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July Wrasslin' |OT|

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
  • Start date


Maybe he's talking about that one time he thought John Cena was an ok guy and wasn't gonna mind him breaking Ric Flair's title reign.

It doesn't have to be racist.
You could be talking about wanting to eat Gummi bears out of Paige's asshole (I can't be the only one right?)
Or wanting to kill somone, or any kind of racial joke...any of it could and would be used.
Don't get me wrong, Hogan went above and beyond the be a shithead quota and he deserves it.
BUT, at what point is right to SOME kind of privacy in our homes lost?


Wrestling fans always getting shitted on when it comes down to every misfortune in professional wrestling.

Healthy portion of them kind of earn that distinction. When I think wrestling fan, I largely think of flea markets and socially distant people. For someone to make that jump not having been to the events though, that stereotype is hard to reach.


It doesn't have to be racist.
You could be talking about wanting to eat Gummi bears out of Paige's asshole (I can't be the only one right?)
Or wanting to kill somone, or any kind of racial joke...any of it could and would be used.
Don't get me wrong, Hogan went above and beyond the be a shithead quota and he deserves it.
BUT, at what point is right to SOME kind of privacy in our homes lost?



I will say that I think wrestling is different because one man micromanages every bit of story and outcomes to every decision.


There are different heads of studios and things have changed with regards to who can be a lead in a film, who can direct, and even what the look of a leading star needs to be.

In wrestling we have had storylines that make fun of the handicapped, objectify women in horrible ways, force women to get implants before they can appear on tv, have Muhammad Hassan terrorist angle during the London Bombings, Katie Vick, Booker T's burial and there are loads more.

Those were all decisions that were okayed, directed, and signed off by the same man. At least with WCW when Bill Watts was outed for being a racist he was let go. In the WWE you don't have any change since the days of Akeem the Bream and using the Gulf War to sell Wrestlemania.



Very curious to see if the WWE does anything tonight.

If nothing else how certain people are pushed or if they make an outright statement live.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Very curious to see if the WWE does anything tonight.

If nothing else how certain people are pushed or if they make an outright statement live.

I reckon they will do absolutely nothing. Which is what they want to do, and how they want it to be. He won't be referenced, won't be mocked, it'll be a big nothing.

Axel's gonna need to figure out something but they're not in a meaningful feud so who cares.


I will say that I think wrestling is different because one man micromanages every bit of story and outcomes to every decision.


There are different heads of studios and things have changed with regards to who can be a lead in a film, who can direct, and even what the look of a leading star needs to be.

In wrestling we have had storylines that make fun of the handicapped, objectify women in horrible ways, force women to get implants before they can appear on tv, have Muhammad Hassan terrorist angle during the London Bombings, Katie Vick, Booker T's burial and there are loads more.

Those were all decisions that were okayed, directed, and signed off by the same man. At least with WCW when Bill Watts was outed for being a racist he was let go. In the WWE you don't have any change since the days of Akeem the Bream and using the Gulf War to sell Wrestlemania.

Exactly. However, Watts got the boot from the pressure of Hank Aaron going to the network to get rid of him. The thing with the WWE is that they don't want to react unless it affects the company in the media. Hogan using the "N" word is a huge red flag, than Hayes being an ass within the company. Hell it had to take social media to get "rid" of DeMott. It truly sucks that there's no common etiquette in companies like the WWE, unless it has to do with their well being.


It doesn't have to be racist.
You could be talking about wanting to eat Gummi bears out of Paige's asshole (I can't be the only one right?)
Or wanting to kill somone, or any kind of racial joke...any of it could and would be used.
Don't get me wrong, Hogan went above and beyond the be a shithead quota and he deserves it.
BUT, at what point is right to SOME kind of privacy in our homes lost?

Damn, Hex!


I reckon they will do absolutely nothing. Which is what they want to do, and how they want it to be. He won't be referenced, won't be mocked, it'll be a big nothing.

Axel's gonna need to figure out something but they're not in a meaningful feud so who cares.

Likely the case yeah.

Isn't Axel getting paired up with Sandow now?

Both guys got absolutely nothing going for them so it might give them something to do.

Not that it's a right step unless they get a decent tag team push.


Ok I am confused....
The Terminator thing....it is new enough to have Balor as the NXT champ....but it lists Ambrose as the US Champion?

Jamie OD

Ok I am confused....
The Terminator thing....it is new enough to have Balor as the NXT champ....but it lists Ambrose as the US Champion?

It was pointing out past accomplishments. Bryan as a World Champ and Paige's Diva reign are also mentioned. Ambrose held the US Title during his Shield days.


Exactly. However, Watts got the boot from the pressure of Hank Aaron going to the network to get rid of him. The thing with the WWE is that they don't want to react unless it affects the company in the media. Hogan using the "N" word is a huge red flag, than Hayes being an ass within the company. Hell it had to take social media to get "rid" of DeMott. It truly sucks that there's no common etiquette in companies like the WWE, unless it has to do with their well being.

My biggest problem with the WWE is that they can'd decide on if they are scripted programming or if they are improvised.

I mean lets look at HHH's promo to Booker T
"“Booker I think you’re a little bit confused about your role in life
here. You see Booker, you’re going to get to go to Wrestlemania but… you
see the fact is Booker, somebody like you doesn’t get to be a World
Champion. You see people like you don’t deserve it. That’s reserved for
people like me. See Book that’s where the confusion is, see you’re not
here to be a competitor, you’re here to be an entertainer, that’s what
you do. Go ahead Book, why don’t you entertain… do a little dance for me
Book. Give me one of those Spin-A-Roony’s, entertain me, that’s your
job. Don’t be embarrassed… come on Book, that’s what you do, you’re here
to make people like me laugh. You know it, that’s your role. Your job
is to make people like me laugh and you’re very good at it, with your
nappy hair and your suckas."

