For the depressing news of the day, Meltzer says there's a good chance Lucha Underground won't be back, at least in its current form, because they just can't find money to continue on. Last season cost them $20 million. Says TNA will probably be alive for longer at this point.
anyone have any advice on how to buy a summerslam ticket on the secondary market?
I'm thinking about just going alone at this point.
Yeah, unless LU was doing amazing numbers for the Spanish language broadcast there was no way El Ray could support a show with that level of production values for long.
Wouldn't Spike TV want to get in on lucha?
A wrestling show would help as a lead in to MMA.
Am I better off buying now or waiting.
Since Taker was announced prices have gone up.
Wouldn't Spike TV want to get in on lucha?
A wrestling show would help as a lead in to MMA.
Am I better off buying now or waiting.
Since Taker was announced prices have gone up.
That's not true! that's impossible!For the depressing news of the day, Meltzer says there's a good chance Lucha Underground won't be back, at least in its current form, because they just can't find money to continue on. Last season cost them million. Says TNA will probably be alive for longer at this point.
Wouldn't Spike TV want to get in on lucha?
A wrestling show would help as a lead in to MMA.
Am I better off buying now or waiting.
Since Taker was announced prices have gone up.
Buy now because the second Sting's confirmed on TV as showing up those things are skyrocketing even more
Here's how we save Lucha Underground:
The most over people on the show aren't ex-WWE people so let's stop paying for Johnny Mundo, ADR, Big Ryck, Chavo, and Daivari.
Heel, we were just talking about WMAC Masters and you want to talk lighting?
TNA's coffers have been bolstered by the strong British pound, m8.Just imagine how much debt TNA is probably in at this stage.
I dont think they have ever been profitable and its only the last year or two they have actually cut back on spending
For the depressing news of the day, Meltzer says there's a good chance Lucha Underground won't be back, at least in its current form, because they just can't find money to continue on. Last season cost them $20 million. Says TNA will probably be alive for longer at this point.
Dave confirmed WWE has already contacted at least one ROH arena with the idea of running shows, provided they no longer book ROH.
How much longer until El Rey becomes nothing but Cops reruns like most other dead stations?
Saving this one for future use.
I liked G4tv. I know TechTv life longs hate it but I enjoyed the programming.
Is Will Forte starring in some emo tv show?Saving this one for future use.
I liked it when it was actually gaming focused and even a few of the shows that weren't were still pretty good, but there was certainly a point where they just flat out lost me. Thankfully their legacy lives on in the shitty web shows most major gaming sites now have and American Ninja Warrior.
Saving this one for future use.
In the Metal Gear poster thread?
I'd bitch about this on twitter, but they're horrible vanity searchers and I don't particularly want to get in a row - how the fuck are Pro-Wrestling Tee's NJPW shirts $24.99? The NJPW Europe ones (which are of a much higher quality) are £15.99, or $24.80. The authentic Lion Mark ones from Japan are 3,000 yen, or $24.23. You suck, PWTees.
Meltzer is full of shit as much as he is right.
Lucha has already said that they are working on ways to make it happen, and won't do it unless they can maintain quality.
They are hitting up Netflix, and multiple other sources to partner with.
The MaskedRepublic shirts are 22-25 dollars and a much higher quality than PWT.
ProWrestling Tees are about the same quality as those 'shirt of the day sites' t-shirts.
I'd bitch about this on twitter, but they're horrible vanity searchers and I don't particularly want to get in a row - how the fuck are Pro-Wrestling Tee's NJPW shirts $24.99? The NJPW Europe ones (which are of a much higher quality) are £15.99, or $24.80. The authentic Lion Mark ones from Japan are 3,000 yen, or $24.23. You suck, PWTees.