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June 2004 NPD Video Game Sales Data (Wedbush Morgan Report)

Lukas said:
who are all these morons buying a ps2 when it hasnt had like a single good game this year.......

look at the top 10 for the PS2, its all multiplatform titles, they might as well be buying the xbox since all those multiplatform titles are better on it

evil ways said:
More like until November.

When Sony releases GT4 and MGS3? I don't think so. :) Sony's got this first place lockedup until the next pricedrop when they'll get outsold for a month then Sony will drop their price and it'll be the same again.


From the prediction thread:
sonycowboy said:
Didn't get a chance to really make good estimates, so here are my crap ones.

PS2 - 410k
Xbox - 290k
GC - 110k
GBA - 350k
Nice sonycowboy! Your GBA numbers were off, but dead on with the rest.

Here's mine:
AirBrian said:
Here's my WAG:

PS2 - 300k
Xbox - 260k
GCN - 120k
GBA - 340k
I really underestimated GBA and PS2, but got GCN and Xbox.


Queen of Denmark
Lukas said:
who are all these morons buying a ps2 when it hasnt had like a single good game this year.......

look at the top 10 for the PS2, its all multiplatform titles, they might as well be buying the xbox since all those multiplatform titles are better on it
You're forgetting people who might have been waiting for the price drop, and who are also aware of the many good PS2 games that aren't on the Xbox.

As far as the top ten on the PS2, they might be multiplatform, but that doesn't change the fact that the PS2 userbase is nearly three times the size of the Xbox's. Of course they're going to sell more.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Lukas said:
who are all these morons buying a ps2 when it hasnt had like a single good game this year.......

look at the top 10 for the PS2, its all multiplatform titles, they might as well be buying the xbox since all those multiplatform titles are better on it

Here's an interesting concept for you. They are buying it because of all the great games that were already released!!

evil ways

SolidSnakex said:
When Sony releases GT4 and MGS3? I don't think so. :) Sony's got this first place lockedup until the next pricedrop when they'll get outsold for a month then Sony will drop their price and it'll be the same again.

Oh snap, I forgot about the deuce of the Holy Trinity. Though I was under the impression GT4 was set for September.
AirBrian said:
From the prediction thread:Nice sonycowboy! Your GBA numbers were off, but dead on with the rest.

Here's mine:I really underestimated GBA and PS2, but got GCN and Xbox.


I'd like to thank my parents, who without their support none of this would have been possible and in the Lord Jesus Christ for blessing me with my God given abilities :)


YOY Changes

PS2: -3%
Xbox: +55%
GCN: -12%
GBA: -21%

Activision: +23.9%
Electronic Arts: +13.4%
Midway: +132.8%
THQ: +0.3%
Take 2: -9.0%


yea then how come all those great games already released dont seem to be shifting any units month to month?


I'm not that suprised at the hardware numbers. The last of the Halo bundles sold out early in June. They provided a nice extra boost in April and May.


i say BS!!!! those GC numbers are too high!!! LOL. WTF!!!! 400k ps2s? sweet jesus when will it end??? is there no justice?
GhaleonEB said:
Yeah, didn't they ship like 3 million copies worldwide? I see a price drop here, fast.

June 24, 2004 - Atari, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATAR) today announced that it has shipped 2.5 million units of its highly anticipated DRIV3R to retails outlets worldwide. Since DRIV3R hit store shelves on June 21 in the U.S. and June 22 in Europe and Australia, consumer demand has been extremely strong.

Marconelly said:
PS2 - 54%
XB - 33%
GC - 14%

That is the largest monthly marketshare PS2 has had in the last 12 months. Teh Momentum is Uprising.

I don't think so. Anybody got the hardware numbers at their fingertips for the past 12 months?
Lukas said:
who are all these morons buying a ps2 when it hasnt had like a single good game this year.......

look at the top 10 for the PS2, its all multiplatform titles, they might as well be buying the xbox since all those multiplatform titles are better on it

It's not just about the top 10. Just look at how many more exclusive games the PS2 has on the shelf. Whether or not their good, it still looks impressive.

Anyone have a list of PS2 vs. Xbox exclusives released last month?


Lukas said:
who are all these morons buying a ps2 when it hasnt had like a single good game this year.......

look at the top 10 for the PS2, its all multiplatform titles, they might as well be buying the xbox since all those multiplatform titles are better on it
BeOnEdge said:
427k!!!! although 33% market share isnt THAT bad. the UPRISING is still on! just...errr....delayed....:(

Last month was also the Xbox's best chance for the rest of this year to outsell the PS2 since it didn't really have anything big exclusive.


