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July Wrasslin' |OT|

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Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Do you guys think Taker is still a draw after that pathetic showing at the last 2 WMs?

The only drawing he's doing is to the snuff film crowd.
Here's what makes sense: 50 year old The Undertaker is still a bigger draw than your fave.

Summerslam is already sold out, so he's going to bring back a couple thousand casuals for a month or two at $9.99? Like it's been argued before, this makes much more sense if they were still on PPV where they could reap the benefits of popping one big buyrate. They are booking opposite of their business plan
So the fans were ultimately responsible for this shit. I love it.

2 full years in a row of a product tanked for one guy who didn't even stay healthy for 2 months. Unbelievable. Can't wait for it to happen again next year.

Well at the rate he's going, Reigns as the top guy wouldn't have been great TV either, so it's not as if fans robbed us of some miraculous revelation.
Undertaker's last WM match is a gauntlet match against every person he has ever faced at WM before.

If they're no longer with us they get counted out and it is considered a win for UT. Everyone still alive is there, even Punk, he came back just to lose again.

Undertaker is gonna get that streak back in one night baby!


Undertaker should start wearing a vest like Reigns.



The Undertaker is bigger than a single gate and Network subscriptions, friends. He drives brand awareness all the way 'til SummerSlam.

Go ahead and check your Tweeters, the casual viewing audience is buzzing for Mark Calaway.


I got grudge sucked!
The worst part about all of this is that there is a good chance Taker will win at SS, which means they will have wasted Brock's monster run the last 2 years on the fucking Undertaker. I thought the whole point of letting Brock end Taker's streak was so that he can pass the rub on to someone new and put them mega over. It feels like they are just panicking and making everything up week to week as they go along now.

I think it was Meltzer who said the plan was to have Brock snap the streak, steamroll Bryan for the belt and steamroll Cena so that Super Reigns could stop him the following WM. Don't know how accurate or likely Daniel Bryan's comment was on him feeling ready, but if he can go and wins the belt from Rollins, then yep, WM is already booked, as long as everyone stays healthy. Plan B is try plan A again DAMMIT!


Sephzilla's alternate reality booking that would never happen anyway

Brock is about to beat Seth but The Authority does something to distract him. Undertaker's bell tolls, Taker appears in the ring, Brock is legit shook, and suddenly Taker goes to the outside to fight off the rest of the Authority to leave Brock and Seth one on one. Brock destroys Seth and becomes champion again. Taker enters the ring, stares down Brock, then they shake hands because Taker respects Brock for ending The Streak.

Then Brock and Taker decide that one title belt is enough and unite to become the tag team champions (because the rest of the tag division would retire immediately upon this news anyway, except for New Day, for some reason).


What the wwe should have done was have David Arquette come down and beat taker up.

Set up Arquette vs Brock for the title at Summerslam

Arquette goes over.
Well at the rate he's going, Reigns as the top guy wouldn't have been great TV either, so it's not as if fans robbed us of some miraculous revelation.

Even if it sucked, it'd suck with a plan. Now what? They have nothing for Brock, and it's clear.

They have nothing for Seth, and it's clear.

They have nothing for Ambrose, and even on the PPV last night they had nothing for Ambrose, so I don't know how that could possibly need to be clearer.

The only people they seem to have anything for is Cena (holds US title until they feel he's ready for a Flair-tying world title), and Reigns (feud with Bray until whenever, get crowned at Mania)

Again, 2 years this has happened. And the result at the end is there's maybe two people who look like they'll go anywhere. I'm so glad Batista got Hollywood$$$, and I hope he never hits his head on a rock and thinks to come back to WWE TV.

At some point, let a plan come together, even if it sucks. Because all that ever happens when it's interrupted is they come up with something different, and there hasn't been a moment in a decade where this staff has come up with anything on the fly that looks good or like it will go somewhere.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
They have nothing for anyone. How awkward was the first few weeks of NXT after Zayn and Itami got injured? I'd still say the Finn and Owens feud doesn't feel natural on any level. This is a company that does not know how to set up failsafes in case something goes wrong which is hilarious because the amount of injuries in the history of pro wrestling should dictate that you have a plan b a plan c and a plan d.

But they can barely come up with one good storyline, much less several reserved ones in case the good one goes wrong.


They have nothing for anyone. How awkward was the first few weeks of NXT after Zayn and Itami got injured? I'd still say the Finn and Owens feud doesn't feel natural on any level. This is a company that does not know how to set up failsafes in case something goes wrong which is hilarious because the amount of injuries in the history of pro wrestling should dictate that you have a plan b a plan c and a plan d.

But they can barely come up with one good storyline, much less several reserved ones in case the good one goes wrong.

you'd figure with 54 writers they would have one good idea.

I mean look at what a badass vamp is on lucha underground

WWE couldn't do that with all of the resources they have.


Meltzer says a lot of stuff, slightconfuse, like saying Roddy Piper didn't get future endeavored for fucking with Hershey the Wonder Dog. We know the score.
Corporate Overtaker

That Bucks shirt is dumb. It should have said THE YOUNG BUCKS in the MK font. If anyone asks you have to explain it twice then they know you can't let go of 20 year old video games and like indie wrestling. #unsafe
They have nothing for anyone

But they can barely come up with one good storyline, much less several reserved ones in case the good one goes wrong.
They're killing Brock with this Taker rehash. Rollins and the WWE title were made out to look like crap. Rollins has no leg to stand on at all after last night. He's done. Cena/Owens have had four matches already. The Authority has taken a back seat. They really do have nothing. Where's the big angle? Why is there nothing brewing? When The Authority was front and center you could feel something bigger brewing, you could feel a build up. There is nothing now. Vince is panicking and had to bring out a 70 year old fart just to raise the ratings a bit. Everything crashed and burned so fast.
They're really going to try and get Roman a rub from Sting aren't they?

How on earth are people surprised by this? Like, I know it was 6 months ago, but people really didn't already forget them bringing out the Rock to get booed for giving him a rub, right?

And they obviously value Sting less than the Rock. He couldn't even beat HHH with help and a weapon, and then he shook the damn man's hand after that clowning.
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