Now there are 4 ways that a promo can be on TV

  1. It was scripted word for word for HHH to say which means that the writers as well as Vince okayed this
  2. It was bulletpointed for HHH and he came up with the language on the spot
  3. Triple H was told to create the most racist language he possible could for this promo
  4. Triple H said those words of his own free will.

Now you say that if the story is Booker T overcoming the odds and becoming the champion at mania. But that isn't what they did. Infact they made Booker T look weak in a loss.

A loss for what reason? So HHH could feud with Kevin Nash? So HHH could fued over a fake title with his friends while Booker T is sent to midcard hell?

The story didn't make sense, the money didn't make sense(Triple H already had mania wins at 16 and 18 which were failures in the grand scheme of things as they did very little to build him up or generate great business).

So who was the person who thought that calling Booker T a thug at Mania and having Lawler say some of the worst things ever.

Ok so then if that was the story that they wanted then why was that match overlooked in The Mania of Wrestlemania documentary?

Does the groomed future CEO of the WWE really think that was entertainment?



Goddamn 2K. Too accurate for me.

My biggest problem with the WWE is that they can'd decide on if they are scripted programming or if they are improvised.

I mean lets look at HHH's promo to Booker T

Now there are 4 ways that a promo can be on TV

  1. It was scripted word for word for HHH to say which means that the writers as well as Vince okayed this
  2. It was bulletpointed for HHH and he came up with the language on the spot
  3. Triple H was told to create the most racist language he possible could for this promo
  4. Triple H said those words of his own free will.

Now you say that if the story is Booker T overcoming the odds and becoming the champion at mania. But that isn't what they did. Infact they made Booker T look weak in a loss.

A loss for what reason? So HHH could feud with Kevin Nash? So HHH could fued over a fake title with his friends while Booker T is sent to midcard hell?

The story didn't make sense, the money didn't make sense(Triple H already had mania wins at 16 and 18 which were failures in the grand scheme of things as they did very little to build him up or generate great business).

So who was the person who thought that calling Booker T a thug at Mania and having Lawler say some of the worst things ever.

Ok so then if that was the story that they wanted then why was that match overlooked in The Mania of Wrestlemania documentary?

Does the groomed future CEO of the WWE really think that was entertainment?

The Booker/Trips feud is buried deep in the depths of my mind. If you had to sum up the WWE in one match...this takes the cake.


I am surprised at WWE's reaction to Hogan.

HHH went on record saying that if any of his kids' googled "Chyna" and saw the results that come up, he and the company would have a hard time coming p with an explanation for it. Yet in that same year, we know what Hogan did. Still, the WWE took no such action in response to his. Now the dude goes into a vile tirade and it's like "nnnno buddy, we have our standards. the 6 yr olds can take the best friend's wife thing, but profanity?"

They need to stick to a program and be consistent.

I think the saving grace for Hogan at that point was that Hogan supposedly had nothing to do with the release and had tried to stop it. (In theory..now we know why)
Chyna embraced the porn side, getting paid for it and releasing not only the XPac vid, but multiple others.
That takes away the "It was not my fault, I am the victim" card.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
New Ryback shirt. To be honest, it looks like it was made for 8 year olds with those colors.

The mental gymnastics required to find Gawker to be "the bigger piece of shit" is just astounding. Wrestling fans, man.

Gawker is a media empire that, if they did indeed engineer the leak, not only violated Hogan's privacy by posting and posting about the tape when there is literally nothing about it that could be argued as newsworthy, on its own, but used its resources to try and stack the court of public opinion against a man with a justifiable legal grievance against them in the hopes that it might influence the ruling of a legal court. That's if they did it.

But even if they didn't, Gawker is a site that has gotten rich and famous by helping to degrade journalism down to the absolute lowest common denominator. Even without the leak, I'd argue that they are the far bigger pieces of shit, in the grand scheme. Hogan being a racist piece of shit is worthy of him being scorned and ridiculed, but it's a shittiness that he did a good job, for a very very long time, of keeping it almost totally separate from his public persona, which is about as much as you can ask for from a closet racist. Gawker has built a media empire out of what could reasonably be called intellectual blood money, and even if he takes them down, their negative influence will be embedded in whatever form journalism takes in the next few decades, guaranteed.

Granted, one has to also factor in Hogan's ill-treatment of so many that he's worked with in the past, not to mention the probable reality that he has done wrong by black folk he's worked with in the past carrying such attitudes, and of course him having been so integral to the enrichment of the racist, sexist pricks that run the wrestling industry, but still, even with the worst assessment of Hogan, I'd say it's a pretty even 50-50 split.
Amazed at how dumb some indie wrestlers can be. Heel dudes stay in character after a show and make fun of a girl with an eating disorder, then when people give them shit over it they double down on their idiocy. I didn't think they could be any more stupid than when they thought a heel group in the UK using Guy Fawkes masks was a direct rip-off of their oh-so inspired gimmick, but apparently so.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Amazed at how dumb some indie wrestlers can be. Heel dudes stay in character after a show and make fun of a girl with an eating disorder, then when people give them shit over it they double down on their idiocy. I didn't think they could be any more stupid than when they thought a heel group in the UK using Guy Fawkes masks was a direct rip-off of their oh-so inspired gimmick, but apparently so.

Dave Meltzer will be on CNN between 3:30 p.m. and 4 p.m. discussing the Hulk Hogan situation -- the news show with Brooke Baldwin. RT~!
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