Queen of Denmark
nubbe said:
MM:AC made the TOP25 thanks to GC!
Yeah, I think that's very interesting, that the GC version outsold the PS2 version...which was arguably the superior game, to boot!

GC: home to 8 year-olds and old-school gamers?


Well that's definately shocking! Most people expected the hardware to be much closer, and after I saw the software sales I definately thought it was going to be very close, perhaps even with the Xbox ahead.

I don't think I've ever seen software sales that close between the Xbox and PS2. Very ood, fun nonetheless! :)

Also, the GBA totally kicked ass, as did the NES classics series.


sonycowboy said:
I don't think so. Anybody got the hardware numbers at their fingertips for the past 12 months?
Month            PS2             Xbox            GCN             GBA 
June 2003	 440,834.00 	 166,879.00 	 124,080.00 	 660,366.00 
July 2003	 311,000.00 	 138,000.00 	 127,000.00 	 485,381.00 
August 2003	 291,000.00 	 146,000.00 	 100,000.00 	 369,000.00 
September 2003	 334,000.00 	 172,000.00 	 165,000.00 	 410,000.00 
October 2003	 300,000.00 	 176,000.00 	 254,000.00 	 401,000.00 
November 2003	 849,000.00 	 490,000.00 	 754,000.00    1,323,000.00 
December 2003  1,970,000.00    1,122,000.00    1,163,000.00    2,316,000.00 
January 2004	 338,000.00 	 192,000.00 	 131,000.00 	 299,000.00 
February 2004	 363,000.00 	 204,000.00 	 137,000.00 	 353,000.00 
March 2004	 294,437.00 	 198,445.00 	 163,028.00 	 496,614.00 
April 2004	 188,669.00 	 297,351.00 	  96,050.00 	 292,570.00 
May 2004	 253,454.00 	 216,997.00 	  77,827.00 	 270,000.00 
June 2004	 427,000.00 	 262,000.00 	 109,000.00 	 521,000.00
Here you go.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I don't think so. Anybody got the hardware numbers at their fingertips for the past 12 months?
Actually, it's ten months. I got it a bit wrong. Here are the monthly percentages for the PS2 in the last 12 months

54% (July 2003)
54% (June 2004)


Man, Xbox is really pulling away from GC. Almost a 2 million gap, i reckon it'll probably be about 2.5-3 million ahead of GC after Xmas


Not bitter, just unsweetened
time to put positive spin on this!

Xbox is the only console where there has been improvement YOY (June 2003/2004)

booyaH! =p


Queen of Denmark
Prine said:
Man, Xbox is really pulling away from GC. Almost a 2 million gap, i reckon it'll probably be about 2.5-3 million ahead of GC after Xmas
I agree. The GC's fate in America is locked at third place for now, although it could possibly make up some ground if Xenon hits in Fall '05, causing the Xbox to take a tumble. LoZ should also help in this regard.
Marconelly said:
Actually, it's ten months. I got it a bit wrong. Here are the monthly percentages for the PS2 in the last 12 months

54% (July 2003)
54% (June 2004)

WOW! I had no idea, they had slipped so much. So you're right! Even with the huge exclusives for the XBox, the PS2's got it back! LOL. Of course, a price drop never hurts either.

Next month will be the telling number; cue twilight zone theme as this is said EVERY SINGLE MONTH. We'll get em next time.
DopeyFish said:
time to put positive spin on this!

Xbox is the only console where there has been improvement YOY (June 2003/2004)

booyaH! =p

Nice try. I still lose ground each and every lap, but I'm losing less than I used to.


Queen of Denmark
open_mouth_ said:
Is Xbox #2 worldwide yet? I'd reckon' so...
I think at this point, it's so close between the GC and Xbox that it would be hard to say conclusively who is number two, especially since concrete European sales figures are hard/impossible to come by.
DopeyFish said:
time to put positive spin on this!

Xbox is the only console where there has been improvement YOY (June 2003/2004)

booyaH! =p

The Xbox did good, it just looks less impressive when you consider all the people who were so sure that the Xbox would outsell the PS2 this month.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
GCN sales as a percentage of Xbox sales for 2004:

[b]Pre-Xbox Price Cut[/b]

Jan 2004: 131,000/192,000 = 68.2%
Feb 2004: 137,000/204,000 = 67.2%
Mar 2004: 163,028/198,445 = 82.1%

[b]Post-Xbox Price Cut[/b]

Apr 2004:  96,050/297,351 = 32.3%
May 2004:  77,827/216,997 = 35.9%
Jun 2004: 109,000/262,000 = 41.6%

Hey Nintendo! It's time for another price cut or a GBA/GCN combo!!! And while you're at it try not to fuck up the advertising.


open_mouth_ said:
Is Xbox #2 worldwide yet? I'd reckon' so...
XBox and GameCube will likely both wind up around 20-25 million worldwide when the generation ends, likely within a million of each other. XBox's short term western gains will be voided by it's truncated lifespan and GameCube's commanding JP lead.

