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July Wrasslin' |OT|

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
  • Start date


Sting should wrestle in a rubber muscle suit like Batman for SS. I think it'll be pretty cool.

His body really isn't that bad; and according to Meltzer, Sting is in even better shape right now for Summerslam.

He needs a god damn wig like Kane. His hair left me legit shook at the end of that Triple H match.


We should all ignore GFW's faults and support it, if only for the possibility of Don West/Chael Sonnen/Jim Cornette commentary. #JoinTheForce

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
His body really isn't that bad; and according to Meltzer, Sting is in even better shape right now for Summerslam.

He needs a god damn wig like Kane. His hair left me legit shook at the end of that Triple H match.

Or just you know

learn to let it go
I think the best storyline that TNA has ever cooked up was the Claire/AJ segment. They fired all cylinders with that storyline because holy shit.

Not only that but WWE completely ripped it off when Vikki Guerrero alleged that John Cena and Raw GM, AJ Lee, were having sex with each other off-cam.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Don West would have sold the WWE Network to nations across the world because he's Don fucking West. A hustler's hustler.

Now listen here gang. Listen close, because I don't think we can do this, but I'm gonna do it.

You see this screen here? It doesn't matter what you're using, folks. iPad. iPhone. Android. Xbox. Xbox ONE. Playstation 3, Playstation 4, and probably Playstation 5. Roku. Chromecast. Internet. Computer. IT'S. EVERYWHERE.

Have you ever wanted to watch -ANY- Pay Per View the WWE owns? Now you can. For $9.99. PER. MONTH. That's a heck of a deal, gang. Let me just do the math here.

You get WWE, WWF, WCW, ECW, and a whole lot more of their pay per views. What does that come out to - two a month at $60 each? That's $180 a month if you just watch three. Then multiply that by some 30 odd years and you're looking at over $70,000 in value for NINE BUCKS. It doesn't get better than that. WE HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN STARTED FOLKS, I don't even know what else I'm sellin.

#1 there's pay per views. SEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH. I believe there's more.

#2. And this is a big #2. ALL THE RAWS. That are on the Network. How much is Cable per month? A hundred bucks? 52 weeks a year? $5200?


And we're gonna throw in a live channel too!
I loved TNA before they got their TV deal.
Great matches all around and alot less carny.

Where does AJ Styles threatening Disco Inferno, currently a part of a Vince Russo led stable called S.E.X, with a chainsaw and calling him a faggot lie on the carny scale?

Not only that but WWE completely ripped it off when Vikki Guerrero alleged that John Cena and Raw GM, AJ Lee, were having sex with each other off-cam.

I thought WWE ripped it off with the Daniel Bryan and his personal trainer storyline.
Smh that knockoff ass storyline. This further proves that TNA is the leader of "sports entertainment".
Then they also ripped off the "previously on Impact" recap at the beginning of the show after TNA started using it.

And don't get me started on "Korporate Kane" suddenly appearing after Joseph Park.


Now listen here gang. Listen close, because I don't think we can do this, but I'm gonna do it.

You see this screen here? It doesn't matter what you're using, folks. iPad. iPhone. Android. Xbox. Xbox ONE. Playstation 3, Playstation 4, and probably Playstation 5. Roku. Chromecast. Internet. Computer. IT'S. EVERYWHERE.

Have you ever wanted to watch -ANY- Pay Per View the WWE owns? Now you can. For $9.99. PER. MONTH. That's a heck of a deal, gang. Let me just do the math here.

You get WWE, WWF, WCW, ECW, and a whole lot more of their pay per views. What does that come out to - two a month at $60 each? That's $180 a month if you just watch three. Then multiply that by some 30 odd years and you're looking at over $70,000 in value for NINE BUCKS. It doesn't get better than that. WE HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN STARTED FOLKS, I don't even know what else I'm sellin.

#1 there's pay per views. SEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH. I believe there's more.

#2. And this is a big #2. ALL THE RAWS. That are on the Network. How much is Cable per month? A hundred bucks? 52 weeks a year? $5200?


And we're gonna throw in a live channel too!

