I'm surprised people thought Seth was gonna do anything except get destroyed in a regular 1 on 1 bout.
Hey at least he got some offense in there.
I'm surprised people thought Seth was gonna do anything except get destroyed in a regular 1 on 1 bout.
Hey at least he got some offense in there.
I want to say this is the worst Botched Spot on record, but I'm open to WrassleGAF's alternative choices.
why not corporate calaway
Two of the five best performers in the company having a 1 on 1 match? Let's just have Brock suplex him 10 times and bring out Taker!
The suplex city shit is so overdone.
Two of the five best performers in the company having a 1 on 1 match? Let's just have Brock suplex him 10 times and bring out Taker!
The suplex city shit is so overdone.
Every time I watch bits of Raw it seems to be Rollins cutting the exact same promos he's cut since turning on the Shield.
'Nobody believes in me! I am the future!' talk about the same shit every week.
Man this PPV fucking sucked.
My ignore list is pure WrassleGaf....
bean breath
Spider from Mars
Vince McMahon
Never used it before lately, but it makes browsing the thread much better.
Also, that extension that completely removes posts from people from your ignore list is boss.
Tough shit. He's not gonna outshine Cena or Reigns.
If they wanted him to have a chance it needed to be no DQ. That's the only way Brock has been beaten since he came back.
My ignore list is pure WrassleGaf....
bean breath
Spider from Mars
Vince McMahon
Never used it before lately, but it makes browsing the thread much better.
Also, that extension that completely removes posts from people from your ignore list is boss.
The worst part about all of this is that there is a good chance Taker will win at SS, which means they will have wasted Brock's monster run the last 2 years on the fucking Undertaker. I thought the whole point of letting Brock end Taker's streak was so that he can pass the rub on to someone new and put them mega over. It feels like they are just panicking and making everything up week to week as they go along now.
How do you guys type this kind of shit and still watch this program every week? You just said they don't want the WWE Champion to look too strong for fucks sake.
This exists?
This exists?
So I was looking at the FIFA 16 cover thread while finishing up the G1, it hit me like a ton of bricks. All of this #Givedivasachance, speak your voice, and pushing the women's division. It would have been great if WWE had Lita or Ttish as a legend on the cover of WWE 2K16. Plus, add more divas to the roster from past and present. Divas like Sherri Martell, Moolah, Medusa, Jacqueline, Jazz, etc. It would be good, rather than the usual 15 variations of Cena, Orton, and Undertaker.
So are we just supposed to forget that the specialness was that Taker had never lost at Wrestlemania? Taker has beaten Lesnar before AND Taker has lost at Summerslam several times. Nothing about this makes sense
That's a good point. Is there anyone more affable and harmless than scabro, other than plywood?Who would ignore scabro? I feel like I'm on the right side of history on this one.
Was Keiber even up to Kelly's level in the ring? When I think of Stacy Keiber, I think of dirty old man Vince era.
Was Keiber even up to Kelly's level in the ring? When I think of Stacy Keiber, I think of dirty old man Vince era.
I think she could do a cartwheel.
It looked dangerous.
who cares, she had legs and she knew how to use 'em
What is the Sting news?
I really want to know what was the rational and logic behind that whole ending, hell the whole match. That was some TNA level shit.
They wonder why ratings are down with that...
Good point by Bryan Alvarez. Why didn't taker attack Brock at mania instead of going after bray
i do not care about undertaker in 2015