Imagine watching movies while wondering if something is a shoot or work?
Entertainment increases 100%
We all know The Crow was a shoot
Cesaro promo from Smackdown:
He's getting there, eventually.
Pretty sure 80% of the enjoyment of WWE is following backstage politics
Wow, the canned crowd audio was really behind Cesaro in that segment. He's over like rover, friends.
Brandon Lee worked himself into a shoot.
I know, too much talk about that Full Sail crowd is derailing this thread
Cesaro promo from Smackdown:
He's getting there, eventually.
"where did you come from anyway? catering?"
"where did you come from anyway? catering?"
Welcome back(?) Bronson
Brandon Lee worked himself into a shoot.
And Kevin's comeback?
"I am going to catering."
What shit comeback was that? "Uh, actually, I was going to catering, so I can, uh, watch you lose! Yeah, that's right!"
When Cesaro shows you up in a promo, you know you messed up.
Danke. Probably not coming back, mods made this environment way too toxic for my liking now. Just thought I'd pop in and get my fill of catering jokes.
I would say welcome back but that post, someone's gonna snitch. I'm thinkin' Kaladin. Unless you were on his ignore list he posted.
Welcome back anyway, even if your days are numbered.
On a brighter note. At least Owens giving Cesaro the push he deserves.
You know what's great about BronsonLee? You can rib him, you can give him shit, you can make fun of his diminutive stature, and he'll take it and give it right back, instead of running to a mod, announcing his ignore list, or performing a dramatic monologue to announce his 2 day hiatus from the thread.
We talk about TMFs, but BronsonWee is TMF to me.
Remember when KO had a future 4 weeks ago?
Why am I the only person talking about how good Dalton Castle is? Seriously, WrassleGAF, you're slipping. Dude's got IT. The look, the charisma, the ability. He's deceptively strong, as well. The match with Liger was his coming-out party as a character, but the match with Cole last night was his coming-out party as a wrestler and he totally delivered. I'd say he's just about my favourite guy to watch in ROH at present, his impending feud with Silas Young should be great fun as well. There's another guy who's impressed recently, it's taken a while for Silas but everything's clicking now. Very happy he changed his dogshit finisher.
That release northern lights, though. Goddamn.
I believe we all collectively agreed one month ago that Dalton Castle is the only thing worth watching in ROH.
I think if you look back at the last ROH PPV, the thread was most active during Castle's match with Young than the main event
My ignore list is pure WrassleGaf....
bean breath
Spider from Mars
Vince McMahon
Never used it before lately, but it makes browsing the thread much better.
Also, that extension that completely removes posts from people from your ignore list is boss.
Ignore lists are your friend. It has made this place more palatable for myself after having the same complaints. I just shake my head when I see comments from the folks I ignored quoted and it only confirms why I ignored them in the first place.
Of course, it doesn't help that these people are constantly at the top of the frequent posters list every month.
You know what's great about BronsonLee? You can rib him, you can give him shit, you can make fun of his diminutive stature, and he'll take it and give it right back, instead of running to a mod, announcing his ignore list, or performing a dramatic monologue to announce his 2 day hiatus from the thread.
We talk about TMFs, but BronsonWee is TMF to me.
I'm right here. As far as ROH-only talent, he's my favorite. He has his character down pat with a complete look, got good skills in the ring and doesn't break on the mic.
I believe Alucard is on this train too.
You know what's great about BronsonLee? You can rib him, you can give him shit, you can make fun of his diminutive stature, and he'll take it and give it right back, instead of running to a mod, announcing his ignore list, or performing a dramatic monologue to announce his 2 day hiatus from the thread.
We talk about TMFs, but BronsonWee is TMF to me.
And Kevin's comeback?
"I am going to catering."
Did that extension stop working?
Let me book this shit, brehs.
Cesaro pipe bombs on RAW, telling Owens to take his shirt off on live television. "...and I mean both of them."
Owens complies, compression shirt and all. Shoots a heartfelt "big is beautiful" promo, putting fat shamers in their place.
Big Poppa Powerbomb rips his shirt off every week, flirts with plants in the front row. Owens with the naughty father body, driving the ladies wild.
Double turn complete.
Let me book this shit, brehs.
Cesaro pipe bombs on RAW, telling Owens to take his shirt off on live television. "...and I mean both of them."
Owens complies, compression shirt and all. Shoots a heartfelt "big is beautiful" promo, putting fat shamers in their place.
Big Poppa Powerbomb rips his shirt off every week, flirts with plants in the front row. Owens with the naughty father body, driving the ladies wild.
Double turn complete.
John pollack burying yujiro is great
We talk about TMFs, but BronsonWee is TMF to me.
Bronson actually developed his thick skin as a defence mechanism for light tube glass shards while he was filming IWA-MS shows.
We may not see eye to eye every now and then, and not just because I'm taller than him--
Bronson, kill these guys.
It's well deserved. Does he put more dirt on the pile with his Day 4 podcast?
Goddamn, what a fucking photo.
Data, Slight, this is IT.
Goddamn, what a fucking photo.
Data, Slight, this is IT.