Early 2016? What's your gimmick?
I'm giving the rest of the roster some time in front of the camera. Let them shine. I was responsible for a thread this year already. Too soon to start up another one. Give these youngsters some shine.
Early 2016? What's your gimmick?
We did just fine. A damn sight better than last month's abortion of a thread.
WrassleGAF doesn't deserve UltraViolence, because they're weak. What would THE MAN, Nick F'n Gage say? Something unintelligible and peppered with f-bombs, no doubt, but that's beyond the point. WrassleGAF lacks the blood, the pride to survive. The ring's a field, the field of war, where (once again) we lay the law.
C! Z! W!
Or NWOvember...I guess we could have a Kevin Nash month again, that'll really bring in the numbers.
I guess we could have a Kevin Nash month again, that'll really bring in the numbers.
I am always so incredibly bored when I see him on TV. I just don't care about him at all, but you guys all go bananas over his shtick. I guess it was just a generation thing, but I can't ever see him doing the Hogan thing in a wrestling ring again. Wonder if he will ever get booed or if people are too much of ass-kissing fanboys to care.
Ric Flair called Teddy Long a n*gger too. Guess he just hid his racism better than Hogan.
I must have watched Bret Hart snaps at least 20 times by now, and every time 'I don't know shit crybaby' still makes me laugh
SheM Punk
Kevin Nash (Wrestler, NWO Founder, Shredder) arrested after fighting son
ElectricBlanketFire 12-25-2014 05:42 AM
by Sir_Crocodile 94 11,020
G1 Climax XXV |OT| New Japan Pro-Wrestling ( 1 2 )
Bootaaay Today 05:33 PM
by Vince McMahon 157 5,532
Smh I just want a TNA theme for August dammit.
SheM Punk
How much do you think a jar of AJ's pee would go for
Well, there's no accounting for taste. Or a complete lack of it.
Was bruiser brody a bad guy?
Was bruiser brody a bad guy?
It's true. Some people like CZW and consider it professional wrestling.
Bruiser, by most accounts, was a stand-up guy who didn't take shit from anybody and spoke his mind without reservation. He was probably quite a bit of an asshole, but I don't know if he was a 'bad' guy. Made a lot of enemies, though.
Hah. If that was meant to be a burn, it missed the mark by quite some margin! I watch and like CZW entirely because it's trash. So, I guess it's pretty similar to your Kevin Nash fandom?
remove the smiley bruh
we are #ShootNation
He was wildly successful, so yes.
I'd be disappointed if he wasn't.
Why would you want someone to be a bad person?
Theoretical question: Where would these wrestlers be on the card in WWE nowadays if they were able to stick around regardless of injury, quitting, drugs, deaths, craziness etc.?
1 - Edge
2 - Christian
3 - Rey Mysterio
4 - Alberto Del Rio
5 - John Morrison
6 - Ethan Carter III
7 - Batista
8 - CM Punk
9 - Jeff Hardy
10 - Kurt Angle
11 - Lashley
Would any of these wrestlers who died young still be with WWE and if so, where at in the card? I didn't add in any wrestlers that would be older than 50 (Pillman, Bulldog, Bossman, etc.)
Eddie Guerrero (would be 47), Chris Benoit (would be 48), Umaga (would be 42), Kanyon (would be 45), Test (would be 40), Mike Awesome (would be 50), Crash Holly (would be 43), Lance Cade (would be 34), Owen Hart (would be 50).
Midcard for all.Theoretical question: Where would these wrestlers be on the card in WWE nowadays if they were able to stick around regardless of injury, quitting, drugs, deaths, craziness etc.?
1 - Edge
2 - Christian
3 - Rey Mysterio
4 - Alberto Del Rio
5 - John Morrison
6 - Ethan Carter III
7 - Batista
8 - CM Punk
9 - Jeff Hardy
10 - Kurt Angle
11 - Lashley
Would any of these wrestlers who died young still be with WWE and if so, where at in the card? I didn't add in any wrestlers that would be older than 50 (Pillman, Bulldog, Bossman, etc.)
Eddie Guerrero (would be 47), Chris Benoit (would be 48), Umaga (would be 42), Kanyon (would be 45), Test (would be 40), Mike Awesome (would be 50), Crash Holly (would be 43), Lance Cade (would be 34), Owen Hart (would be 50).
Because that's how you get to be successful in wrestling
Theoretical question: Where would these wrestlers be on the card in WWE nowadays if they were able to stick around regardless of injury, quitting, drugs, deaths, craziness etc.?
1 - Edge
2 - Christian
3 - Rey Mysterio
4 - Alberto Del Rio
5 - John Morrison
6 - Ethan Carter III
7 - Batista
8 - CM Punk
9 - Jeff Hardy
10 - Kurt Angle
11 - Lashley
Would any of these wrestlers who died young still be with WWE and if so, where at in the card? I didn't add in any wrestlers that would be older than 50 (Pillman, Bulldog, Bossman, etc.)
Eddie Guerrero (would be 47), Chris Benoit (would be 48), Umaga (would be 42), Kanyon (would be 45), Test (would be 40), Mike Awesome (would be 50), Crash Holly (would be 43), Lance Cade (would be 34), Owen Hart (would be 50).
Owen Hart would be a trainer in NXT and frequent contributor to the WWE Network smash hit Swerved.
Macho Man was still trash to Elizabeth, brother. #ShootNationHey Beef.
Macho Won.
Midcard for all.
Even Edge? Dude is only 41 and left as a 7 time Heavyeight and 4 time WWE champion, one of their top heels. Sure, Rollins is similar to him now, but I believe he would be one of their top choices for a heel to put over their young talent.
Owen Hart would be a trainer in NXT and frequent contributor to the WWE Network smash hit Swerved.
¡HarlequinPanic!;172882310 said:In a one title main event there's no room for Edge, he'd be where Jericho is now.
Everyone would be buried and be forced to put over Cena, Reigns, Steph, and HHH.
Especially Triple H.