's not even counting the stupid finish.
If they wanted to be in the business of singular big shows, they'd still be on PPV. They are selling subscriptions now, which means they need to give people reasons to tune in every month, not just once. Old guys who will wrestle once and then disappear will not be that reason. It's extremely shortsighted.

This, 100%. They are booking as if the main shows are still on PPV where they can get a huge buyrate. The problem is getting people to return for a month or two at $9.99 is just bad business when you walked away from much more money. With the network, they need to sell the importance of each show.

Also, it's past time for Taker to go away
I sort of think they where going for the Undertaker v Jeff Hardy finish for the Cena / Owens match but completely botched the tone of the finish and post match so Cena looks strong.

And Summerslam seems real bad this year. Real bad.
The worst part about all of this is that there is a good chance Taker will win at SS, which means they will have wasted Brock's monster run the last 2 years on the fucking Undertaker. I thought the whole point of letting Brock end Taker's streak was so that he can pass the rub on to someone new and put them mega over. It feels like they are just panicking and making everything up week to week as they go along now.


It really was. :(

Have no idea how this match at SummerSlam will be taken seriously by anyone. In no way, shape, or form could Taker take Brock at the pace they've been building Brock up to in the past year.

Ain't just the buildup. Look how Lesnar does his suplexes. Nightmarishly dangerous. A guy like Kofi can take it, but a 50 year old heavyweight? He already received a neck injury from Brock last match.


Biggest pops of the night?

I was there. Bit late on this reply, but from where I was sitting, biggest pops were for Orton, New Day (they had a lot of heel heat--people were doing the New Day sucks for hours before being let in the building and all up through the preshow--they were more interested in New Day's antics and taunts than the match itself though), Lesnar, Reigns, Wyatt (decent heel heat) and every last thing about Cena-Owens.

If I had to rank a top 5:
1-5) Undertaker

Below that:
6) Cena
7) Lesnar (tie)
7) Owens (tie)
9) Orton
10) New Day
So are we just supposed to forget that the specialness was that Taker had never lost at Wrestlemania? Taker has beaten Lesnar before AND Taker has lost at Summerslam several times. Nothing about this makes sense


When was the last time Undertaker wrestled in a match that wasn't Wrestlemania? I feel like he hasn't done this since I started watching again regularly around Wrestlemania in 2011.

The Shield put him through a table on TV once but was that a match?
The worst part about all of this is that there is a good chance Taker will win at SS, which means they will have wasted Brock's monster run the last 2 years on the fucking Undertaker. I thought the whole point of letting Brock end Taker's streak was so that he can pass the rub on to someone new and put them mega over. It feels like they are just panicking and making everything up week to week as they go along now.

The whole point was for Reigns to get that rub, but after the fans shit on him, that wasn't going to happen. So now they don't know what to do with Lesnar.


You dream'ing me or do you really think that was 2.5 stars? Come onnnn, that was a solid 4 star WWE match. Idc if NJPCZWBootay promotion has 10* star matches every day. For WWE that was a fantastic match. Even the indie spots from Owens fit into the flow.

I respectfully disagree. It had shit psychology, featuring a bunch of moves that meant nothing leading to a result that meant nothing. Despite the surprise of the rubes, the outcome was never in doubt--Owens becoming just another guy, especially when he turned coward on last Monday's show, made it clear that he'd be losing.

2.5 stars, and that's charitable. The quality of the match was well behind even Bray Wyatt vs. Roman Reigns.
The whole point was for Reigns to get that rub, but after the fans shit on him, that wasn't going to happen. So now they don't know what to do with Lesnar.

So the fans were ultimately responsible for this shit. I love it.

2 full years in a row of a product tanked for one guy who didn't even stay healthy for 2 months. Unbelievable. Can't wait for it to happen again next year.


I kind of wish the rumor of Taker/Sting for Summerslam held up. I want them to get that match out of the way so that Taker's retirement match at WM32 can be against Demon Balor
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