PS2 will probably be near 90 million when the generations done, and probably go on as a successful budget console after that.
jarrod said:
PS2 will probably be near 90 million when the generations done, and probably go on as a successful budget console after that.

It'll be the best selling console ever by the time it stops selling, which judging by the PSOne, won't be for a long time after it's release.


Queen of Denmark
JC10001 said:
GCN sales as a percentage of Xbox sales for 2004:

[b]Pre-Xbox Price Cut[/b]

Jan 2004: 131,000/192,000 = 68.2%
Feb 2004: 137,000/204,000 = 67.2%
Mar 2004: 163,028/198,445 = 82.1%

[b]Post-Xbox Price Cut[/b]

Apr 2004:  96,050/297,351 = 32.3%
May 2004:  77,827/216,997 = 35.9%
Jun 2004: 109,000/262,000 = 41.6%

Hey Nintendo! It's time for another price cut or a GBA/GCN combo!!! And while you're at it try not to fuck up the advertising.
I agree, but I think it's very unlikely, especially so relatively soon after the $99 cut. Nintendo's going to pin their hopes on the MP bundle for now. After that goes for a few months, they may start eyeing up a price cut or GBA deal.

Of course, they also just might go for packing in more software.
jarrod said:
XBox and GameCube will likely both wind up around 20-25 million worldwide when the generation ends, likely within a million of each other. XBox's short term western gains will be voided by it's truncated lifespan and GameCube's commanding JP lead.

PS2 will probably be near 90 million when the generations done, and probably go on as a successful budget console after that.

Are you putting an arbitrary timeline on this generation? PS2 will be @ 90 million by the middle of 2005. It should be @ 110 million by the middle of 2006.


jarrod said:
XBox and GameCube will likely both wind up around 20-25 million worldwide when the generation ends, likely within a million of each other. XBox's short term western gains will be voided by it's truncated lifespan and GameCube's commanding JP lead.

PS2 will probably be near 90 million when the generations done, and probably go on as a successful budget console after that.

I agree. The Xbox is currently 1.5 Million units ahead of GameCube in the U.S. but the Japanese GC is 3 Million units ahead and will become 4 Million units next year.
Xbox definately does have some momentum. In only two months out of the six this year the Xbox has failed to reach the 200,000 mark. And in those two months it missed that mark by a combined 10,000 units. Its already sold 1.37 million units this year. How long did it take to reach that mark last year?

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
human5892 said:
I agree, but I think it's very unlikely, especially so relatively soon after the $99 cut. Nintendo's going to pin their hopes on the MP bundle for now. After that goes for a few months, they may start eyeing up a price cut or GBA deal.

Of course, they also just might go for packing in more software.

So soon? The $99 price cut was almost a year ago. It went into effect last September.

At the very least I think they should drop the GCN to $80 and do for Metroid what they did for Zelda last year. In addition to MP they should include a collector's disc with Metroid 1, 2, and Super Metroid.


you guys are forgetting the rest of the world were Xbox also outsells the Gamecube pretty much by the same margin as it does in America

I would say Xbox is at the very least 2 million ahead of the GC

only place GC outsells Xbox is in Japan and 50,000 a month there isnt making up for the rest of the world


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
SolidSnakex said:
When Sony releases GT4 and MGS3? I don't think so. :) Sony's got this first place lockedup until the next pricedrop when they'll get outsold for a month then Sony will drop their price and it'll be the same again.
although I don't really like what you say about Nintendo 9Ive never heard you say anything good about them:p) i have to agree with you. PS2 will slaughter everything this holiday season and Halo 2 isnt gonna stop it.

As for worldwide sales, I just have to add up a few things and then I will tell you.
"I would say Xbox is at the very least 2 million ahead of the GC"

Even if they're ahead I doubt it's by that much. At E3 the GC was still leading the Xbox.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
More evidence of Xbox's momentum gain. In the first full month after the one in which the PS2 was the only console to have a price drop, it still couldn't regain its share advantage over Xbox. Year-over-year sales speak loudly.
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