Network Bag Special, gang. Once they're gone, they are gone.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
...and somehow someway TNA fucked this up, but manage to push Aces and Eights to Saturn.

Actually they really didn't push Aces and Eights at all. Sure, they had a ton of backstage segments and run ins, but they didn't really win ANYTHING as a group until Bully Ray joined.
His body really isn't that bad; and according to Meltzer, Sting is in even better shape right now for Summerslam.

He needs a god damn wig like Kane. His hair left me legit shook at the end of that Triple H match.

His gimmick could be an old, tired, beefy Sting... gray hairs and everything. He just pounds people in the face instead of wasting his time doing Stinger Splashes.


Actually they really didn't push Aces and Eights at all. Sure, they had a ton of backstage segments and run ins, but they didn't really win ANYTHING as a group until Bully Ray joined.

That's what I'm saying. The way the group was handled in the beginning was effective. A bunch of masked bikers beating the hell out of random wrestlers. Once Hogan laid them out with one flimsy punch and D'von was unmasked...the ride was over. They ran that poor stable into the concrete.
I thought WWE ripped it off with the Daniel Bryan and his personal trainer storyline.
TNA showed hidden camera footage of AJ Styles entering a hotel room and WWE did practically the same thing with John Cena. I don't have video links handy but if you saw the footage side by side you'd see how much of a shameless ripoff it was.
TNA thought they were so clever with the Bully Ray Ace's and 8's reveal they ran like 8 separate segments were bully ray explained his "master plan"


Still didn't save shit


Alright, so last night's house show at the Staples Center!

This was my first time going to a house show, my roommate's first wrestling show ever (which is a shock to both of us, considering how much of a wrestling nut his brother is), and the first time I've been in the Staples Center. Ended up getting tickets in the Priority Seating section, and the view was pretty great. There were a LOT of kids in the section, so I tried to keep any chanting for heels on the tame side. That being said, the whole crowd was really into the show, and was for the most part on the same page.

First match of the night was The New Day vs Primetime Players for the Tag Team Championship. It was a pretty decent match, but what really made this work for me was TND's excellent grabs for cheap heat. I cannot stress how funny these guys are. After taking shots at the basketball teams, the guys sang "We are the Champions" while trotting as a trio in the ring, and were interrupted by PTP running out. PTP... Man, I feel terrible saying this, but I just don't care about these guys. Maybe I'm just jaded, but I feel they're two years too late pushing them, and am just not feeling their act. Regardless, the match was solid with Big E and Xavier taking them on, and per laws of the House Show, PTP kept the belts.

Next up was The Miz vs Fandango. This was a pretty clear throwaway match, but made fun by Miz taking digs at Joe Manganiello after winning the match, who was in the front row. Another reminder of why the guy is on the payroll, Miz is a master of laying it on thick, and playing to the live crowd. The guy is a total goober, but dang it, he managed to get a pretty solid laugh out of me.

I'm sure you all are very interested to hear about this one, Curtis Axel and Damien Sandow vs. Brad Maddox and Adam Rose. I actually enjoyed this match, but let's get the obvious out of the way. Yes, the "megapowers" gimmick has been scrapped faster than an empty beer can. No, Sandow is not coming out to any of his old themes, he currently has a temporary CAW theme and image on the 'tron for now. Axel reverted to his last theme and 'tron. The crowd was VERY confused on how they were supposed to treat this match when the guys came out, primarily because Maddox had done a great job getting some classic heel heat and last time we saw these two without the gimmick, they were heel. Sandow does his best to get people to get with them, and it worked pretty well, but there were plenty of Less than Perfect chants for Axel. There was a couple of stray Axelmania chants at the start, but they never took off. The match was very good, with Sandow carrying most of the pacing. The person I was most impressed with was Maddox, whose mic work before the match was quite good. He got some solid heel heat out of the crowd, calling it San Diego, saying the crowd came from San Diego and going for the fat jokes. Rose didn't say a word, and it's probably for the better. Axel and Sandow win.

Next match was Luke Harper vs. Jimmy Uso. I really don't remember a lot from this match. It was okay. Harper's fine. I'm not big on the Usos. Harper wins.

