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July Wrasslin' |OT|

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So you're telling me that when I make fun of the Full Sail Fucktards and wrestling gaf members get uppity and defend them, they were actually defending TNA fans? That makes me so happy!

There's still a few TNA fans here. And if you enjoy TNA it tends to swing in the direction that you love everything they do, and also love their crowd. Hell, we have WrassleGAFfers buying TNA merch. Trucker hats, shirts, purple bag specials. No limit to the depths a TNA fan will sink.


It was really promoted as a two match show. John Cena and Kevin Owens once again stole the show inside the ring, with each kicking out of the others' finishers until Cena made him submit to the STF. The submission was Owens' third straight major show loss, with his loss to Cena and his NXT title loss to Finn Balor. While he is clearly a main roster star, the idea he's something special and a protected headliner was out the window with that finish. The fact he wasn't protected from being a face in the crowd in the pull-apart brawl on Raw says the same thing.

It's also worth noting that Kevin Owens had subtly become Just Another Guy a month ago. Maybe I really am a gimmick poster. My gimmick is that I see things before the rest of you do.
I loved that angle.

Punk wasn't afraid to be the uncool heel. Wyatt, and the road agents should learn from that. It's kind of why I enjoy Owens current walking away from matches angle.

One of the best heels of the modern era




You and I both know that if anything good somehow manages to happen in this wretched company, it will have about a week to breathe before it's completely extinguished. I have no idea why people keep thinking "this time will be different." Battered wives syndrome?


He also banned the term "non-title" match. He hated the term. At first he wanted to get over the phrase "title-free" match, but that sounded so bad that it was changed to "the title is not on the line."

That is outstanding, and I am sad they didn't force it.


Vince is weird when it comes down to terms. He really wants people to say sentences to describe a fucking non title match.


They don't think that the NXT/NJPW model would work to satisfy a wide audience that they try to play to. It's the same reason that arthouse films win Oscars but giant mindless action movies make all the money. What is great is not always equated with what sells.

It's not like the Japan show was arty or complex, in fact it was shot simpler than RAW probably is, and was better for it.


The Straight Edge Society was truly the greatest and most over stable in all of professional wrestling. Charles Manson Punk was the greatest Punk, "put your hand on the television" and all.
He sported an amazing goatee then, too.
Not a fugly goat beard like that retired hippie D.Brine.


Kojima vs Ishii has been great the past two years of the G1, expect the same this year. Nagata vs Honma and Nakamura vs Anderson will be good as well, also real interested in Elgin vs Okada.

Also, get a load of these entitled marks;



Special shows need a special building. Takeover in Brooklyn will have a special feel because it'll be a live NXT in a big building for the first time.
As far as live specials, they've gone as far as they can with the Full Sail building, adding screens and trons and experimenting with the stage. It's still a 400 person building the TV is in all the time, they can do better.
You and I both know that if anything good somehow manages to happen in this wretched company, it will have about a week to breathe before it's completely extinguished. I have no idea why people keep thinking "this time will be different." Battered wives syndrome?

I think it's also to do with familiarity, ease of access and the time, money and mental energy a person has expended following the product over the years, etc. People often argue that, if a competitor could match WWE's production values, they'd have no problem dumping WWE, but I'm not so sure that would be the case for most.
the PROGRESS crowd seems like the Full Sail crowd, except good all the time. Even their ridiculous chants are fun (lol @ chanting "SHIT BOOTS" at Roderick Strong and his shitty little boots)


I think it's also to do with familiarity, ease of access and the time, money and mental energy a person has expended following the product over the years, etc. People often argue that, if a competitor could match WWE's production values, they'd have no problem dumping WWE, but I'm not so sure that would be the case for most.

I think it's familiarity more than anything. People hate WWE, but they don't want an alternative because WWE is comfortable. In a world where terrorists are shooting marines, cops are shooting black people, and Donald Trump is the favorite to become the next leader of the free world, there is something to be said for comfortable escapism.
the PROGRESS crowd seems like the Full Sail crowd, except good all the time. Even their ridiculous chants are fun (lol @ chanting "SHIT BOOTS" at Roderick Strong and his shitty little boots)

Haha, yeah, we're a right witty bunch of cunts :p

Oh, Roddy's boots! (Oh, Roddy's boots!),
Oh, Roddy's boots! (Oh, Roddy's boots!),
Oh, Roddy's boots are full of shit.
They're full of shit, shit & more shit,
Oh Roddy's boots are full of shit!

There's a few idiots, but the crowd is pretty much self-policing because of the main rule of PROGRESS (don't be a dick) and idiots are swiftly shamed & corrected.

I think it's familiarity more than anything. People hate WWE, but they don't want an alternative because WWE is comfortable. In a world where terrorists are shooting marines, cops are shooting black people, and Donald Trump is the favorite to become the next leader of the free world, there is something to be said for comfortable escapism.

Agreed, but while I'd say the casual fan may see WWE as an easy, comfortable form of escapism (and therefore aren't actually that bothered by what occurs), it seems much more difficult for the hardcore fans to accept it for what it is. Instead, they keep expecting too much.


Special shows need a special building. Takeover in Brooklyn will have a special feel because it'll be a live NXT in a big building for the first time.
As far as live specials, they've gone as far as they can with the Full Sail building, adding screens and trons and experimenting with the stage. It's still a 400 person building the TV is in all the time, they can do better.

The next special is October 7 so do you think they will move it to October 24 before Hell in the Cell?

Its in the staples center so I can see them trying to do it.


Anyway, I'm just glad you all finally agree that the Full Sail Fucknuts are a right lot of uneducated shiteheads who ruin the show by chanting bollocks.


I wish to extend a public apology to bean breath, dream and anyone else who I argued with regarding the Full Sail crowd.

You were right. I was wrong.
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