Quality posters in wrasslegaf? lolQuality posters, not just quality posts!
Quality posters in wrasslegaf? lolQuality posters, not just quality posts!
I think it's fair to describe Austin as a balding individual who embraced the bald look.
WCW is the greatest wrestling promotion of all time and it's the reason I like wrestling so much.
From the early 90s to pre-Hogan and from 96-97 are some of the best wrestling ever done and my favorite 'kind of wrestling.' 96-97 for how fresh it felt and the amazing amount of variet. early 90s for the perfection of the old school 'wrasslin' format.
Honorable mentions to 80s AJW, 90s NJPW, 70s-early 80s AJPW with Baba, Jumbo, the Briscos, the Funks etc, 90s FMW, 2004-2007 NOAH, and New Generation(as rough as it was), but nothing else comes close to WCW. I find most eras of WWE especially boring. Even New Generation was a thing where it felt right for the time and it relied heavily on one or two guys rather than the overall state of the company as opposed to WCW where I had favorites in each division.
Big E clapping
Kofi Clapping
Hey, I made the Wall of Shame!
Sneaking in before June officially ends, here's my TOD review. Warning, it is very image/gif heavy. It's all WebM, so hopefully I shouldn't destroy your bandwidth too much.
If you just want to see my freakout about my needle phobia being tested, skip to the DJ Hyde vs Thumbtack Jack match.
Saw two wrecks at I10 and 59 from my office window when I was trying to leave earlier. And yay another flash flood warning!Traffic is a nightmare when it rains. Shit.
I'd like to suggest that we have a "you talk too much/man, you never shut up" end of the year award.
I'd like to suggest that we have a "you talk too much/man, you never shut up" end of the year award.
I'm watching right now and it's funny watching Seth get salty as shit.I gotta say, Swerved is the best thing WWE has on right now.
That security segment was amazing.
Also, Cesaro Cena was fucking awesome. So good. Even if Cena tries to do moves he really can't do. Still amazing.
Where's Scotty Anton? We need to diversify New Day.Big E clapping
Kofi Clapping
Wish they still had the ratings breakdowns to see who's truly at fault.Raw ratings
You don't need to know wrestling history to do a move.
I'm kind of annoyed that they gave Bull a portion of the gimmick I wanted Rusev to have.
He actually stole that pic from a random website, reverse google the image lol.Neogaf poster robbed of all of his money on sight after refusing to provide former WWE SuperStar Virgil with "meat sauce"
Rusev is the simp
Bull is the fatty
Bray is the creeper
Crowe is the gamergater nerd
We can call them the Neckbeards.
So is it a live show with everyone just watching clips of the challenges or whatever that happened that week? Is there a version of the show that airs without a host/judges at all?I don't think they took any notes from the first episode of Tough Enough. It's the same bad format, but with a Raw lead-in.
All I'm getting from this post is that Seth is the only motherfucker in the double E who still cares about kayfabe.I'm not really sure about Swerved being scripted at all.
Some of the guys like Darren Young or even Seth Rollins seemed to be kind of assholes in the pranks.
For example, Wade Barrett was very calm and he never lost his mind. On the other hand, Seth Rollins received the same prank and he was very salty, and sort of "I am the star of this show, fuck you".
Those reactions don't seem to be scripted, because you know how Vince is worried about the image of his superstars.
So is it a live show with everyone just watching clips of the challenges or whatever that happened that week? Is there a version of the show that airs without a host/judges at all?
So, here's a pretty general question, but what's your favorite promotion from all time? And if you do have one, any particular years you absolutely LOVED?
I gotta admit though, WCW in 1996 or 1997...that was some incredible shit. That might just be my favorite.
WCW is the greatest wrestling promotion of all time and it's the reason I like wrestling so much.
From the early 90s to pre-Hogan and from 96-97 are some of the best wrestling ever done and my favorite 'kind of wrestling.' 96-97 for how fresh it felt and the amazing amount of variet. early 90s for the perfection of the old school 'wrasslin' format.
Early 90s wcw.
WCW cruiserweight era.
I'm with Datazord on this one, WCW will forever be THE wrestling federation in my view.
WCW for me because that promotion really got me into professional wrestling. I remember seeing my first wargames and went like damn...this is amazing. I used this metal thing that carries paper as a wargames cage match for my toys. Honestly, when the promotion died, so did my heart for wrestling. I found myself not even giving a shit after the inVasion. It took ECW ONS 05/06 for me to even give a damn about wrestling. To this very day, no promotion will never come close to capturing my heart like WCW.
Bottom line:
GOAT Wrestling Pormotion- WCW
I came back into wrestling with WCW right after Bash at the Beach 1996, so WCW from then until probably 1998 would rank up there.\.
The format is all fucked up, they somehow managed to make the show as uninteresting as possible.Three judges, two hosts, and a small live studio audience watch clips of challenges from the week. Then the judges have like five minutes of input before a fan vote that takes place during the last commercial break and then someone is eliminated.
Landing with your shoulders/arms helps spread the impact so the pain is lessened.I'm always amazed more guys don't get concussed from taking a bump considering the snapback motion with your head and neck.
Papa Power LunchI'm surprised Sunny didn't go with "Owens ate my subtitle."
Did Jericho try to get work done on his face? It looks puffy.