Last match before intermission, and it's Sheamus vs Orton. It was fine, but yeah, it's been done so many times that I just cannot care about that matchup at all. Orton was pretty over, and Sheamus played really well to the front row crowd. Outside of that, eh... RKO out of nowhere into the 123. Time for a pee break.

After intermission, we are treated to some divas action. I nearly groaned, but they played the Sasha Banks video, which could only mean one thing: The BOSS! In the flesh! Sasha and Naomi vs Nikki Bella and Alicia Fox. As much as I loved seeing Sasha live... This was not a very good match. Not Sasha's fault, she barely got a ton of time in, nor was it Alicia and Naomi's faults either, they were pretty good when they were paired up. No, the problem is indeed that Nikki Bella is still not very good. I know we all get on Kevin Dunn's camera work, and I totally agree that it is awful in comparison to the solid production on Beast From the East, but man can they cover up some bad workers. There were at least three times that I audibly said "what was that supposed to be?" on rope-running maneuvers. It was not a short match either, it went on for a good 10-15 minutes. Maybe what's throwing me off is how jarring the switches were in wrestling styles between the four. It just didn't gel well. Bella and Fox win.

Down to two matches left in the night, and we have Kofi coming out with the New Day. No need for a ton of heat on this one, just time for some SIRENS. Cesaro comes out, and there's a solid pop, biggest one so far. Kofi plays chicken and it takes a good two minutes before they properly lock up. Very good character stuff on Kofi's part, and it makes Cesaro look terrifying in the best way possible. New Day play apron shenanigans, get thrown out by the ref, and Cesaro sends Kofi on a giant swing that lasts around 30 rotations! Cesaro gets the pin, the crowd is pleased, and my maturity has regressed by a good 16 years. Fun match!

Last match of the night, and it's the reason I bought tickets in the first place. Kevin Owens. John Cena. US Championship fight. What I didn't expect was for it to be a street fight. They hyped the match up after intermission with an outdated video of Owens talking about the match at Battleground, which made me chuckle a bit, but whatever, I get Cena/Owens LIVE! Cena comes out, gets a great pop with a proper mixture of boos and cheers, exactly what they're aiming for with him. Kids go nuts for Cena, and before Lillian can finish introducing Cena, Owens has already decked him. This match... So good...

Owens and Cena do some solid mat wrestling, but then bring out the chairs, tables, steps... Owens tries running off at one point, but Cena drags him back, hits him with the production box, and gets reversed into the stairs. Owens gets slammed into the double tables, Cena gets powerbombed through one. Ultimately Owens taps out in the end. But what made this match so spectacular is that midway through the match, Owens jumps on the microphone and starts RIPPING into John and the fans, even calling out the parents that chant for John Cena to keep their kids happy. Really solid heel work from Owens; I felt zero shame marking out as hard as I did for him. Zero blood at this show, and it didn't look like the "extreme" bumps were too serious, barring the double table spot. The energy and pacing made it work spectacularly though; I'm convinced that they aren't done with this program yet.

So overall, I had a killer time at the show, scored some KO merch, got two-sweeted by a Balor mark that happens to work in the same industry, and am genuinely satisfied with the house show experience. Seriously guys, if they're running a live event, just do it. Go. It's worth it. Next stop, NXT in Austin this September!


House Show report

Yo thanks for that! Happy to hear that Cesaro is getting somewhere with the crowd.

Honestly I would have preferred the Owens/Cena main event you guys got over Battleground. Street Fight would have been more interesting than the kickout movefest extravaganza part 3 tapout edition. Hoping Owens staying the house show main event picture and his mic work will keep him afloat.


As a pretty newish wrestling fan (watching for little over a year now), the reason I dont really like TNA is that it looks sub-par. The quality of their broadcasts looks really bad and turns me off. Also the fact that I have no idea who any of the performers are. Im sure its probably a better product if I got into it, but I can only make so much time for wrassling and id rather watch the one im already invested in, no matter how bad it is.

Lets be honest though, all wrestling, regardless of what brand, is all pretty bad.
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